Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Is the Universe, including man,. . ." December 18, 2016

Dear Friends, One of the major threads running through this week's Lesson is the idea of "power." Here is a sheet showing 26 times where the word power or strength or dominion is used.

Use of the word "power" on the lesson


Here is some research for some of the stories in this week's lesson:

Research: I Kings 18. 42 to 45 Elijah drought





Research: Matt. 9 Healing of Sick of the Palsy


Research: Mark 4 Jesus Stills the Storm

Citations about Sea



From Acorn Online for Christmas: for children ages two to six

The Nativity

From website:

Birth of Jesus tab book

Jesus birth timeline


Hope these are useful!







Ideas for studying the Lesson on "God the Preserver of Man" for December 11, 2016

Dear Friends, This is an exceptionally beautiful Lesson. Discovering themes or main ideas for each section can sometimes be helpful. Here are the ones I am seeing. However, know that yours could look very different.

Main themes: "O man, greatly beloved,"  the Fatherhood of man (the word Father is used over and over)

Section I:  "Our Father" — relationship with God

Section II:  Abram to Abraham, the Father of Nations

Section III:  Moses and the water from the rock: Divine Love meets every need

Section IV:  Caleb: handling age and deterioration

Section V: Raising of Jairus' daughter, "little children"

Section VI: "I and my Father are one"

Section VII: "O man, greatly beloved"


Here is some research on various verses and stories in the Lesson:

Research on Matt 6. 9 13 Our Father


Deut 33: 12, 27 Everlasting Arms

12 tribes of Israel   (click here to get a larger version)



Do you want to know more about the Abram-Abraham story? Read this excerpt from "Old Testament Made Easy":

The History of Abraham

God’s Covenant with Abraham

Research: Gen. 12 and 17 Abram's call from God and the covenant with God

Map of Abraham's journey (click here for larger map)

abrahams-journey copy


Research: Num 20 Moses and Water from the rock

Click here to get a larger map:  Map of the Exodus

Screen Shot 2016-12-04 at 7.06.55 AM



Activities for children on "Moses getting water from the rock"



SALT TRAYS: This is one of my most popular teaching tools since September with this age group - individual salt trays!   The children use them as "answer sheets" or "chalkboards" for a lesson or Bible story review.  For example, after we read the story of Jesus' birth from Luke and Matthew, I had a list of review questions.  Example: "Who was sent from God to tell of the baby's birth?"  The children say, "an angel."  I say, write the letter you hear at the beginning of the word "angel."  (If the question requires a number or "no or yes" answer, they write that in the salt.)  The children can't wait to hear the next question!  So far, my best salt trays are aluminum pie pans for the tall sides.  I've also used Styrofoam meat trays from the grocery store meat department.  (If they don't have black, tape colored construction paper to the bottom of the tray to achieve a color contrast for the salt.)  Tip:  As with any new teaching tool, talk about how to use it appropriately.  At first, most of the children wanted to eat the salt.  I let them try it, and then it wasn't so much a fascination after that.  (Sent in by a preschool Sunday School teacher from Richardson, Texas.)



Details of Abraham's life (from Berneice Shotwell's book)


Family tree Abraham blank         Family tree Abraham answers

Here is a little activity about the people in Abraham's story. Cut out the answers and glue them next to the names. Or make flashcards out of them and match them up.

People in the Abraham Story           People in the Abraham Story answers


Questions about Abraham


ABRAHAM TIMELINE blank          Abraham Timeline answers    Abraham Timeline of his age and events


Flashcards of people in the Abraham Story. Cut them out and put a set in a baggie for each child.  Work with them in class. Put the family tree together using flashcards.  Then ask questions and let the students hold up the correct card.

Ex. Who was Abraham's wife?

pg 1 of 3 Abraham flashcards

pg 2 of 3 Abraham flashcards

pg 3 of 3 Abraham flashcards


Make these questions into flashcards about Abraham's Story and study them for a while until the students know the answers.

Flashcards for Abraham test

See if the students can answer these questions on a 'pretend' test. If not, work with them until they can.

Test on Abraham


Hope these ideas are helpful!

With love,







Ideas for studying the Lesson on "God the only Cause and Creator" for December 4, 2016

Dear Friends, Would you like to study the Bible more deeply yourself? I am more than willing to support your deeper study. Just e-mail me or give me a call.  (618-980-2207,

Here is a sheet of some websites that I use when I go deeper into a story in the Bible:

Web Sources for deeper study


Looking for the main themes or ideas in each section of the Bible Lesson is sometimes helpful. These are mine. However, yours can look very different.

Responsive Reading:  immediacy of God's Word "he spake and it was done!" (He causes and creates)

Section 1:  God is the ONLY Cause and Creator  (only means this one and no other, nothing more)

Section 2:  Definition of the Dominion Man

Section 3: Birth (Genesis) of Jesus as fulfillment of prophecy/  spiritual origin

Section 4: "Like produces like"/  God is the fount of all being, so no deformity

Section 5: God = priority/ all needs met

Section 6:  God causeth the victory! All causation is in Mind!


Here is some research for a few of the events and verses in this week's Lesson.

