Copy of Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Life" for January 20, 2019

Dear Friends,

Would you like to be on a free conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? Or do you know of a friend who might enjoy it? The conference calls are sponsored by Peace Haven Association in St. Louis. The times are Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am; Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 11:30, and Thursdays at 1:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All five times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like. On the Monday of the week, you will receive handouts in your email  that I use during the lesson sessions.


Studying the concept of Life:

Acknowledging the qualities and attributes of LIFE



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Research: Acts 20: Raising of Eutychus

Map of Paul’s second journey

Testimony of swimming pool accident

“Death did not end my life,” Howard Johnson, July 2, 2001, CSS

“The Comfort of Christian Science,” Mary C. Francis, September 1911, CSJ (raising the dead in early Christianity)


CHILDREN’S IDEAS: In the next several weeks, the lessons will be on the synonyms of God. Here are several ideas to work with children on them. The teacher or parent could take two or three ideas each week and work on learning them, the qualities and attributes, etc.

Chart to use with synonyms

Making flash cards of synonyms

Flashcards of 7 synonyms for each child

Ideas for teaching the synonyms Menorah to use while teaching

Chart with qualities and attributes

List of attributes

7 synonyms on a ring

book of synonyms


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Sacrament" for January 13, 2019

Dear Friends,

The main theme of this week’s lesson is “Prayer.” The Lesson teaches us what prayer is, how to pray, what prayer does for us, and several biblical examples of ‘prayer’. It’s a very powerful lesson!! You might want to reread the chapter on “Prayer” in “Science & Health” to deepen your understanding of this subject.

Here is a beautiful daily prayer from the CS Sentinel.

“My Prayer in Christian Science”, June 27, 1903, CSS


Responsive Reading:

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Ideas for studying the lesson on "God" for January 6, 2019

This week’s lesson is structured around the definition of GOD on page 587:5 of Science & Health.

GOD. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; . . .

Responsive Reading; The great I AM

Section 1: all-knowing

Section 2: all-seeing

Section 3: all-acting

Section 4: all-wise

Section 5: all-loving

Section 6: eternal


There are numerous articles in the periodicals on the three main sections in the Lesson: God, the Great I Am, Receive Ye thy Sight, and the New Heaven and New Earth. I just picked a few outstanding ones.


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Research: Rev. 21: New Heaven and New Earth

“The City of God,” Albert F. Gilmore, December 11, 1926, CSS



Burning Bush

Activities for Moses and burning bush

Moses’ Life in cards

Life of Moses: Map it! Map it!

Moses’ early life and qualities he might have expressed

Moses’ later life and spiritual qualities he had gained

Color and cut out Moses figure and glue the flames of the bush nearby. Draw a mountain of rocks around them on construction paper:

Moses’ character

burning bush activity

Simple reading activity on burning bush

Word puzzle on burning bush for 3-4th grades

6 minute video of Charlton Heston’s Burning bush in “The Ten Commandments” movie (I’m sorry it is grainy and not too clear. I just rewatched the whole movie and loved it. But here is a tiny portion of it that goes along with the lesson.)


I hope these ideas are helpful to you!

Thank you so much to those of you who have generously given to this Bible study during the Christmas season!! I am enormously grateful to each and everyone of you.

With great love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "God the Preserver of Man," Dec. 16, 2018

An Invitation for you this Christmas season!

My sister, Kristy Christian, is going to give a talk on “Christ and Christmas” on December 23, which will be available on a conference call. This 3-hour talk is sponsored by Biblos Foundation and Peace Haven Association. Here is a flyer about it with the call-in information. If you live in St. Louis, you could also attend it.



Dear friends,

The theme of this week’s lesson is “WINGS”. Look for phrases like — shadow of his wings, bear them on his wings, wings like a dove, healing in his wings, etc. A beautiful lesson!!

Responsive Reading:

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Section I

Research: Deut. 32:10,11 eagle

Information on eagles

Research: Ex. 19:4 bear you up on eagle’s wings

Picture of baby eaglet on mother’s back

Picture of eagle above the clouds

Stop and take a minute to listen to the solo “Bear you up on Eagle’s wings” with a choir and slide show! Very inspiring!



