Studying the Lesson on "Christ Jesus" for August 28, 2016

Dear Friends, My name is Kathy Merrill, and I have been hired by Principia School to be the Bible Coordinator. Included in my job description is the role of encouraging and helping people to study the Bible more deeply. One of the ways I can do this is to write a weekly blog called “Bible Insights for Christian Science Families.” This blog will include ideas on how to study the weekly Bible Lesson more deeply, and it will also have ideas for how to teach the Bible to young children of all ages. 

I have entered your email into the distribution list for the weekly blog. If you aren’t sure that you’d like to join it, just scroll down and unsubscribe. If you’d like to share the blog with someone you think might be interested, just forward it on, or put their email in the box on the right side. The link for it is

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to write or call me.  This is a FREE gift from Principia, and is open to all Christian Scientists all over the world.

With love,

Kathy Merrill  618 980 2207 cell  314-434-2100 work


Ideas for "Christ Jesus:" This week's Lesson is built around the seven "I AM" statements that Jesus gives to describe himself. The sections of the lesson expand on each idea. What research I've done on them, I will color code in red. Please keep checking the post, because it might take me a while to work on them.

John 6:35, 48   I am the bread of Life

Research on: I am the bread of life. John 6. 38 48 to 51


John 8:12, 9:5  I am the light of the world

Research on: I am the light of the world Jn 8. 12


John 10:9         I am the door of the sheep

Research on: I am the door Jn 10. 7 9 10


John 10:11       I am the good shepherd

Qualities of a shepherd


John 11:25      I am the resurrection and the life

John 14:6       I am the way, the truth, and the life

John 15:1        I am the true vine


Research on: Expressed image of his glory" Heb. 1:1-3, 9


Research on two healings in the lesson:

Luke 8: The Raising of Jairus's Daughter

Mark 10: Healing of Blind Bartimaeus


Outstanding article from the Christian Science Journal: "Christ Jesus, the True Scientist," W. Taylor Stone, December 1919

Christ Jesus, The True Scientist


CHILDREN'S IDEAS for parents to teach the Bible at home or Sunday School (some of these ideas are not appropriate for Sunday School, but could be used with children at home): has many good ideas for crafts on the Bible for young children.  If you click on their homepage and go to the right side, you'll see a Table of Contents that gives you many characters from the Bible.

To find the idea below, click on Jesus and then go to the names for Jesus. I am sharing a few of the little posters with you of names that are in this week's lesson, but there are many more names for Jesus that she uses. See what you think!

Names of Jesus

If you don't like these, take the chart of the "I am" statements above, and make your own on Poster Board.


It is always a good idea to have a map of Palestine in Jesus' Time to locate places in the stories in the Lesson.  Here is a map from

See if your children can find Caesarea Philippi in the northeast, Capernaum -- north of the Sea of Galilee-- where Jesus healed more people that any other place, and Jericho -- north of the Dead Sea where the healing of Blind Bartimaeus happened.

map of Palestine in Jesus' Day


Craft for Jairus' Daughter


Animated video for the raising of Jairus' daughter:  Please be sure and preview this to know if you'd like to share this with your children.


Crafts for teaching the stories of walking on the water, and feeding the 5000:

Jesus walks on the water


Jesus and the loaves and the fishes


One way to begin sharing the Bible with your children is to read and talk about a Bible story every night before they go to bed. This can begin as early as two years old. There are hundreds of beginning Bibles to choose from with great  pictures.

Here are some examples:

Bibles to use for Preschool Parents


I hope these ideas are helpful!

With love,