Research: John 1:1 The Word


In Sunday School, have individual maps ready to point out where Nazareth and Bethlehem are. (This map is courtesy of Biblos Foundation.)

map of palestine


Research Matt 1. 18 22 23 virgin birth


Research: Luke 4.16 to 21 Jesus in Syn.


Go to Google images and type in "Jesus in the synagogue." You can print off a picture for Sunday School. 


Research for James 1. 17


Research: Matt 6. 25 to 33 take no thought



(for a discussion with students at home or in Sunday School):

Priority Equation  with answers 


Definition of Man discussion sheets for older students:

Blank definition of man chart

Definition of man answers

For young children, take one line and amplify it with them.


Many people have asked for this list again. 

Bible for Preschool Parents


Felt Story characters OT link     (These can be printed out and glued onto a booklet for the young child to develop vocabulary about the stories.)


desk-top laminating machine   (This is a wonderful tool for preserving flash cards and other things that you make for Sunday School.)


Hope these ideas are helpful!

With love,




Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Ancient and modern. . . " Nov. 27, 2016

Dear Friends, Kristy and I still have places on our Israel trip for June 4-14. The cost is $4200, but it includes airfare from St. Louis which is a really good price! We'd love to have you join us! Just email or call Kathy at 618 980 2207 or

Israel. June 2017 itinerary       Cost and signup


Ideas to help study this week's Lesson:

"Mrs. Eddy was once asked how often A.M. should be handled, and she replied, "Three times a day and all the time in between."  (Hermann Herring)

Word Study for "Ancient and Modern. . ."

How does this week’s Lesson define these terms


Isa 14 Lucifer fallen


Judges18: Dan

12 tribes map (including two areas for Dan)



More on the Twelve Tribes for adults:

The Twelve Sons of Jacob

Glossary from S&H definitions of the twelve children of Jacob


Luke 4.33-36 Unclean Spirit


Research Matt 4 1 to 11 Temptations

Temptation of Jesus Blank CHART  (for older kids

Temptation of Jesus CHART with answersanswers



For children on the twelve tribes:

CHART: the mothers of Jacobs sons

Flashcards and charts on twelve tribes (sons):


The Life of Jesus through flashcards:  print, cut out, and let the children put them in sequence


Hope these ideas are helpful!









Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Soul and Body" for November 6, 2016

Dear Friends, REMINDER:  Dorothy Halverson (Acorn Director) and I are holding a FREE Parent Preschool Workshop to share ideas on working with children ages two to six on the Bible. Anyone in the St. Louis/Elsah areas are invited to attend. Please let me know if you are wanting to come, so we have enough supplies. We are making packets filled with Bible ideas to give to you. 

On December 3rd, I will hold a workshop for Parents and Teachers who are working with children ages six to high school. The topic will be "Knowing more about Jesus' times." We will look at Palestine in Jesus' day, the Temple and the synagogue, and upcoming healing or events in the next few weeks' Lessons. All are welcome to attend! Again, just let me know. (


Here is some research for events, verses, or healing in this week's Lesson on "Soul and Body."

I Thess 5-23 soul and body and soul in Ps. 42:2 (citation 18 in the Bible, section 6 and Responsive Reading, Ps. 42:2)


Ps responsive reading


Research on Dan 1. Ashpenaz and 3 Hebrew boys

Where does Daniel fit into the whole Bible? Here is an overall view of the Bible that might help.

Chart of Bible


Babylon map pdf

Daniel Timeline PDF


Research on John 5. Pool of Bethesda

Bethesda Pools in Jerusalem



Ideas for teaching the story of Daniel and the 3 Hebrew boys with the eunuch and Nebuchadnezzar:


Ideas for teaching Daniel and the Lion's Den:


Questions for discussion on Healing at Pool of Bethesda


Matching Game

Perfect God and Perfect man

Perfect Reflection



I hope these ideas are helpful to you!


Kathy Merrill, Bible Coordinator at Principia School



Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Mortals and Immortals" for November 13, 2016

Dear friends, Word Study for Mortals and Immortals

This paragraph from "Are we a mortal? by John Hargreaves, page 48, has been helpful to me in distinguishing between the mortal and immortal idea of experience.

"Are we a mortal?"


Here is some research on the stories, events, or verses in this week's lesson:

Job 38 and Job 42

II Cor 5- 1.4.5 earthly house

Hebrews 4. 12 Word of God


Research: David and Goliath I Sam. 17

Map of Saul and David


Research: Matt 17.1-9 Transfiguration

"This quote from "We Knew Mary Baker Eddy" , Emma Shipman Reminiscences, amplified, Volume I, p. 309-310.

"She [Mrs. Eddy] called to our attention, as she had to earlier classes, the experience of the three disciples on the mount of transfiguration.  She quoted Peter's words, 'Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias' (Mark 9:5).  Our teacher said, in substance, that these three tabernacles are to be in our hearts.  One for Christ Jesus, to be built by self-consecration on the foundation of victory over sin, sickness, and death.  One for Moses, or the law, built by our strict adherence to the Ten Commandments.  The third, for Elias, was for prophetic vision, which can be built only as we are motivated by all that is high and holy."