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Research: Acts 27: Paul’s Shipwreck

Timeline for Paul

Information on Paul’s Roman citizenship

Map of last journey to Rome



Ideas on Paul’s shipwreck

Pictures of Paul’s shipwreck

Paul’s letters

Activity for Paul’s letters Activity for Paul’s letters

Raising Jairus’ daughter activity

Jairus’ daughter pieces


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas for studying the lesson on "God the only cause and creator" for Dec. 9, 2018

Dear friends,

Here is some research on the various passages in this week’s lesson:

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Research: Acts 5: Peter preaching in Jerusalem’s Temple



Movie to purchase of “Abraham”

Cartoon video 25 minutes about Abraham (Very good!)

Family Tree of Abraham

Blank Family Tree of Abraham

Flashcards of People in Abraham Story: put in order along a family tree

pg 1 pg 2 pg 3

Abraham lessons

Questions about Abraham

Tent to make for Abraham story (Directions) (click on buttons to cut out tent and people)

3 main patriarch pictures

12 sons of Jacob


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Ancient and Modern. . ." for Dec. 2, 2018

Dear friends,

Related words of the root word HID AND HIDE are throughout the lesson. (24x) Hid means to be kept secret, concealed, that it might not be known, covered; to hide oneself carefully; “ hidden from the world and known to God”. SECRET also is a word that is throughout this lesson. It can mean covering, shelter, hiding place, the secret place of the most high, protection. And the word PRESERVE OR PRESERVED is also a theme.

Sometimes it is very helpful to me to write down the main ideas of each section. Here is my sheet of ideas, but please know that yours could be very different.

Main Ideas of each section

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Research: Ex 2: Moses in the Ark


Section 4:

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Ideas to study on "Soul and Body," for Nov. 25, 2018

Dear Friends,

Two themes that are running through this week’s lesson are the idea of “temple”, used about 17 times. In section six, Mrs Eddy says, “The word temple also means body.” (576:14) And the words ‘reflect’ and ‘reflection’ are used 14 times. Soul is not IN body, but is reflected by man.

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Ideas to study the lesson on "Mortals and Immortals," Nov. 18, 2018

Dear Friends,

Would you like to be on a free conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The conference calls are sponsored by Peace Haven Association in St. Louis. The times are Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am; Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 11:30, and Thursdays at 1:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All five times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like. On the Monday of the week, you will receive handouts in your email  that I use during the lesson sessions.


Dear friends,

Here is a word study on the words mortal and immortal.




In one of her Bibles, Mrs. Eddy wrote beside Romans 12:2,

“Romans 12 is Christian Science.” (MBE Accession #B00017.C)

Research: Romans 1:2 be not conformed


Section 1:

Notes on Romans 8:5-9

Research: Romans 8: 16, 17

Research: II Cor. 3:18 open face


Section 2:

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Ideas for studying the Bible lesson on "Probation After Death" for Oct. 28, 2018

Dear friends,

We have figured out a way for people who live internationally to get onto conference calls for free. Almost all countries except Canada can do this. If you know of anyone who lives or works overseas and would like to get onto the calls, please have them email me. I can give them the instructions on how to do that. If someone lives in Canada, they have to be on their own phone plan. With love, Kathy (

Section I:

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Ideas for studying the lesson on "Doctrine of Atonement" for Oct. 21, 2017

Dear friends,

We have figured out a way for people who live internationally to get onto conference calls for free. Almost all countries except Canada can do this. If you know of anyone who lives or works overseas and would like to get onto the calls, please have them email me. I can give them the instructions on how to do that. If someone lives in Canada, they have to be on their own phone plan. With love, Kathy (


This week’s lesson is built around the concept of teaching. Taught and teach are used over and over. It also mentions several times “And the people were astonished at his doctrine [teaching].”

Possible main ideas of the sections:

Section I: Peter teaches and lectures at the Pentecost

Section II: Jesus teaches the Sermon on the Mount

Section III: Jesus teaches in the synagogue and teaches by healing

Section IV: Jesus teaches - after overthrowing the moneychangers

Section 5: the Jews marvel at Jesus’ knowledge and teaching

Section 6: We are to speak teachings with sound doctrine


Word Study for “Doctrine” and “Atonement”



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(Kathy’s notes, not research or footnoted)

John 7:14-18 How does Jesus know letters having never learned?



Beatitudes flashcards page 1 Beatitude flashcards page 2 (from Biblos Foundation)

BEE game for matching the Beatitudes

BEE accordians for Beatitudes

Calling the disciples

Names of disciples

Activities for elementary age on disciples

Disciples cards

Posters for disciples

This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas on "Is Sin, Disease, or Death Real?" for Oct. 14, 2018

Dear friends,

Would you like to be on a conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The conference calls are sponsored by Peace Haven Association in St. Louis. The times are Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am; Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 11:30, and Thursdays at 1:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All five times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like. On the Monday of the week, you will receive handouts in your email  that I use during the lesson sessions.


