Ideas for "Probation After Death" for April 23, 2017

Dear Friends, In this week's Lesson, notice words like way, pathway, footsteps, path, walk, feet, Jesus as the Way, etc. It seems to be a theme running through the Lesson.

Also the word "righteousness" is used frequently. 

Righteousness in Hebrew is tsdaqah which means "rightness, rectitude, justice, moral virtue, right, piety, virtue."

Righteousness in the 1828 Webster's Dictionary means "adhering to moral principles; purity of heart and rectitude of life; conformity of heart and life to the divine law; equivalent to holiness, comprehending holy principles and affections of heart."

Word Study for Probation After Death 4.17.2017


Here is some research for the coming week's Lesson. (from Responsive Reading)

Psalm 119 general information



I Cor 15. 51 to 54 the trump shall sound


Research: Matt 4.17 and Mat (two beatitudes)


Research on "Dives and Lazarus" but not super inspiring. The most inspiring comes from the periodicals below:

Research: Luke-19-Lazarus-beggar-and-rich-man

FROM THE CS PERIODICALS ON "LAZARUS (the poor man) and DIVES (the rich man)

"Dives and Lazarus" by Anita St. John Kelly, June 1944, CSJ

Chart. rich man and lazarus parable Luke 16 19 to 26

"The Unbridgeable Gulf" by Douglas Roberts, September 6, 1947, CSS


James Tissot, Jesus Raising the Son of the Widow at Nain

Luke 7.11-15.Raising of widow's son

raise the dead sheet Blank sheet                answers to raise the dead sheet


SH 428:22 The great spiritual fact . . .


This is part of the teaching that Peter gives to Cornelius' house in Caesarea Maritima about Jesus' resurrection. His whole house is converted and the Holy Ghost comes upon them. This is the beginning of preaching freely to the Gentiles.

Screen Shot 2017-04-14 at 10.27.06 AMacts-10-peter-and-cornelius1

Acts 10: 38 to 41




Beatitude chart  to study the Beatitudes pg 1

Beatitude 2

Blessed is makarios

Flashcards  page 1  (from

Flash cards page 2 (from Biblos Foundation)


Hope these ideas are helpful!
