Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Soul," for August 19, 2018

Dear friends,

Would you like to be on a conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The conference calls are sponsored by Peace Haven Association in St. Louis. The times are Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am; Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 11:30, and Thursdays at 1:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All five times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like. On the Monday of the week, you will receive handouts in your email  that I use during the lesson sessions.


This week's lesson is all built around the concept of harmony and of singing. Some of the words used are song, sing praises, new song, music, (discord), harmony, harp, songs of deliverance, etc. 

Attributes and qualities of Soul

Attributes of Soul

"The Attributes of Soul," Doris Staples Whittier, July 21, 1945, CSS

Word Study on 'song', 'harmony,' etc.

"New Song," Mary Metzner Trammell, May 24, 1999, CSS



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Paul preaches on Mars Hill

Paul and Silas in prison

Visual pictures of Acts for use with children

S&H and Bible: key and lock

Books of the Bible

Timeline of Bible

Matching Game


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!



Ideas for studying the lesson on "Spirit"

Dear friends,

Would you like to be on a conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The conference calls are sponsored by Peace Haven Association in St. Louis. The times are Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am; Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 11:30, and Thursdays at 1:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All five times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like. On the Monday of the week, you will receive handouts in your email  that I use during the lesson sessions.


Attributes and qualities on "Spirit"

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Research: Luke 4: Jesus reads in Nazareth

Jesus attending church (And he went to the synagogue, as his custom was,on the Sabbath day.    Interpreter’s Bible: Luke 4:16)

Video clip of Jesus reading in the synagogue in Nazareth

Disciple chart page 1                 Disciple chart page 2

Where does tradition say the disciples preached?



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Research: Eph. 6  The Armor of God



Worksheet for armor of God

Answers to worksheet for armor of God

Picture of Roman soldier

Disciples of Jesus

Activities for disciples

Disciple flashcards


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!




Ideas for studying the lesson on "Love," for August 5, 2018

Dear friends,

Would you like to be on a conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The times are Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am; Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 11:30, and Thursdays at 1:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All five times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like. On the Monday of the week, you will receive handouts in your email  that I use during the lesson sessions.


Love Defined in Dictionaries

Agape and Phileo

"Love" Frederick Dixon, March 1909, CSJ


Section I:  

Research: Deut. 33:12 beloved of the Lord

Research: Prov 3:5,6 Trust in the Lord


Section 2

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Research: Luke 7: Woman and the Alabaster Box

 "The Mystery of Mary Magdalene," Virginia Stopfel, June 14, 2010, CSS

"A Story of Gratitude," Rev. Irving C. Tomlinson, May 1905, CSJ


Children's Ideas:

Song: Only a boy named David

Old Testament and New Testament character timeline

Prayers for young children

Story puzzle for beginning readers

teaching of synonyms


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Life" for July 22, 2018

Dear friends,

Would you like to be on a conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The times are Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am; Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 11:30, and Thursdays at 1:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All five times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like. On the Monday of the week, you will receive handouts in your email  that I use during the lesson sessions.


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Section 3:

Research: John 6: Jesus walks on water


Section 4:

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This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!



Ideas to study the lesson on "God" for July 15, 2018

Dear friends,

Would you like to be on a conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The times are Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am'; Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 11:30, and Thursdays at 1:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All four times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like. On the Monday of the week, you will receive handouts in your email  that I use during the lesson sessions. 


Section 2:

Psalms 19:7 The Law of the Lord


Section 3

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Marchareus is the location of Herod the Great's fortress-palace where John the Baptist was imprisoned and where he was beheaded. 

Article from Biblos Foundation on John the Baptist

Research: Luke 7: "Art thou he that should come?"


Section 4:

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Research: Acts 10: Cornelius

Summary of the story of Cornelius



Children's Video of Jesus calming the storm

Ways to teach the synonyms of God

Synonym necklace

New Bible Story each week

Bell Ringer each week

Bibles to read aloud


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!




Ideas for studying the lesson on "Christian Science" for July 1, 2018

Dear friends,

Would you like to be on a conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The times are Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am; Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 11:30, and Thursdays at 1:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All four times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like.


Research on the Lesson:

Word Study on Law

-- the word law is used many times throughout the lesson, including words like commandment and statute, which are synonyms for 'law.'

SECTION I: The Comforter


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RESEARCH: John 14:16,17



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Make a tabernacle at home with your children (from Adrienne Gilman)

Old Testament and New Testament characters

Flashcards for Old Testament

Synonyms for children

Attributes for synonyms

Seven synonyms on a ring


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!



PS Do you want to know why the lessons on "God" and "Sacrament" are out of order in the next couple of weeks? We wrote TMC and here is the explanation. 

I'm happy to help with this as it's a question we get frequently whenever it happens. Every five to seven years, the lessons for Sacrament and God flip in order because of the Manual by-law that the Sacrament lesson always be on the second Sundays of January and July.