Chart to ponder and think about on "Pre-Existence"

Chart on pre-existence

Article: "I Was There" by Violet Hay, CSS, May 14, 1955



CHILDREN'S IDEAS: for homeschooling the story of David

High School age:  "Deny himself"



Lots of ideas for several units on teaching about King David.


Picture of the Valley of Elah where David and Goliath took place


Template to make King David with paper bag:

David Killed Goliath Template

David Killed Goliath Template2


David finger puppets


David and Goliath characters

Goliath 9 ft tall      (comes from website

dot to dot david



Acorn online: Lesson Plan: David and Goliath


Youtube 24 minute cartoon version of David for elementary age kids:


Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Adam and Fallen Man," November 6, 2016 Janet Horton's Talk at Principia

Dear Friends, Here is the link for Chaplain Janet Horton's Bible Talk called "A Bible Story for Every Occasion."


Notice the word "upright" throughout this week's Lesson.

Word Study for Adam and Fallen Man


Research on various stories in this week's Lesson:

Research: Genesis I: 26, 27, 31

Notes: Study of Image

Notes and research: God gave man dominion


Research: Genesis 2


Research: Genesis 3 - Serpent and Eve


Research: Luke 13: 11 to 17 woman bowed   jesus-heals-woman-on-the-sabbath-1

Synagogue article


Research: Zacchaeus


Mark the Perfect Man__blank               Mark the Perfect Man__with answers



For older children:

Identity Poem

Analogy of the mist

Jesus as the remedy chart                        remedy for Adam blank

Click on this link. Then click on the date. When the page comes up, click on the download. There is a puzzle, a coloring page, a craft, all on Zacchaeus.


zacchaeus template

zacchaeus-come-down-coloring-page (1)


IMG_5440 IMG_5439

The line down the middle needs to be cut and is for the character of Zacchaeus to sit in the tree, and then slide down in front of Jesus. There are four Zacchaeuses. Cut one out and glue the bottom strip behind the Zacchaeus. This allows for it to slide down.


Old Testament and New Testament timeline for elementary age


Book which uses the KJV of the story: The Christmas Story


Book Review


Hope these ideas are helpful to you! If you have an idea to share, e-mail me at

With love,









Ideas for studying "Everlasting Punishment" for October 30, 2016

Dear Friends, Here is the link to Chaplain Janet Horton's Chapel Talk from Monday morning at the Upper School, if you would like to listen to it. I will put up the link to her Bible talk given on Thursday night, October 20, next week.


Possible ideas for the sections of this week's Lesson: (These are just ideas that have been coming to me. You may see completely different ideas.)

Possible Theme: everlasting love; everlasting mercy; everlasting kindness

Section I: God is Love—impartial and universal Love

Section II: Cain and Abel Story—Divine Love corrects and governs man

"Through repentance, spiritual baptism, and regeneration, mortals put off their material beliefs and false individuality." 242: 1-3

Baptizo (baptism) related to making a pickle

The gift of baptism by Elise Moore

Section III: Woman taken in adultery:  Repentance and Reformation

Section IV: Jesus washes disciples' feet: spiritual baptism

Section V: Raising of Dorcas: Regeneration (producing anew, new birth, born again)

Section VI: God's forgiveness of sin in the destruction of sin


Word Study for "Everlasting Punishment"


Research on: Gen 4: Cain and Abel


The Temple is the place where Jesus heals the woman taken in adultery. This healing probably happened in the Court of Women.

92c3f4d9-438d-4a1e-afdc-98a12efaea7eCourt of Women

Research: John 5. Woman Taken in Adultery


Research: Acts 9. Peter raises Dorcas


Research: Heb 1. 1 to 3, 9 express image



There are five different ways to teach about Peter and Dorcas on this website link. Scroll down to see all of them. Click on the blue places where it says "Click here to download" to see if any of this might be helpful to you:


Other ideas for very young children:

Concrete objects or symbols

Nothing Can Be added to a mind already full

Bell Ringer

Fishing Game

Footsteps of Truth

Stickers that tell Bible stories

I hope these ideas are helpful to you in some way. Please share the blog if you think it would be helpful to someone else.

With love,







Ideas for studying "Probation After Death" for Oct. 17 - 23, 2016

Dear friends, I want to let you know about a Tour to Israel that my sister Kristy Christian and I are organizing for June 4 -14. If you are interested in knowing more about it, please e-mail me, and I'll send you all the information. Kristy and I have led tours to Israel for many years, and we would love to include you on this tour if you would like to study more about the Bible with us.


Lesson Ideas: 

This week's Lesson includes words that are related to "walking." Notice words like walk, steps, stepping-stone, the way, pathway, etc. Remember that early Christians were not called "Christians" until Antioch, many years after the resurrection. Before this, they were called "the followers of the Way." (Acts 11:26)


Here is some research on the healing and events in the Lesson:

Research on Gen. 5.21 to 24 Enoch

Heb 1: 1 to 3, 9 express image

Matt. 16: Whom do men say that I am?

Mark 16: Resurrection and Ascension

Romans 12.2 be not conformed


Ideas for teaching the Bible to children:

Road Map for Life: diagram

Standing Porter

Story Puzzle for beginning readers (Use this idea to create all different kinds of Bible stories for beginning readers to use. You can plot the story on a map. Look for people, places, and events. Cut them out and use them for puzzles. Send home in a baggy.)


