Letter to those who read the blog - from Kathy

Dear Friends, Next week I will be out of town and will not be doing a blog for "Soul and Body."

I will pick it up again for "Ancient and Modern . . ." for the week May 28, 2017, doing it for that week and the next Lesson on "God the Only Cause . . . " After that, starting in June,  I will no longer be working for Principia. I am still not sure if the blog will continue or not. I'll let you know as it unfolds.

From June 4 to 14, I am taking a group to Israel  with my sister, Kristy Christian, and I'm going on a tour of Europe to study the Reformation until the middle of July. In between, I'll also be teaching  the second week of Summer Session at Principia College, June 19 - 23.

After late July, I will be working for Peace Haven Association in St. Louis. I'll be doing Lesson reading times for them and the broader community, but I'm still not sure about continuing the blog.

With so much love to everyone that comes onto this avenue for deeper Bible study!




Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Mortals and Immortals" for May 14, 2017

Dear Friends, At the bottom of the blog is a one-hour video of Chestnut Booth's talk for Principia on "The Biblical Roots of the Prayer That Heals." She gave it May 4 at the Upper School. Scroll down and enjoy:


Riding the Train of Mortality

Chart on preexistence updated

peck open shell blank       peck open our shells


Here is some research for this week's Bible Lesson.

Research: James 1:17 to 18 good gift

Research: I John 3 "what manner of love"

HeringH I John 3.1-3


Character of Esau and Jacob

dates for Jacob

"Jacob" from Bernice Shotwell's "Getting Acquainted with the Bible"

Map Jacob locations

Mural, St. Sulprice, Price

Research: Gen 32 . 1. 9,11. 24-30 Jacob wrestles the angel



Research: Gen 33. 1.4.8 to 10 Jacob meets Esau and 400 men



Research. Mark 5 Woman with issue of blood



Jacob and Esau:



worksheet on The Birth of Twins


Child’s version of the Story of Jacob


Abraham worksheets for elementary-age students:

These flashcards come from the website: www.http://ourcountryroad.blogspot.com/search/label/Abraham

pg 1 of 3 Abraham flashcards

pg 2 of 3 Abraham flashcards

pg 3 of 3 Abraham flashcards


Questions about Abraham  (for discussion about the history of Abraham)

Family tree Abraham blank-2

Family-tree-Abraham-answers pdf


People in the Abraham Story 

People in the Abraham Story answers


12 sons of Jacob:



Hope these ideas are helpful!









Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Adam and Fallen Man" for May 7, 2017

Dear Friends, Word Study for Adam May 7 2017

"Mark the perfect man" in Hebrew

Identity Poem: Genesis I or Genesis 2


Below is some research for the stories and events in the Lesson "Adam and Fallen Man."

“The book of Genesis has an importance to which no other document of history bears the slightest claim. It is not only the oldest book that is trustworthy history but the only one that opens to spiritual sense a clear concise view of God’s government and spiritual creation . . .”  (Mary Baker Eddy Library Accession #10360B).

Research: Gen. 1: 26, 27, 31

"Reflection" by L. Ivimy Gwalter, Dec. 7, 1940, CSS



Research Genesis 2: 6 to 8. 16-18, 21-22  Deep Sleep of Adam



Research. Gen 3: 1 - 6. 8, 9, 12, 13, 17 The Serpent of Genesis 3


Image result for man born blind

Research. John 9. 1-7 Healing of the Man Born Blind

POEM: "Beholder's Eye" Doris Kerns Quinn, July 31, 1989 CSS


map of Jerusalem



Acts 20.Eutychus


Working with high school or college-aged kids:

Genesis II Genesis I chart

chart original image mis 183

Thoughts about exams

Treatment Taking Exams

False beliefs about teenagers or college (to handle in thought)


Children's ideas:



Creation Booklet


Clip of video on "Jesus healing the man blind from birth"



Bible for Preschool Parents


Matching Game


New Bible Story each week


Hope these ideas are helpful!




Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Everlasting Punishment" for April 30, 2017

Dear Friends,Some articles from the periodicals on "Everlasting Punishment to gain a broader perspective on this subject.

"The Real and the Unreal Sense of Things" by Willis Gross, January 1905 CSJ

Questions and Answers CSS July 13, 1899

"Everlasting Punishment" by Helen K Brock, August 23, 1919, CSS

"Everlasting Punishment" by Annie Knott, November 25, 1916, CSS


Here is research on some passages in the Lesson.