Dear Friends,

The theme of this week’s Lesson is built around the idea of sleep and dream. Here is a study of those two words, a list of how dream is used in the lesson, and below it are articles that relate to this idea.

Word Study on SLEEP, DREAM

How dream is used in the Lesson:

Sleeping dream and waking dream

Fleshly dream

Dream of disease

Dream that matter and error are something

Deep sleep



Dream, illusion of death

Mortal dream


“The Deep Sleep,” Richard J. Davis, May 23, 1953, CSS

“Sickness is a Dream,” Helen Wood Bauman, Oct. 1962, CSJ

“Stay Outside the Dream,” Gay Bryant, September 1997, CSJ


Section 3:

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Research: John 11: Raising of Lazarus

“Demonstration,” L. Ivimy Gwalter, May 1924, CSJ

Video clip of the raising of Lazarus



Power Point of healing of the sick of palsy

Cartoon characters of ‘sick of palsy’ story to cut and paste onto a sheet of construction paper to symbolize the house of Peter.

page one page two page 3

Questions to ask older students about this healing

Tell the story with stick hooked together with brads, or sheets of cardboard strips with brads.

Click here

Cut out and make a timeline of events in the story

Short video of healing sick of palsy

make a diorama of Lazarus


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Unreality" for October 7, 2018


Hi everyone!

I wanted to inform you of an upcoming talk at the A/U Ranches by my sister, Kristy Christian, on November 2-November 4, 2018.

It’s entitled “God Giveth U the Victory” (I Cor. 15:57)
“. . .thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (I Cor. 15:57), Paul writes to the church in Corinth. He also comments that “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal” (II Cor. 10:4). Are we not prompted to ponder the nature of a war that does not require material weapons, nor does it demand that we wrestle against flesh and blood (see Eph. 6:12)?

Join us November 2018, for a deeper study of this “divine method of warfare” (S&H568:6), as outlined in the Bible and Mary Baker Eddy’s writings. Our discussion will cover several narratives in both the Old and New Testaments which develop our theme and reveal how, with God, we can expect complete victory over any challenge that might confront us.

A few of the questions that we will explore:

·      What is our spiritual means of defense?

·      What is the significance of the “whole armour of God,” described in Ephesians?

 Click on this link to find out more information and to download a flyer.

We would love to have you join us for this inspiring event! It would be fun to meet some of you who live around the country at this talk.

With love,



Lesson ideas for “Unreality”

Word Study on Evil and Foolishness

Golden text: I Cor. 1:29


Section 2:

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Research: Ex. 3 and 4: Moses and the two signs

Map of Moses’ Journey

“Moses” Lloyd B. Coate, September 1906, CSJ


I am including this paper called “The Psychologist and the Magician in my blog this week because it so clearly illustrates the concept of “Illusion”. It is long - nineteen pages, so all may not want to read it. But it’s a paper that has gone around the movement through the years, even though it is not Christian Science. I pull it out and ponder it every so often, and gain a lot by doing so. Please forgive my highlighting and underlinings.

“The Psychologist and the Magician” by Ernest C. Rodwick, 1920


Section 3:

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Research: Acts 20: Paul raises Eutychus

Map of Paul’s 2nd journey

“Death did not end my life,” Howard Johnson, July 2, 2001 CSS

Listen to the podcast on JSH: Your life—untouched by evil. Is it possible? Program 536 Guests: Glory Holzworth, Jon Benson

You will need to go to JSH to find it. I cannot send the link unless you are a member of JSH.


Section 5:

Notes on Romans 8 (to be carnally minded or spiritually minded)



Poster pictures of who traveled with Paul

Paul was a Roman Citizen

Moses’ Life in cards

Life of Moses: Map it! Map it!

NT flashcards

FANTASTIC IDEAS: for Bible Bulletin Boards


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Reality" for Sept. 30, 2018

Dear friends,

Would you like to be on a conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The conference calls are sponsored by Peace Haven Association in St. Louis. The times are Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am; Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 11:30, and Thursdays at 1:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All five times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like. On the Monday of the week, you will receive handouts in your email  that I use during the lesson sessions.