These ideas are to study some of the events in Peter's life. Next week's Lesson includes the raising of Dorcas by Peter. 

Outline of some of the events in the Life of Peter


Great visuals for Peter escaping from prison:


I hope some of these ideas are helpful to you. If you are interested in having Principia Acorn Director Dorothy Halverson and I come to your church community to share ideas about teaching the Bible to very young children, please let me know. We have some open dates in the spring. 

OR if you know of someone who would like to receive this blog, have them enter their e-mail on the front page on the right side.


Kathy Merrill

Ideas for studying the Lesson "Doctrine of Atonement" on October 16, 2016

Dear Friends, One word that is a thread that runs through this week's Lesson is "grace." Another thread that runs through the lesson is "teach" or "taught" (used about 7 times). And "love" is used over and over and over.

The word "doctrine" in English means: a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a church political party or group. In Late Middle English, which is the word's origin, it meant: teaching, learning from a doctor or teacher. (Latin: doctrina and docere - to teach)

In the 1828 Webster's Dictionary it means: whatever is taught; a principle or position in any science; whatever is laid down as true by an instructor or master; the act of teaching; learning; knowledge; the truths of the gospel; instruction and confirmation in the truths of the gospel. 

Atonement in the 1828 Webster's means agreement; concord; reconciliation; reparation made by giving an equivalent for an injury, or by doing or suffering that which is received in satisfaction for an offense or injury; in theology, the expiation of sin made by obedience and personal sufferings of Christ. (the act of atoning for sin or wrongdoing, compensation for wrong).

Word Study for "Grace"


A definition from the periodicals:  "justification by faith" in Responsive Reading: Rom. 5:1

Being justified by faith


Research: Healing the sick of the palsy by Jesus Mark 2

Research on Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane


Who witnessed Jesus after the resurrection? (goes along with Section 4)

Appearances of Jesus after the resurrection

Passion Week Chronology


Website with ideas for teaching the healing of the paralytic man:

Small booklet of paralytic story


Figures to use for paralytic man healing   Figures to use in healing of paralytic story

Screen Shot 2016-09-30 at 9.33.00 AM

Template: Jesus and sick of the palsy

sick of the palsy words

Shoebox idea for healing of sick of palsy

Shoebox idea: four friends and Jesus


Teaching Books of the Old Testament

Teaching Books of the New Testament


Lily Pad Game


I hope some of these ideas are helpful this week. If you know of someone who might be interested in receiving this blog, please enter their e-mail address in the top right side of the page. 

With love,



Ideas for "Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real?" October 9, 2016 -- including "The Lord's Prayer"

Dear friends, The themes of "deliver" and "deliverance" and "save" and "salvation" run through the whole Lesson. These words are used over and over. Here is a word study to help us understand the meaning of "deliver" in Greek or Hebrew and in the 1828 Webster's Dictionary:

WORD STUDY FOR deliver and save


Another main idea in this week's Lesson is the Lord's Prayer. 

Almost every Bible Commentary has pages and pages of scholarly discourse on the subject of the Lord’s Prayer, but few have the spiritual sense and inspiration so needful for us as students of Christian Science. Mary Baker Eddy gives the “inspired word” and meaning of this important prayer. We have included a few of those passages in the research. Also, there are several articles on the Lord’s Prayer in the Bound Volumes in the Christian Science Reading Room to enhance your study.

Lord's prayer handout with blanks for deeper study

Research on: The Lord's Prayer

Spread out the phrases in the Lord's Prayer (see above), and research them: look them up in Mrs. Eddy's writings; look up every word; read the context of how prayer was taught by Jesus; find out which phrases are biblical; write a treatment using the phrases of the Lord's Prayer and its spiritual meaning. It is a powerhouse of inspiration! Pray and ponder it daily!

Example of a treatment with "our Father"


Here is some research on two stories in the Lesson:


John 9 Healing of Man Born Blind

The Siloam Pool: archeological evidence just discovered

Notice the Pool of Siloam on this map of Jerusalem. (the map is from

map of Jerusalem


Research on Peter delivered from prison


I discovered this statement from a testimony in the periodicals that I have just loved and have been thinking deeply about, and I think it goes along with the question, "Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real?"

"The question is not whether or not a physical problem is easy or hard, large or small, but whether it is real or unreal."  ("Vision Restored, Ross Matteson, June 2000, CSS).


The Lesson ends with the statement: "There is no power apart from God." 228:25

The following testimony demonstrates this statement and for me, is very inspiring!

Testimony: There is no power apart from God


Ideas for thinking about prayer in general:

Qualities of thought needed.blank

Qualities of thought needed with answers filled



Concrete objects or symbols

Dorothy Halverson's sample lesson

Let Your Light so Shine

prayers for young children

Science and Health and the Bible: lock and key


I hope these ideas are helpful to you this week. If you know of anyone else who might enjoy receiving this free weekly blog, just enter their email address on the right side of the front page and it will come to them automatically.