PSALMS 23: 1,3,6

Link below on the book of Psalms from the Mother Church Global Sunday School website:



Hab. 1.13 God does not know evil






17_Caravaggio_Conversion of St. Paul, The Artwork: Conversion of St. Paul, The Artist: CARAVAGGIO Date: 1600 Technique: Oil on wood Location: Odescalchi Balbi Collection, Rome Notes: Probably a copy Subject: On the Way to Damascus Hosts: Art Renewal…

17_Caravaggio_Conversion of St. Paul, The Artwork: Conversion of St. Paul, The Artist: CARAVAGGIO Date: 1600 Technique: Oil on wood Location: Odescalchi Balbi Collection, Rome Notes: Probably a copy Subject: On the Way to Damascus Hosts: Art Renewal Center [IMAGE] CGFA - A Virtual Art Museum (Carol Gerten's Fine Art) [IMAGE] phespirit. Info [IMAGE] Thais (Italian) [IMAGE] Web Gallery of Art [IMAGE] Central left part of picture: World Art Treasures (Jacques-Edouard Berger Foundation) [IMAGE] Upper left quarter of picture: Thais (Italian) [IMAGE]



Research Act 9 Conversation of Saul

"The Road to Damascu" by Robert Ellis Key, September 1949, CSJ



Notes on the Background on Saul

Paul's timeline

Record of what Paul looked like:

(From the Acts of Paul and Thecla in the Apocrypha)

"A man small of stature, with a bald head and crooked legs, in a good state of body, with eyebrows meeting and nose somewhat hooked, full of friendliness, for how he appeared like a man, and now he had the face of an angel."

Screen Shot 2017-04-21 at 9.52.59 AM

Screen Shot 2017-04-21 at 9.52.59 AM



Ideas for "Probation After Death" for April 23, 2017

Dear Friends, In this week's Lesson, notice words like way, pathway, footsteps, path, walk, feet, Jesus as the Way, etc. It seems to be a theme running through the Lesson.

Also the word "righteousness" is used frequently. 

Righteousness in Hebrew is tsdaqah which means "rightness, rectitude, justice, moral virtue, right, piety, virtue."

Righteousness in the 1828 Webster's Dictionary means "adhering to moral principles; purity of heart and rectitude of life; conformity of heart and life to the divine law; equivalent to holiness, comprehending holy principles and affections of heart."

Word Study for Probation After Death 4.17.2017


Here is some research for the coming week's Lesson. (from Responsive Reading)

Psalm 119 general information



I Cor 15. 51 to 54 the trump shall sound


Research: Matt 4.17 and Mat (two beatitudes)


Research on "Dives and Lazarus" but not super inspiring. The most inspiring comes from the periodicals below:

Research: Luke-19-Lazarus-beggar-and-rich-man

FROM THE CS PERIODICALS ON "LAZARUS (the poor man) and DIVES (the rich man)

"Dives and Lazarus" by Anita St. John Kelly, June 1944, CSJ

Chart. rich man and lazarus parable Luke 16 19 to 26

"The Unbridgeable Gulf" by Douglas Roberts, September 6, 1947, CSS


James Tissot, Jesus Raising the Son of the Widow at Nain

Luke 7.11-15.Raising of widow's son

raise the dead sheet Blank sheet                answers to raise the dead sheet


SH 428:22 The great spiritual fact . . .


This is part of the teaching that Peter gives to Cornelius' house in Caesarea Maritima about Jesus' resurrection. His whole house is converted and the Holy Ghost comes upon them. This is the beginning of preaching freely to the Gentiles.

Screen Shot 2017-04-14 at 10.27.06 AMacts-10-peter-and-cornelius1

Acts 10: 38 to 41






Beatitude chart  to study the Beatitudes pg 1

Beatitude chart.page 2

Blessed is makarios

Flashcards  page 1  (from www.biblosfoundation.org)

Flash cards page 2 (from Biblos Foundation)


Hope these ideas are helpful!



Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Doctrine of Atonement" for April 16, 2017

days before crucifixion pg 1Dear Friends, Here is some research for this week's Lesson.

Word Study for Doctrine of Atonement April 16 2017



Research: Trials of Jesus John 18

Passion Week Chronology  (goes along with John 18 in Section 2, and John 19:38-42 in Section 3 of the Lesson.


Screen Shot 2017-04-08 at 6.48.00 AM

Research: Crucifixion of Jesus John 19: 1- 6, 16-18

Information on crucifixion

Map of Jerusalem includes where the six trials took place, the site of Golgotha and the Garden Tomb sites, Antonia Fortress, and east to the Mt. of Olives. If you want to see a large version, drag it onto your desktop, and double click on it. It should blow up to be 81/2 x 11". This is true of all the pictures on the blog.

Jerusalem map copy__________


another map with numbers on sites of crucifixion






Research: Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathaea: John 19. 38- 42



Research: Resurrection: John 20

The Empty Tomb in different Gospels


Video from CBN news on "The Garden Tomb" where we visit when we tour Jerusalem.



