Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Doctrine of Atonement" for April 16, 2017

days before crucifixion pg 1Dear Friends, Here is some research for this week's Lesson.

Word Study for Doctrine of Atonement April 16 2017



Research: Trials of Jesus John 18

Passion Week Chronology  (goes along with John 18 in Section 2, and John 19:38-42 in Section 3 of the Lesson.


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Research: Crucifixion of Jesus John 19: 1- 6, 16-18

Information on crucifixion

Map of Jerusalem includes where the six trials took place, the site of Golgotha and the Garden Tomb sites, Antonia Fortress, and east to the Mt. of Olives. If you want to see a large version, drag it onto your desktop, and double click on it. It should blow up to be 81/2 x 11". This is true of all the pictures on the blog.

Jerusalem map copy__________


another map with numbers on sites of crucifixion






Research: Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathaea: John 19. 38- 42



Research: Resurrection: John 20

The Empty Tomb in different Gospels


Video from CBN news on "The Garden Tomb" where we visit when we tour Jerusalem.


"The Way of Gethsemane" by Lucy Hays Reynolds, April 1945, CSJ

THE GLORY OF THE TOMB by Lucy Hays Reynolds, April 1931, CSJ

(an excerpt from the above article)

“In the long struggle and waiting in confining circumstances, or so-called physical disabilities, when day after day nothing seems to happen, when every door is closed and there appears no way out, the Christian Scientist, understanding that man reflects the perpetual activity of Mind, looks beyond the evidence of the senses and discerns the marvelous unfoldment taking place in consciousness through the reflection of divine Love. In the mighty wrestlings of overcoming error we discover that, although human energies and interests may seem to fail, we become animated with the graces of Spirit. Endurance, patience, and stability are all won in the overcoming of adverse experiences. Through the silent workings of Spirit, self-will and rebellion surrender to divine law. We step forth from our wrestling chastened and sanctified, with a new outlook, and new power. Think it not, then, an occasion for despair if we are seemingly buried in some hopeless situation. Be the condition what it may, let us make of the experience a quiet retreat of spiritual aloofness and security.”

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Here is the wonderful 6-hour movie called "Jesus of Nazaareth".  It is my favorite version of this story even though it was made in 1976. It is well worth viewing during this Easter season.




Places where tradition says the disciples preached after the crucifixion


Make a chart of the days leading up to the resurrection.  Here are some samples.

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Screen Shot 2015-12-29 at 2.54.11 PMdays before crucifixion pg 1     days before crucifixion page 2


CraftRisen2     CraftRisen1


Story Puzzle for beginning readers


Seven Synonyms on a ring

Perfect God and Perfect man


I hope these ideas are helpful!