With love,


Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Unreality," for October 2, 2016

Dear Friends, This lesson on "Unreality" is built on the foundation of the ten commandments. Every section has one or  more of them. Here is a chart of the ten laws in color, and divided up into the two main themes of the commandments: "Love God" and "Love your Neighbor."

Ten Commandments in color


Brief Timeline on Moses' life


Research on the TEN COMMANDMENTS. The periodicals are wonderful sources for deepening our understanding of the commandments.

Questions to ponder when studying the ten commandments:

  1. What does it mean literally, on the surface, in the time of Moses?
  2. What is the deeper spiritual meaning of the commandment?
  3. What would happen if it was obeyed? Individually? Collectively?
  4. What would happen if it was disobeyed?
  5. How can I put this commandment into daily practice? Is it relevant to me today?

Information on the commandments in general

1st commandment research

3rd commandment: Notes on: Thy shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain

4th commandment: OBSERVING THE SABBATH by Richard Verrall, CSJ, April 1919

Notes on: 9th commandment: Thou shalt not bear false witness


Responsive Reading research on "Epistle of the heart"

II Cor 3: Epistle of the heart

The Gospel According to You


Research: David and the Ewe Lamb, II Sam. 12

David wrote a Psalm (51) after his repentance of Bathsheba. Here it is to study and ponder:



Research on "The Good Samaritan"

"Who is My Neighbor?" by C.H. Rippey, CSJ, Nov. 1907



Moses and the Ten Commandments directions (idea from Sara Borja)



10 commandment train-1 and 2

10 commandment train- 3 and 4

10 commandment train- 5 and 6

10 commandment train - 7 and 8

10 commandment train - 9 and 10


Screen Shot 2016-09-23 at 7.58.20 AM

(idea from


www.biblefunforkids has ideas on the Ten Commandments. Keep scrolling down to see more ideas:


Ten Commandment visual posters for bulletin board or wall:



Iphone blank     Iphone filled in with commandments

Iphone commandments page 1Iphone commandment page 2





Study of "Reality" for September 25, 2016

Dear Friends, The main theme of this week's lesson is "the Word." It is used approximately 20 times in such phrases as: Thy word is true, the word of God, In the beginning was the word, according to my word, speak the word only, etc. etc. In citation 30 of Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy defines the "Word" as divine Science (503:12).

Word Study for Lesson 

Research for II Peter 1.19 Day Star


Here is research on some of the stories and events in this week's Lesson.

Research on: the Sower and the Seed parable

Research on the healing of the Centurion’s Servant


Research on: Elijah and the drought I Kings 18

Research on: Jezebel: Ahab's pagan wife

Elijah Timeline

In last week's Lesson and this week's, it is sometimes helpful to see the kings in the divided kingdom. Here is a list of the main kings of "Israel" in the north (Ahab) and "Judah" in the south (Hezekiah).

Kings of Israel and Judah

Here is a quick version of how the Kingdom of Israel was divided after King David.

History of Divided Kingdom



New Bible Story each week

Jesus and the loaves and the fishes

Jesus Walks on the Water

Ideas for young children

Bell Ringer


Hope these ideas are helpful!




Ideas for "Matter" Sept. 18, 2016, including "Daniel and Lion's Den" for children

Dear Friends, Mrs. Eddy wrote to Janette Weller:

"Do you find any difficulty in healing? If so, strike for the higher sense of the nothingness of matter. Do not care to search into causation there for there is no cause and no effect in matter; all is Mind, perfect and eternal."


Here is something I've used in my classes to explain the concept of matter and all of its terms to young people. It is based on the definition of matter in Science and Health. The word 'matter' is mentioned in Science and Health 736 times which means it is a hugely important concept to understand. 

MATTER chart


Here is some research for the main stories in this week's Lesson.

Research on Daniel and Lion's Den

Mrs. Eddy had the pictures of Daniel by Riviere in her home. Below is some research relating to that and also a website where you can see the paintings. 

Research on the picture in Mrs. Eddy's home: "Daniel's Answer to the King"

URL address to Riviere's paintings of Daniel

Article on "Daniel" by Frederick Dixon, Christian Science Sentinel, November 27, 1920. (see link below)

"Daniel" by F. Dixon


In JSH online, type in "moral courage." There are numerous articles on that subject. One that I like is: "Moral Courage, -- 'king of the mental realm,'" by Jeanne Steely Laitner, Christian Science Sentinel, January 2, 1984. 


Research on "Tares and Wheat"

Research on: sharp threshing floor    (in section one: Is. 41:11, 15, 16)

Research on Jesus walking on the water

II Kings 20: Healing of Hezekiah

Hezekiah's engineers built a water tunnel to save Jerusalem during the siege of Assyria. Click on the link below to read more about "Hezekiah's Tunnel." It is  one of the most popular tourist sites that one can go to when on a tour of Israel. You can walk through it, stepping in the cold water of the Gihon Spring for about three-quarters of a mile. It is approximately two feet wide in places.

Hezekiah's Tunnel


Ideas for teaching the Bible to young children at home and Sunday School. This week's emphasis is on "Daniel and the Lion's Den."