"The Way of Gethsemane" by Lucy Hays Reynolds, April 1945, CSJ

THE GLORY OF THE TOMB by Lucy Hays Reynolds, April 1931, CSJ

(an excerpt from the above article)

“In the long struggle and waiting in confining circumstances, or so-called physical disabilities, when day after day nothing seems to happen, when every door is closed and there appears no way out, the Christian Scientist, understanding that man reflects the perpetual activity of Mind, looks beyond the evidence of the senses and discerns the marvelous unfoldment taking place in consciousness through the reflection of divine Love. In the mighty wrestlings of overcoming error we discover that, although human energies and interests may seem to fail, we become animated with the graces of Spirit. Endurance, patience, and stability are all won in the overcoming of adverse experiences. Through the silent workings of Spirit, self-will and rebellion surrender to divine law. We step forth from our wrestling chastened and sanctified, with a new outlook, and new power. Think it not, then, an occasion for despair if we are seemingly buried in some hopeless situation. Be the condition what it may, let us make of the experience a quiet retreat of spiritual aloofness and security.”

Screen Shot 2017-04-08 at 8.29.45 AM


Here is the wonderful 6-hour movie called "Jesus of Nazaareth".  It is my favorite version of this story even though it was made in 1976. It is well worth viewing during this Easter season.






Places where tradition says the disciples preached after the crucifixion


Make a chart of the days leading up to the resurrection.  Here are some samples.

Screen Shot 2015-12-29 at 2.53.47 PM

Screen Shot 2015-12-29 at 2.54.11 PMdays before crucifixion pg 1     days before crucifixion page 2


CraftRisen2     CraftRisen1


Story Puzzle for beginning readers


Seven Synonyms on a ring

Perfect God and Perfect man


I hope these ideas are helpful!





Ideas for the Lesson on "Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real" for April 9, 2017

Dear Friends, Below are ideas and research to help study this week's Lesson on "Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?"


The question isn't whether or not the  problem is large or small, the question is always whether or not it is real or unreal.

DISEASE—REAL OR UNREAL by Ralph Wagers, CSS, April 9, 1960


Fannie Pierce’s reminiscence from what she heard from Mrs. Eddy:

If we hold to the knowledge that God is All and All-in-all, we cannot see the false claim, because being within the radius of Mind, we cannot see the inverted image, or false testimony of the senses.

The one thought to be held before all others is that God is All.  To hold it, and to know it, and to see no other claim as real – this will bring instantaneous healing.


Testimonies affirming the allness of God, and the nothingness of matter:

Freed from internal injuries, Virginia McClain, October 2010, CSJ

 "There is no power apart from God." Lois Estey, Dec. 1955, CSJ


These definitions come from Webster's 1828 Dictionary. There are even more of them, but I quit at four pages. The concept of "GOOD" is huge, and that is the basis of Section I in this week's Lesson.

Section I:  God is Good, and He creates only good.

Definition of "Good" from the Webster's 1828 Dictionary


Research for James 1. 17 only


Screen Shot 2017-04-03 at 11.01.46 AM  Screen Shot 2017-04-03 at 11.01.36 AM


Research. Matt 9. Sick of the palsy



Research. Luke 13 woman bowed over

Synagogue article

Notes on womanhood in Jesus' day



Research Acts 9 Dorcas


map of palestine

(The first  and the second healing takes place in Capernaum, where Peter's home was, and where Jesus' headquarters was in Galilee. The healing of Dorcas is in Joppa, a port near Lydda. See if you can find these places on the map.)



Lesson on Dorcas for children:



Lesson on healing of the paralytic:




Worksheets to help talk about Jesus:

The Cultural Times of Jesus of Nazareth

worksheet Jesus' times


Make flashcards out of the people and the answers


Womanhood in Jesus Day:  blank

Womanhood-in-Jesus-day (Teacher's Notes)


I hope these notes are helpful!





Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Unreality" for April 2, 2017

Ideas for the Lesson on "Unreality" Word-Study-for-Lesson-on-Unreality

Joel 2.23 former latter rain


Elisha and the Shunammite Woman 



Research II Kings. 4. Shunammite Woman

Notes on the prophet Elisha

"The Shunammite Woman"  by Mary Cummins, Sept. 13, 1919, CSS

Elisha’s Timeline

Map of Elijah and Elisha: If you can't click on this and enlarge it, type map of Elisha in your browser. Look for this map and drag it onto your desktop. Click on it and it should enlarge to 8 1/2 by 11.

Map of Shunum


Babylon the Mighty: Under the Assyrian Heel

Reseach II Kings 18 19 Hezekiah


"Know-the-truth" amplified



"Nehemiah's Wall" ideas for children ages 2-6


Prodigal Son ideas:




Conversation for Older children: The great spiritual fact . . .


Old testament Flashcards to put in order chronologically:

OT flashcards people


Hope these ideas are helpful!

With love,



Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Substance" for March 12, 2017


I will be helping take Principia students to Israel during spring break, from March 12 to March 22. Because of that, I will not be doing a blog post for the Bible Lesson until the Lesson on "Unreality" for March 26.


Word Study for Substance (from 1828 Webster’s Dictionary)

 [Latin substantia, substo; sub and sto, to stand.]

  1. Being; something existing by itself;
  2. that which really is or exists;
  3. The essential part; the main or material part.
  4. Something real, not imaginary; something solid, not empty.
  5. Goods; estate; means of living.