Word Study for “The Kingdom of God”


All of us find our own major ideas of each section of the lesson. Here are mine. Maybe they will spur you on to finding your own. Know that they are fluid, and can change as you study during the week and see other things:

Main Ideas for sections of the Lesson on “Reality”


A deeper study of the Daily Prayer:

“Thy Kingdom Come, let the reign. . .”

Here are two worksheets that I’ve used to pray more deeply about the Daily Prayer. You can make a blank one yourself and amplify every line. These are just ideas to prime the pump. The second sheet is what to “rule out of me”. What sin of thought do I need to let go of?

Daily Prayer amplified Rule out of me all sin


Section I:

Research: I Chron. 29:11 Thine is the greatness. . .


Section 2:

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Research: John 4:35 Field are already white

“Lift up your vision of reality — and see healing’s harvest now,” by William E. Moody, Sept. 23, 1985, CSS



Jacob’s ladder pic 1 Jacob’s ladder pic 2

Poem on Jacob’s dream

Jacob’s Dream (Biblefunforkids)

Jacob’s Dream

Making the ladder

Jacob’s dream mini-book

Map of Jacob’s journey with silly music

This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Matter" for September 23, 2018

The lesson on “Matter” is structured around the “Ten Commandments” and the “Ark of the Covenant.” These are extremely important concepts to study, and it is difficult to boil them down in just a few sections. I will do my best to share some of the ideas that I know about these two subjects.


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Ideas for studying the lesson on "Substance" for Sept. 16, 2018

Dear friends,

Would you like to be on a conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The conference calls are sponsored by Peace Haven Association in St. Louis. The times are Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am; Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 11:30, and Thursdays at 1:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All five times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like. On the Monday of the week, you will receive handouts in your email  that I use during the lesson sessions.


Word Study for Substance and Faith


Responsive Reading:

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Research Mark 12: widow's mite


Section V:

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Research Luke 8: Woman with issue of blood


Section 7

Research Isa 55:  Water of the word



Pictures to color of the life of Jesus

Life of Moses sheets

Life of Jesus sheets

Life of Jesus Review

This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Man" for Sept. 9, 2018

Dear friends,

Would you like to be on a conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The conference calls are sponsored by Peace Haven Association in St. Louis. The times are Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am; Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 11:30, and Thursdays at 1:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All five times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like. On the Monday of the week, you will receive handouts in your email  that I use during the lesson sessions.


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Golden Text: Ps. 37:37 Mark the perfect man


In the Lesson this week, the word PERFECT is used frequently. Here is a Word Study on that word.

Word Study for the word "Perfect"


Section I:

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Research: Gen. 1


Section II:

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Research: Mark 2: Call of Mathew


Section 4:

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Research: Pool of Bethesda

Picture of Pool



"Not Just an Echo," Judith Ann Hardy, May 25, 1992, CSS

Chart (Blank) for Gospels           Chart for Gospels with answers

Books of Bible with cereal boxes (talk about them in groups like the Gospels)

Poster of books of Bible

Flashcards for NT books             Flashcards for OT books

List of 66 books

This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!





Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Christ Jesus" for September 2, 2018

Dear friends,

Would you like to be on a conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The conference calls are sponsored by Peace Haven Association in St. Louis. The times are Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am; Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 11:30, and Thursdays at 1:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All five times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like. On the Monday of the week, you will receive handouts in your email  that I use during the lesson sessions.


Section I

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Research: Acts 10: What Peter preaches to Cornelius

Cornelius article



Fishing Game

Footsteps of Truth

Gates of Righteousness

Ideas for young children

Beginning timeline OT and NT


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!




Ideas for studying the lesson on "Mind", for August 26, 21




Dear friends,

Would you like to be on a conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The conference calls are sponsored by Peace Haven Association in St. Louis. The times are Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am; Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 11:30, and Thursdays at 1:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All five times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like. On the Monday of the week, you will receive handouts in your email  that I use during the lesson sessions.

Word Study on Wisdom and Understanding

Attributes and qualities of Mind

Ideas for studying the question "What is Mind?"

Amplified "What is Mind?"

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Research: Luke 9: Jesus heals epileptic boy

Timeline: previous events


Section 5

Definition of Man (blank for personal study)

Definition of Man (filled in to show as example)

Terms for man to study



Chart to study the synonyms               Answers for chart

From Biblefunforkids:  Jesus left behind in Temple

From Biblefunforkids" Bible People to Match up

Ideas for preschool children

New Bible story each week


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!