Lion Puppet Activity directions for preschool

Template for lion puppet activity has a huge section on "Daniel" stories. The link is

Here are some of the pictures they have to make a poster of Daniel in the lion's den. Debbie Jackson is giving them to you for free, but she asks that you go to her website to download them. I am putting the link here just to show you some of what she has. Daniel lion's den and lions


Questions to ponder with children about the Daniel story


lion cupcakes


Lyrics to song: Dare to Be a Daniel


Go to and type in "Daniel books for children" and numerous inexpensive books will come up. For example:

Daniel children's books from amazon

Hope these ideas are helpful!


P.S. If you know of any parent or teacher who would like to be on this blog, just e-mail me their address, and I'll put them on the distribution list or type in their address on the front page of this blog, on the right side. 


"Substance" for Sept. 11, 2016 plus ideas on teaching the Beatitudes

Dear Friends, For me, a main theme in this week's Lesson is blessed and blessings. Each section is built around one or more of the Beatitudes, which includes the word "blessed." Here is a word study for some of those main ideas.

Word Study for the Lesson on substance


Research for this Lesson:

Research on the Beatitudes

Dummelow's Commentary has a wonderful, long section on the Beatitudes, starting at page 638. Here is one quotation from Dummelow's:

"Blessedness is higher than happiness. Happiness comes from without, and is dependent on circumstances: blessedness is an inward fountain of joy in the soul itself, which no outward circumstances can seriously affect. Blessedness consists in standing in a right relation to God, and so realizing the true law of a man's being." (Dummelow 639).


Matt 15: Healing of the daughter of the Syro-Phoenician woman

Notice on the map of Palestine (from where Tyre and Sidon were. Jesus rarely goes up this far out of Israel, but in this instance, he is found in Gentile territory.

map of palestine


Acts 15: The Jerusalem Council



Here is a blank chart to fill in as you study the Beatitudes more deeply. Looking up each word in Greek—looking up things about them in the periodicals, seeing what Mrs. Eddy has to say about them, taking notes in general, can all be put on these charts. Some of my research on them can be found on the "Answers to Beatitude Charts."

Beatitude chart page 1           Beatitude chart page 2

Answers to Beatitude Chart page 1

Answers to Beatitude Chart page2

Sometimes it is helpful to see how someone studies ideas in the Bible. Long ago, I started working on understanding the beatitudes in a deeper way. Here are my first sheets with notes taken from my research:

Kathy's page 1 beatitude study          Kathy's page 2 beatitude study


These word charts could go up in a Sunday School class to teach the main words in Greek in the Beatitudes:

Charts of main words


These are flash facts of the Beatitudes created by Biblos Foundation. They are no longer for sale there, but they do have a Teaching Children section with other flash facts for sale.

Beatitudes Flash Facts page 1               Beatitudes Flash Facts page 2


Beatitude Concentration Game


www.biblefunforkids has a whole unit on teaching the Beatitudes to very young children. You might want to take a look. You can print off templates, etc. Be sure to read through everything to ensure the theology is one that you agree with.

Click on the link and click again when it comes up in blue:

Here is a sample of one of their activities:

Sample of Beatitude activity


Sermon on the Mount in two pages

"To my sense the Sermon on the Mount, read each Sunday without comment and obeyed throughout the week, would be enough for Christian practice" (’01 11:16-19).


I hope these ideas are helpful!






Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Man," Sept. 4, 2016

Dear Friends, For me, this week's theme for the lesson on "Man" is "Let the male and female of God's creating appear." (249:5)

Section I: Man as image: spiritual definition of man

Section II: The rights of womanhood acknowledged: higher platform of human rights

Section III: Higher sense of marriage (true womanhood and manhood)

Section IV: Beauty of holiness: handling belief of age

Section V:  Healing of woman bowed over: mark the perfect man!

Section VI: Raising of widow's son in Nain: man's indestructible being


Here is some research on stories, events, or citations in the Lesson.

Gen. 1: image and likeness

"The book of Genesis has an importance to which no other document of history bears the slightest claim. It is not only the oldest book that is trustworthy history but the only one that opens to spiritual sense a clear concise view of God's government and spiritual creation . . . " (Mary Baker Eddy Library Accession #10360B).

"The Male and Female of God's Creating"  Ivimy Gwalter, The Christian Science Journal, January 1973.

Thoughts on Matt. 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect


Mrs. Eddy writes:  "What say you of woman?

"Man is the generic term for all humanity. Woman is the highest species of man, and this word is the generic term for all women; but not one of all these individualities is an Eve or an Adam" (Unity 51:13-17).

Num. 27: 2-7: Zelophehad's daughters

Prov. 31: Virtuous Woman

Luke 13: Woman Bowed Over

Luke 7: Raising of widow's son at Nain


Here is a chart that I've made to work with the concept of "Original" and "Image." Please add to it or subtract from it. It is just an example.

Original image chart


Ways to think and study the definition of "Man" on page 475 of Science and Health. Break it apart and ponder and work with each line. Look up every word, expand what you think it means, then pray using it.

Blank Worksheet for studying "Man"

The worksheet below is how I have worked through it. I keep adding to it and pondering every line and word. This is just meant for an example. All of us study in our own unique ways, but I often try and put things into charts or something visual to help me see it differently.