Substance: Greek is hypostasis

Setting or placing under; substructure; foundation

That which has foundation; is firm; has actual existence

Firmness; courage; resolution; confidence; trust; assurance


Research on healings and verses:

Hebrews 11. 1 faith substance

James 1 17 to 18 good gift

"Substance," by Henry Van Arsdale, CSJ, July 1912


Elijah and the Widow I Kings 17:10-13

Research: Widow and the oil II Kings 4:1-7

Chart II Kings 4. 1 to 7 widow and Elisah

"And the oil stayed" by Gladys Gordon CSJ October 1936


Acts 3. 1-8 Peter Heals Lame Man

Drawing of the Temple in Jesus' daywww-St-Takla-org--Peter-and-John-Healing-the-Lame-Man-Acts-3-01





https://www.pinterest.com/jennyj8/elisha-and-the-widows-oil/       If you aren't familiar with pinterest, you can look up any Bible story. Click where it says 'visit' and it will take you to the website source. Usually there are free downloads to print off if you want them.


An example lesson for teaching children ages 7 - 12

Chart of books of the Bible


map of Palestine






Hope some of these ideas meet your needs!

With love,



Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Man" for March 5, 2017

Dear Friends, This Lesson includes ideas on the concept of "forever" and also on the theme of "pre-existence, co-existence, and forever existence." 

Main themes in the Lesson on "Man"


Here is research on the main stories and healings in the Lesson:th-2

Section I: Man as image and likeness (reflection)

"The book of Genesis has an importance to which no other document of history bears the slightest claim. It is not only the oldest book that is trustworthy history but the only one that opens to spiritual sense a clear concise view of God's government and spiritual creation . . ."  (Mary Baker Eddy Library Accession #10360B).

Gen. 1.26 and 27 image and likeness

"Reflection" by Ivimy Gwalter, Dec. 7, 1940, CSS

Original image chart


Section 2:

Chart on pre-existence 

"I Was There" by Violet Hay, May 14 1955, CSS

Notes and ideas on Melchisedec

Hebrews 7 - A Priest Like Melchizedek


Section 3: Handling the belief of heredity 

Research. John 9. 1-7 Healing of the Man Born Blind

Map of Jerusalem



Section 4: Born Again (born from above) - Life is eternal, pre-existent

Research. John 3 1 to 15 Nicodemus and the New Birth



Section 5: Raising of widow's son at Nain -- Life is independent of matter

Luke 7.11-15.Raising of widows son

Map of palestine



Section VI:  Never born and never dying - Life is co-existent with God



Healing of the man let down through the roof:





Questions to ask about "reflection."

Questions for discussion about 'image'




7 1/2 minute You tube video:  "Jesus heals the man born blind"



Acorn Principia Bible Unit on Joshua


Hope these ideas are helpful!




Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Christ Jesus" for February 26, 2017

Dear Friends, Click here for a sheet on the possible main ideas for the sections in the lesson:

Main Ideas of Lesson

Notice the word "all" and  the words relating to it:  together, whosoever, every one, every nation, every child, man and woman, etc. etc. It speaks again to the inclusiveness  and universality of God's message through Christ Jesus to humanity.


Responsive Reading Research:  Ephesians 1

Eph 1. 2 to 12 adoption of sons


I Tim. 2  "There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus."

"The Mediator," Willis F. Gross, CSS, August 19, 1916


Map of Palestine

Notice the places on the map in this week's Lesson:

John the Baptist's prison location and where he was beheaded:  Machaerus (to the east of the Dead Sea)

Woman at the well: near Sychar in Samaria

Healing of the Centurion's servant: in Capernaum (on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee)


Article from Biblos Foundation on "John the Baptist" (as a member of Biblos Foundation, you have access to many Bible articles. Click here for more inforation:  www.biblosfoundation.org)



Here is some research on the Bible stories and passages in this week's Lesson:


Research. John 4. Woman at the well

"Wells of Water," Albert M. Le Messurier, CSJ, October 1916



Research. Matt 8. Centurion's servant


Research: I John 3 what manner of love

Herman Hering article on I John 3


Children's Ideas:

Teaching children the healing of the centurion's servant:




Click on the title below to see a craft project that goes along with the raising of Jairus' Daughter:



Flashcards on the Bible for Preschool: Not all options here fit with Christian Science theology:



Flashcards for grades K to 8:Not all options here fit with Christian Science theology:


Hope these ideas are helpful!



Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Mind" for February 19, 2017

Dear Friends, This lesson is filled with words like wisdom, knowledge, understanding, the way, teach, etc. Many are synonymous with each other.

Mrs. Eddy tells us that Christian Science 

". . . is not a search after wisdom, it is wisdom:"

". . . it is God’s right hand grasping the universe, — all time, space, immortality, thought, extension, cause, and effect; constituting and governing all identity, individuality, law, and power." Mis. 364:12-17


Word Study on "Mind"

MIND attributes chart

Word-Study-in-Greek-and-Hebrew-for-the-Lesson-on- "Mind"

Research: Proverbs 3. 5 6 Trust in the Lord


Here is some research for the stories in this week's Lesson.

