Dear Friends, This week's Lesson is built around the "leaven" of Truth: Science, Theology, and Medicine. (17 out of 32 markers speak to this subject). The first section establishes Truth's authority in the Scriptures with the "little book" in Revelation 10, which is Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I know you will enjoy your deeper study of this outstanding Lesson!
Mary Baker Eddy wrote one time in a letter:
"One favor I ask for you -- that you take more time than you have done to study, read, and reread Science and Health. You need it and this will do more for you than you have any idea, and is just what you do need to prepare yourself to take up anew and with brighter and clearer and more spiritual vision the teaching and preaching of the Word that is God. Too much preparation cannot be given to this." (MBE L06961)
Qualities and attributes of Truth
Word Study for the Lesson on Truth
Below is some research on the stories and events and verses in this week's Lesson.
Research- Rev. 10. 1,2,8,10,11 little book
Research: Matt. 13, three measures of meal
THE LEAVEN OF TRUTH by Duncan Sinclair, July 1934, CSJ
Research: Mark 6, Jesus walks on the water
Research. Mark 5 issue of blood
Responsive Reading verses: Research- Is 29.17 Lebanon fruitful field
Research 29.18 see and hear words of book
Deut. 6:4,5 and Matt. 22:37, Shema notes and thoughts
What is the Shema: Deut 6:4? and the Mezuzah?
Notes and thoughts on 'knowing the Truth"
Walking on water:
jesus-walks-on-water Jesus walks on water water and waves
See below for a sample of Jesus walking on water for children:
Take one sheet of blue construction paper for the base. Cut two strips of waves the horizontal length of the paper. Do not glue them on, but glue them only on the right and left sides-ends, so the middle is loose.
Have the pieces to make the boat already cut out for the children.
Make a template for a man who wears a robe, to be Jesus. Cut it out for the child and let him color it. Have the child glue a straw on the back of the Jesus figure. Put the straw figure between the waves and let him walk on the water until he gets to the boat:
Talk about Science and Health: the Key to the Scriptures
Under the idea of Jesus' teachings:
Two greatest commandments:
"Love God supremely! "Love your neighbor as yourself!"
Hope these ideas are helpful to you! If you know of anyone who might enjoy being on the blog, just put their email up in the right hand corner or send it to me, and I will add them to the list that receives it every Sunday.
with love,