Kathy's rough draft worksheet on the definition of man


Another way to study is to take a citation and look up every word in Greek or Hebrew to see if I can get closer to the "inspired word." Here is an example. 

"Mark the Perfect Man" blank worksheet

"Mark the perfect man" in Hebrew



Booklet on Genesis I: the seven days of creation


Let Your Light so Shine

______ has a little unit on the seven days of creation. Click on the website and go down on the right side. Click on the days of creation. When the ideas come up, click where it says "read more." There is a place to download the set of cards, if it looks good to you.


Teaching values with a new Bible story each week


Flannel Boards with Bible Stories

Felt Story characters book to puchase


I hope these ideas are helpful to you!

With love,


P.S. Here is a brochure/poster for the first Bible Talk this year. You may run it off or post it in your Reading Room, or advertise it however you'd like. This is really for people who live in the St. Louis/Elsah Christian Science community. I am working on seeing whether or not we are going to make this available somehow in the field.

Bible Talk Flyer: Evan MacDonald



Save the date! Five Bible Talks for 2016-2017!

During the coming school year, Principia will be having five Bible talks open to everyone in the St. Louis and Elsah communities. Here is a schedule of the talks so you can mark your calendars! These are a FREE gift from Principia to you! Please forward this to anyone you think might be interested.


September 22, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. in the Middle School Center

Evan MacDonald (Bible teacher for the Upper School): "Fishing for mankind: What Peter can teach us about discipleship"


October 20, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. in Ridgway Auditorium

Janet Horton: former US Army Chaplain, "A Bible Story for Any Occasion"


February 16, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Middle School Center

Marilyn Wallace CS: "A Fresh Look at The Ten Commandments"


April 13, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Middle School Center

Dr. Brad Stock: "Illumined Scriptures: Mary Baker Eddy's Discovery and the Bible, in Our Thoughts and Lives" 


May 4, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Middle School Center

Chestnut Booth, CS: "The Biblical Roots of the Prayer that Heals"


Studying the Lesson on "Christ Jesus" for August 28, 2016

Dear Friends, My name is Kathy Merrill, and I have been hired by Principia School to be the Bible Coordinator. Included in my job description is the role of encouraging and helping people to study the Bible more deeply. One of the ways I can do this is to write a weekly blog called “Bible Insights for Christian Science Families.” This blog will include ideas on how to study the weekly Bible Lesson more deeply, and it will also have ideas for how to teach the Bible to young children of all ages. 

I have entered your email into the distribution list for the weekly blog. If you aren’t sure that you’d like to join it, just scroll down and unsubscribe. If you’d like to share the blog with someone you think might be interested, just forward it on, or put their email in the box on the right side. The link for it is

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to write or call me.  This is a FREE gift from Principia, and is open to all Christian Scientists all over the world.

With love,

Kathy Merrill  618 980 2207 cell  314-434-2100 work


Ideas for "Christ Jesus:" This week's Lesson is built around the seven "I AM" statements that Jesus gives to describe himself. The sections of the lesson expand on each idea. What research I've done on them, I will color code in red. Please keep checking the post, because it might take me a while to work on them.

John 6:35, 48   I am the bread of Life

Research on: I am the bread of life. John 6. 38 48 to 51


John 8:12, 9:5  I am the light of the world

Research on: I am the light of the world Jn 8. 12


John 10:9         I am the door of the sheep

Research on: I am the door Jn 10. 7 9 10


John 10:11       I am the good shepherd

Qualities of a shepherd


John 11:25      I am the resurrection and the life

John 14:6       I am the way, the truth, and the life

John 15:1        I am the true vine


Research on: Expressed image of his glory" Heb. 1:1-3, 9


Research on two healings in the lesson:

Luke 8: The Raising of Jairus's Daughter

Mark 10: Healing of Blind Bartimaeus


Outstanding article from the Christian Science Journal: "Christ Jesus, the True Scientist," W. Taylor Stone, December 1919

Christ Jesus, The True Scientist


CHILDREN'S IDEAS for parents to teach the Bible at home or Sunday School (some of these ideas are not appropriate for Sunday School, but could be used with children at home): has many good ideas for crafts on the Bible for young children.  If you click on their homepage and go to the right side, you'll see a Table of Contents that gives you many characters from the Bible.

To find the idea below, click on Jesus and then go to the names for Jesus. I am sharing a few of the little posters with you of names that are in this week's lesson, but there are many more names for Jesus that she uses. See what you think!

Names of Jesus

If you don't like these, take the chart of the "I am" statements above, and make your own on Poster Board.


It is always a good idea to have a map of Palestine in Jesus' Time to locate places in the stories in the Lesson.  Here is a map from

See if your children can find Caesarea Philippi in the northeast, Capernaum -- north of the Sea of Galilee-- where Jesus healed more people that any other place, and Jericho -- north of the Dead Sea where the healing of Blind Bartimaeus happened.

map of Palestine in Jesus' Day


Craft for Jairus' Daughter


Animated video for the raising of Jairus' daughter:  Please be sure and preview this to know if you'd like to share this with your children.


Crafts for teaching the stories of walking on the water, and feeding the 5000:

Jesus walks on the water


Jesus and the loaves and the fishes


One way to begin sharing the Bible with your children is to read and talk about a Bible story every night before they go to bed. This can begin as early as two years old. There are hundreds of beginning Bibles to choose from with great  pictures.