BN-FW401_redsea_M_20141204152204    a2f7a835441010aceb8df321ac59e427

Research: Ex. 14: Moses Crossing the Red Sea

Moses' prayer crossing the Red Sea according to Josephus the historian. 

"Let the dry land appear", May Rimes Hutson,  July 1945 , CSJ

"Go Forward," by Lela May Aultman, Juine 5, 1948, CSS



Samuel anoints Saul king: Screen Shot 2017-02-11 at 7.49.05 AM

Research- I Sam 9. 3- 6, 10, 18- 20 Saul meets the prophet Samuel

map of Saul and Kish



Research Mark 1. 14 to 17  Fishers of men

"FISHERS OF MEN",  John Tutt, July 1956, CSJ

Why is a fish a symbol of early Christians


Idea for studying the concept of "Mind." Sometimes it is helpful to take a portion of S&H and spread it out in Concord and Word, and then go through that section looking up every word, explaining what something is, what it does, what it frees us from, writing treatments using the ideas, and also seeing all the biblical connections. It is just a way to see a concept we are familiar with in a whole new light. Here is the question in S&H 469, "What is Mind?"

I'm sharing this with you as an example. You might make a blank copy of something, and fill in the blanks yourself with your own insights. This is my beginning study on this question, "What is Mind?" Hope it is helpful as we all learn how to study more deeply!

What is Mind SH study



Moses Crossing the Red Sea for Acorn Newsletter at Principia

Screen Shot 2015-08-27 at 1.59.36 PM  Moses crossing the Red Sea for preschool 




The website www.biblefunforkids.com has a lot of ideas for teaching the disciples to children. Here are a few links, but there are more:





If you are a member of Biblos Foundation (my sister, Kristy Christian's foundation), you have FREE access to a Disciple Study Booklet that is really good. Just log into the website www.biblosfoundation.org, and go to Study Packets. You can run it off or use it on your computer.  There are timelines, charts, resources, etc. The cover looks like this:

Screen Shot 2017-02-11 at 7.32.52 AM

Here is one thing in the study packet:  disciple flashcards 


For older students on disciples:

DISCIPLE Worksheet

12 Disciples name them



I hope these ideas are helpful to you! 

With lots of love,






Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Soul" for February 12, 2017

If you live in the St. Louis area, join Evan MacDonald at Clarkson Valley Church on Saturday, Feb. 11, at 1:30 in the Sunday School, for a talk on how to talk to non-Scientists using the Bible. This talk is sponsored by the Joint Institutional Committee of St. Louis. Evan is a Bible teacher for the Principia Upper School.  __________

Also, join us for a Principia-sponsored Bible Talk:

given by Marilyn Wallace, CS, on "A Fresh Look at the Ten Commandments"

Thursday, February 16, 2017, at 7:30 p.m., in the Principia Middle School Center

All are welcome to attend.


Dear Friends,

This week's Lesson has a lot about substance in it, along with abundance, and infinite supply. To help a bit with those key words, click on the Word Study and attributes below.

Word Study for the Lesson on "Soul"

Soul definitions from 1828 Dictionary and Hebrew/Greek

Attributes and qualities of SOUL


Here is some research for the stories in this week's Lesson.


Research: I Kings 17. Elijah fed by the Ravens

(Just as the widow at Sarapeth was the lowest in society, the raven was considered the most unworthy of the fowls. But God used both of these to save Elijah in his time of great need.)

Ravens in the Bible

SH 511:28

The fowls, which fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven, correspond to aspirations soaring beyond and above corporeality to the understanding of the incorporeal and divine Principle, Love.



I Kings 17.8-16 Elijah. and widow at Zarepath

Elijah Timeline

Map for Elijah and Elisha's travels

If you want to print this map, search Elijah map. Find this one. Drag it to your desktop and print from there. It will be larger.


Peter's mother-in-law was healed Matthew 8:14-15

Research. Matt-8.-14-16-Peters-mother-in-law-fever

(This healing took place in Peter's home in Capernaum.)




Research: Matt. 17:24 Jesus and the tribute money

Articles related to the "Tax Money in Fishes Mouth"

"Taxes" by Helen M. Eastman, Dec. 18, 1943, CSS

"Demonstrating Unshrinkable Supply" by Alan A. Aylwin, Sept. 26, 1970, CSS





Creation Booklet

Books of Bible

Beatitude Concentration Game

Bell Ringer

Concrete objects or symbols

Dorothy's sample lesson

Hope these ideas are helpful!




Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Spirit" for February 5, 2017

If you live in the St. Louis area, join us for a Principia-sponsored Bible Talk:

Marilyn Wallace, CS, on "A Fresh Look at the Ten Commandments"

Thursday, February 16, 2017, at 7:30 pm, in the Principia Middle School Center

All are welcome to attend.


