Letter to those who read the blog - from Kathy

Dear Friends, Next week I will be out of town and will not be doing a blog for "Soul and Body."

I will pick it up again for "Ancient and Modern . . ." for the week May 28, 2017, doing it for that week and the next Lesson on "God the Only Cause . . . " After that, starting in June,  I will no longer be working for Principia. I am still not sure if the blog will continue or not. I'll let you know as it unfolds.

From June 4 to 14, I am taking a group to Israel  with my sister, Kristy Christian, and I'm going on a tour of Europe to study the Reformation until the middle of July. In between, I'll also be teaching  the second week of Summer Session at Principia College, June 19 - 23.

After late July, I will be working for Peace Haven Association in St. Louis. I'll be doing Lesson reading times for them and the broader community, but I'm still not sure about continuing the blog.

With so much love to everyone that comes onto this avenue for deeper Bible study!