Here are some examples:

Bibles to use for Preschool Parents


I hope these ideas are helpful!

With love,





Children's Ideas and Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Mind" for August 21, 2016

Dear Friends, Two main words that are the threads in this week's lesson are: "understanding" and "wisdom."

Mrs. Eddy writes the highest definition of "wisdom" on page 364 in Miscellaneous Writings.

"Christian Science refutes everything that is not a postulate of the divine Principle, God. It is the soul of divine philosophy, and there is no other philosophy.  It is not a search after wisdom, it is wisdom: It is God's right hand grasping the universe, -- all time, space, immortality, thought, extension, cause, and effect; constituting and governing all identity, individuality, law, and power."

Here is a Word Study of the words understanding and wisdom from the Hebrew and Greek definitions and from the 1828 Webster's Dictionary. And a chart of the attributes and qualities of Mind. (Please know these can be added to eternally!)

Word Study for the Lesson on Mind

Qualities of MIND


Responsive Reading - last verse: James 1:17

James 1:17 Every good gift


Research on Timothy t0 go with the verse II Tim. 3:14,15 in Section 5.

This research is long, but it tells about Timothy's background, about the importance of Sunday School, and about Timothy's discipleship. I found it very interesting, and especially helpful with this verse.

II Tim 3. 14 to 15 Research on Timothy


SH 269:14-16 Metaphysics resolves things into thoughts, and exchanges the objects of sense for the ideas of Soul.
SH 575:13-14 Spiritual teaching must always be by symbols.
In thinking about the passage about the "Poor wise man delivering the city," I couldn't find anything that was especially inspiring in commentaries or in the original language. So I attempted to just pray and take notes on what was coming to me. I'm going to share those notes.

Here is some research on the two main stories in this week's Lesson:

II Kings 6.8: Elisha and the Syrian Army

Notice that Elisha, the prophet or spiritual seer,  was one who "with spiritual perception and wisdom delivered the city."


Matt 17: Epileptic Boy



At the beginning of the school year, many students are in sports camps and preparing for participation in athletics. Here is a sheet of references and thoughts that I've used with high school and college students in praying for this preparation.

Ideas for praying for athletics

Ideas to work with to learn the seven synonyms:

These ideas can be adapted to any age child and used at home or in Sunday School. I'm giving you a list of attributes of all seven synonyms, but know that you can add to them eternally. They can be used for little booklets, charts to list them for class, on rings or on beaded necklaces to take home,  on a train for a bulletin board with places to put the attributes on in the train cars, etc. etc.



Here are two sheets with qualities and attributes of the synonyms. Just know there are infinitely more of them. Working with small children, you can begin with just the names of the synonyms, (even making flash cards of the names for God) and then add one or two qualities as they are able, and then build on them up through high school.

page 1 list of synonyms and attributes

page 2 synonyms and attributes

Sometimes it is helpful to think about the synonyms and what they free us from. Here is a chart that might support that idea. This chart can be duplicated for each child and played like a game. Draw a card (compassion, intelligence, substance, flexibility, etc.) and place the card under the correct synonym. Or it can be made into a large wall chart and discussed that way. Or it can be made individually with one synonym on each chart. (This chart comes from in the Teaching Section.)

7 syn chart


Synonym flash card words

Samples of flashcards for Seven Synonyms


". . . Mind should be and is supreme, absolute and final." 219:4

Hope these ideas are helpful!





Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Soul" for August 14, 2016

Dear Friends, This week's Lesson includes ideas on spiritual sense, sight, vision, hearing, listening, etc. Elaine Follis once said in a talk she gave at Principia College, "Every problem we will ever have is essentially a vision problem." In other words, how are we seeing? How is God seeing? How did Jesus see? This Lesson gives us a glimpse of the answers to these questions.

Research on stories or passages in the Lesson:

Word Study for Lesson on "Soul"

Is 55. 3 Golden Text (Incline your ear)

Is 29: 18 Responsive Reading (the deaf shall hear the words)

Psalms 19:7,8  "Law of the Lord"


Background on Samuel

Shiloh info

I Sam. 3: Samuel hears God call three times

"Voices Not Our Own" MBE hears God call three times


Synonyms for sight

Chart on material vs spiritual senses


Recommended sources on "sight" found in the Christian Science periodicals or on the podcasts on JSH online:

"I See!", Noel D. Bryan-Jones, CSJ, December 1946

"Mind Sees," Hazel Willoughby Harrison, CSJ, July 1980

Podcast on "Seeing Clearly" with Janet Heinemann Clements, Oct. 14, 2014


Ideas for teaching the Bible to children:

Samuel and Eli for young children

Seven Synonym Bead Necklace

Chart for qualities of synonyms

For older students: on identity (This sheet is helpful when we are working with the idea of identity for anyone, including ourselves.)

Identity Worksheet for older children (blank)

Identity Worksheet with answers from our Pastor

I hope these ideas are helpful as you work on this wonderful Lesson!

With love,


P.S. Always check back during the week to see if I've added anything to the blog as I study the Lesson more deeply.