If you know of anyone (Sunday School teachers, friends, family) who might enjoy receiving this blog once a week, please enter their email in the box on the top right side of this page.  All are welcome!


Dear Friends,

Here is some word study on the subject of "Spirit."

SPIRIT attributes chart

Notes and research on "Spirit" in Greek


Research. Luke 4. Jesus and Nazareth


If you type into your URL line the words "Jesus of Nazareth in the synagogue" you can view on youtube a scene from the movie "Jesus of Nazareth" showing this event. Click on video just under the URL line. It begins with Jesus returning to Nazareth after the wilderness experience.


To expand your understanding of the history of Elijah and Elisha, click on the links below:

History of Divided Kingdom           Chart of Bible Elijah Elisha in red

Go to Google, type in the URL line -- timeline of Elijah and Elisha. Click on the word 'image' at the top of the page. These two images below will come up. You can print from your computer. If they aren't large enough, enlarge them on your computer by dragging the corners out. Then take a screenshot of the big pictures. And print those out for working with students.

Screen Shot 2017-01-27 at 8.00.17 AM      Screen Shot 2017-01-27 at 8.00.34 AM


elijah-and-elish   imagesResearch II Kings 2. 6 to 12 Elijah ascends

ELIJAH AND ELISHA by William Leander Post, August 19, 1911, CSS

A DOUBLE PORTION OF THY SPIRIT by Ada C. Best, Aoril 1911, CSJ__

God's Seers, by Jeanie Andrews, Feb. 4, 1911, CSS


Research. II Kings 2. 19 to 22 Elisha and Cruse of salt


Go to the Lesson on "Truth" on this blog and listen to Marshall McCurties' Chapel for the Upper School.  It is at 31:36 minutes on line at the bottom. He has some wonderful insights on an Elisha story that relates a bit to the story of the cruse of salt.


Research. Matt 15. 21 to 28. Syro-Pho woman



Research Acts 1 and 2 Pentecost

(an Eastern Orthodox Icon of the Christian Pentecost)




Folder book for Elijah.




Misc Ideas for preschool age


Ideas for young children


Hope these ideas are helpful!



Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Love" for January 29, 2017

A new "Museum of the Bible" is being built in Washington D.C.  Click here to see more about it! https://www.museumofthebible.org/museum


Dear Friends,

One theme that seems to run through this lesson is how Love rules out fear. Fear is mentioned many times in the lesson, in almost every section. 

"Fear is the belief in the existence of something apart from good. Love casts it out because Love understands the infinite oneness of Being without an unlikeness." Laura Sargent


Possible main ideas of each section: (Please know these are just what is coming to me. You might see completely different ideas.)

God is Love:

Section I: Infinite, omnipresent Love

Section II: Divine Love meets every need!

Section III: Universal brotherhood: "Love thy neighbor as thyself"

Section IV: Raising of Jairus' daughter (Fear not!) Handle fear first in every treatment!

Section V: Jesus walking on the water. Peter follows him but sinks when he becomes afraid and looks away from the Christ.

Section VI: "be not afraid," Divine Love is the shepherd!


Attributes of LOVE:

WHAT IS LOVE attributes chart  (These qualities and attributes are not all of them. But they are a start in applying our understanding of what Love is and does.)


GOD IS LOVE!  I John 4:16   (agape in Greek)

Research: agape and phileo

John: on love one another

LOVE defined from Eerdman's Bible Dictionary

"Love" by Frederick Dixon, CSJ, March 1909


Research: Luke 12, Take no thought


good-samaritanResearch: Luke 10. Good Samaritan

the-raising-of-jairus-daughter-english-schoolResearch: Luke 8. Raising Jairus' daughter



Research: Matt 14. Walking on the Sea


Every Monday morning in the Upper School a Chapel is shared by members of the community. Last week's was given my Marshall McCurties, and it was about "True Freedom." I thought you all might like to hear it. It was just excellent.

Skim through the first part and go to 17:58 minutes to hear his Chapel. The first half is something else where the students are talking about Martin Luther King.




Priority Equation explanation                   Priority Equation: blank for student


"Are we benefited by praying?" SH 6:4

Here is a chart that might help have a conversation or discussion about prayer and what it means to pray:

Qualities of thought needed.blank                   Qualities of thought needed (teacher)


This website from Bible Fun For Kids is a great way to teach the books of the Bible. It is a FREE download but you have to go to their website to receive it. Then you can print it off yourself.



This website has a pop-up book to be made on all the parables of Jesus.



The following two links are ways to teach Jesus' life and the disciples to preschool age up to about second graders.



Hope these are helpful!

with love,







Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Truth" for January 22, 2017

Dear Friends, This week's Lesson is built around the "leaven" of Truth: Science, Theology, and Medicine. (17 out of 32 markers speak to this subject). The first section establishes Truth's authority in the Scriptures with the "little book" in Revelation 10, which is Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I know you will enjoy your deeper study of this outstanding Lesson!

Mary Baker Eddy wrote one time in a letter:

"One favor I ask for you -- that you take more time than you have done to study, read, and reread Science and Health. You need it and this will do more for you than you have any idea, and is just what you do need to prepare yourself to take up anew and with brighter and clearer and more spiritual vision the teaching and preaching of the Word that is God. Too much preparation cannot be given to this."  (MBE L06961)


Qualities and attributes of Truth

Word Study for the Lesson on Truth


Below is some research on the stories and events and verses in this week's Lesson.

Research- Rev. 10. 1,2,8,10,11 little book



Research: Matt. 13, three measures of meal

THE LEAVEN OF TRUTH by Duncan Sinclair, July 1934, CSJ



Research: Mark 6, Jesus walks on the water



Research. Mark 5 issue of blood



Research on verses:

Responsive Reading verses:  Research- Is 29.17 Lebanon fruitful field

Research 29.18 see and hear words of book


Deut. 6:4,5 and Matt. 22:37, Shema notes and thoughts

What is the Shema: Deut 6:4? and the Mezuzah?



Notes and thoughts on 'knowing the Truth"



The link below has Bible fun facts for preschool-age. Not all of them are appropriate for Christian Scientists, so check them out before giving them all to students.  But several might be helpful:



Walking on water:

jesus-walks-on-water      Jesus walks on water     water and waves

See below for a sample of Jesus walking on water for children:

Take one sheet of blue construction paper for the base. Cut two strips of waves the horizontal length of the paper. Do not glue them on, but glue them only on the right and left sides-ends, so the middle is loose.

Have the pieces to make the boat already cut out for the children.

Make a template for a man who wears a robe, to be Jesus. Cut it out for the child and let him color it. Have the child glue a straw on the back of the Jesus figure.  Put the straw figure between the waves and let him walk on the water until he gets to the boat: 

Screen Shot 2017-01-13 at 11.00.30 AMScreen Shot 2017-01-13 at 11.00.42 AMScreen Shot 2017-01-13 at 11.00.50 AM


Talk about Science and Health: the Key to the Scriptures



Under the idea of Jesus' teachings:

Two greatest commandments:

"Love God supremely! "Love your neighbor as yourself!"



Hope these ideas are helpful to you!  If you know of anyone who might enjoy being on the blog, just put their email up in the right hand corner or send it to me, and I will add them to the list that receives it every Sunday.

with love,


Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Life" for January 15, 2017

Dear friends, Life qualities list

Metaphor fountain of life


Sometimes it is helpful to take the qualities and attributes of the definition of God and write out a treatment to amplify and work and embody them. Here is my attempt for the synonym on "Life."  Know that yours could look very different, and this is just to help prime the pump of inspiration. This could be done for each synonym.

Treatment using the synonym of LIFE


Here is some research on the stories and events in this week's lesson:

Research: Dan. 6 Daniel and lion's den


Map of Babylonian Empire

Timeline: overall Bible and where Daniel fits in


These thoughts and motives are just coming from my own study. You may see different qualities and ideas. These are just examples:

What are the thoughts behind each character in the Daniel story


Daniel picture given to MBE


"Some Thoughts about Resentment" Louise Knight Wheatley, CSJ


Research: John 3.1-8.Nicodemus Born Again2.WORD.11-16-14



Research: Acts-20. 7-12-Eutychus



This week someone asked me to give them an assignment, so they could begin to look up Bible stories in the Lesson. If you are interested, you are welcome to do the same. Here is the assignment:  Assignment



New Bible Story each week

attributes_and negative qualities for 7 syn

synonym chart to work with individually or on a larger chart


Click below for Den and lions to be run off and glued together.



SONG: DARE TO BE A DANIEL:     Poem and song Daniel LYRICS



Preschool Unit from Acorn for Daniel


Hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Sacrament" for January 8, 2017

Dear friends, In an editorial by Ella Hoag, a student of Mrs. Eddy, she quotes Mrs. Eddy telling  "why we kneel and pray" during the Communion Service.

"Communion,"  by Ella Hoag, July 1, 1922, CSS  (see link below)

"The sacrament shall be observed ... by a short interval of solemn and silent self-examination by each member, as to his or her fitness to be called a follower of Christ, Truth; as to his real state of love toward man, and fellowship and communion with Christ; as to whether he is gaining in the understanding and demonstration of Truth and Love, coming out from the world and being separated from error; growing less selfish, more charitable and spiritual, yea, walking worthy of his high calling.”

“One should turn into his consciousness with renewed carefulness the ever searching light of Truth. Shall it not be a specific time for purging from one's thought all that is unworthy and untrue?”


I’m seeing the Lesson through some major self-examination questions:

How am I worshipping God?

Am I preparing the way for the Christ to enter my consciousness and my life? What work do I need to do to prepare my thought?

Am I preparing my thought for the Last Supper - spiritual communion with God? Am I being baptized daily?

 Am I prepared for the resurrection thought? Would I be prepared to bear witness to the resurrection? Or would I be like Peter? Or John? Or Thomas?

 Would I be one of the seven at the morning meal?

Am I fishing on the right side of the boat?

Am I one of the elders who are called to pray for the sick in the church? Or am I one of the sick who needs to call on an elder? 


Research on events and stories in the Lesson:

Passion Week Chronology


Research on: Luke 3 - John the Baptist

Relation of "baptism" and making a pickle


Research on: Mark 14: 13 to 26 passover


Research on: Mark 16: 6, 9, 14 resurrection

resurrection view image (click here for a resurrection view coming up out of the tomb)

thScreen Shot 2017-01-03 at 12.38.35 PM

Ron DiCiannis mural image  Click here for a modern mural painting of the resurrection! Just stunning!

Description of the mural: "The Resurrection Mural" is the largest contemporary depiction of the resurrection of Jesus Christ in modern history


Notes on Mary Magdalene


Research John 21: 1. 3 to 6. 9. 12 Morning Meal




Older children:

Appearances of Jesus after the resurrection


Chart Pharisees.Sadducees  (generation of vipers)

Younger children:

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3uNEVAAKowpQ2RTdmNuUWk0eDA/view  (this link takes you to a set of puzzles with questions and answers about Jesus)

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3uNEVAAKowpMmNEMHFnTWpYQkk/view (this link is a large timeline of the life of Jesus)

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3uNEVAAKowpRXQ5aC1OMThxcFk/view (These are task cards about the resurrection. Always look these over first and use only what is in consonance with Christian Science theology. Or use them as examples, and make your own.)

Hope these sources and ideas are helpful to you!





Ideas to study the Lesson on "God," for January 1, 2017

Dear friends, Possible Themes for the sections of the Lesson:

Responsive Reading: Fear not! for I am with thee!

Section I:  I Am that I Am, indestructible substance of God

Section II: God is infinite

Section III: God is unchangeable and immutable

Section IV:  "With God, nothing is impossible"  the WORKS

Section V:  God is All-in-all!


Here are some  research ideas for this week's Lesson.

Research: I AM, Ex. 3

Research: Deut. 6: 4,5 (the shema)

Research for James 1. 17 


"Priestly Blessing" found in Jerusalem: read the articles below by clicking on the links:

Links Priestly blessing Num 6_24-26


Notice the position of Samaria on the map:

map of palestine (click here for a printable map)

Screen Shot 2016-12-24 at 6.09.24 AM

Research: Luke 17 ten lepers



OLDER Children:

SHEMA for students       SHEMA with answers

Ideas to work with to learn the seven synonyms:

These ideas can be adapted to any age child and used at home or in Sunday School. I’m giving you a list of attributes of all seven synonyms, but know that you can add to them eternally. They can be used for little booklets, charts to list them for class, on rings or on beaded necklaces to take home,  on a train for a bulletin board with places to put the attributes on in the train cars, etc. etc.



Here are two sheets with qualities and attributes of the synonyms. Just know there are infinitely more of them. Working with small children, you can begin with just the names of the synonyms, (even making flash cards of the names for God) and then add one or two qualities as they are able, and then build on them up through high school.

page 1 list of synonyms and attributes

page 2 synonyms and attributes

Sometimes it is helpful to think about the synonyms and what they free us from. Here is a chart that might support that idea. This chart can be duplicated for each child and played like a game. Draw a card (compassion, intelligence, substance, flexibility, etc.) and place the card under the correct synonym. Or it can be made into a large wall chart and discussed that way. Or it can be made individually with one synonym on each chart. (This chart comes from www.biblosfoundation.org in the Teaching Section.)

7 syn chart

7 syn chart pdf  (click here for a chart to print)



Synonym flash card words

Hope these ideas are helpful!

With love,



Ideas for the Lesson on "Christian Science," on December 25, 2016


“It is most fitting that Christian Scientists memorize the nativity of Jesus.” (Mis. 374:17).

Articles for further study on the "Christ" from the CS periodicals.


Dear Friends,

Here is research for some of the main stories in this week's Lesson:

 Matt 2. 1.2.10 Star of Bethlehem

Three Wise Men gifts & star

(Some of these ideas came from a talk I heard years ago. I cannot footnote them, but I think they are worth pondering.)

References from Mary Baker Eddy’s writings on "the star"


Luke 1.26 Annunciation-Gabriel


Research Matt 1 Joseph & virgin birth


Research on Matt 3 Baptism Jesus


Research Luke 5. 12.13 leper


Research: John 14. 16.17.26 Comforter

"The Second Coming" Albert F. Gilmore, Nov. 1939, CSJ



For older children: the Comforter worksheet

Comforter Worksheet

From Acorn Online for Christmas: for children ages two to six

The Nativity

From www.biblefunforkids.com website:

Birth of Jesus tab book




Jesus birth timeline


Have a wonderful Christmas season!

With love,