If the first Sunday of the year is January 7th (the last day of the first week of the year) and it's not a leap year, then there are only 25 Sundays from January–June. This means that the 26th and final lesson subject in the normal order, Christian Science, doesn't appear until the first Sunday in July. Because the by-law stipulates that the second Sunday of July has to be Sacrament, this throws off the normal order. In these instances, the July order is (1) Christian Science, (2) Sacrament, and (3) God; whereas it would usually be (1) God, (2) Sacrament, and (3) Life (and Christian Science would've been in June).

It's one of the little quirks we get to keep track of, along with how to manage 53 Sundays in a year — but that's a different story!

Eli Reynolds

Manager of the Bible Lesson Products Department of TMC



Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Is the Universe including man evolved. . . ?" for June 24, 2018

Dear friends,

Below is research on various passages from this week's lesson. At the very bottom of the blog is information about signing up for a conference call.


Responsive Reading:

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Research: Matthew 13: The leaven


Section 2

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Research: Matthew 17 Epileptic Boy

"By Prayer and Fasting," Ruth W. Heywood, July 1, 1043 CSS

"Prayer and Fasting," Ralph E. Wagers, August 31, 1957, CSS


Section 5: Luke 21, 25-28 "hear of wars and commotions"

"How to Deal with the Nuclear Threat," Geoffrey T. Godsell, May 30, 1977, CSS



(Ideas for discussion for older kids)

Ideas for praying during athletics

Treatment for completeness

Perfect and Imperfect Model

Preparation of thought for Sunday School

Questions to ask about relationships


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!






Ideas for studying the Lesson on "God the Preserver of Man" June 17, 2018

Dear friends,

Would you like to be on a conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The times are Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am'; Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 11:30, and Thursdays at 1:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All four times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like.


Responsive Reading:

Research: on the Priestly Blessing

(Oldest Scripture ever found)

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James Tissot, Jesus Raising the Son of the Widow at Nain 2.jpg


Research: Luke 7, Raising the widow's son

video clip on "Raising the widow's son"

Testimony of raising the dead

Testimony of healing of serious accident



Joshua: the new leader from

Joshua fought the battle of Jericho

Footsteps of Truth

Gates of Righteousness

Fishing Game


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Lesson: "God the Only Cause and Creator" for June 10, 2018

Dear Friends,

The seven days of Creation from Genesis I is the major theme of the lesson on “God the only Cause and Creator.  Each one of the sections has one of the seven days as its main point. It has been said that the "Seven Days of Creation is the banner over the whole Bible."

I will not be doing a blog on this because it is a huge subject, and for me, can’t be put in a blog-like space. However, I will try to share some ideas about each one of the days on the conference calls. If you would like to join me for one of those, please feel free to do so. The phone number to sign up is below.

What is the importance of the days of creation to our leader? She absolutely fills her writings with references to origin, creation, development, unfoldment, identity, individuality, maturity, image, likeness, cause, effect, etc. All are stemming from the spiritual sense of creation. It is the underlying foundation of her theology, as it was of Jesus’ theology. 

The handout I will use for the conference calls is attached. It is just the verses from the lesson with more space in between so that notes can be taken around the verses.

If I were starting over my study on Genesis I, I would begin by looking up as many words as possible in Hebrew.  Commentaries are not very helpful in finding the spiritual sense of the seven days. Mrs. Eddy’s Exegesis, which is in the lesson sermon, and in her chapter entitled “Genesis” is the most inspired help.

Another way to find the spiritual sense of this very critical biblical book is to let the Bible teach you what things means. Search the scriptures for phrases and words in Genesis I-- like 'dry land, or grass or fowl, or rest'.  The Bible is a tapestry of golden threads woven together all throughout, and it will expand concepts and ideas in beautiful ways.

a.    Look for all places in Mrs. Eddy’s writings that  refer to Gen. 1 or 7 days 

b.    Look for definitions in the glossary that are in Gen. I 

I hope to have each of you on a conference call this coming week to learn more about Genesis I. 

With love,




Chart of 7 days

Seven days verses for takings notes

Some ways to think about seven days



Creation Booklet

Gratitude Garden


If you would like to be on a conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The times are Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am; Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 11:30, and Thursdays at 1:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.




Ideas to study the lesson on "Ancient and Modern". . . for June 3, 2018Map

Dear friends,

Would you like to be on a conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The times are Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am'; Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 11:30, and Thursdays at 1:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All four times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like.


Word Study for title of the lesson


Section II:

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Research: Acts 19: Vagabond Jews

"Healing and Words," tony Lobl, January 1999, CSJ

"Fidelity and honest conviction: partners in healing," Mark Ruble, October 17, 1983, CSS

From 'Words with current interest':  Jews; exorcists



Chart of timeline of the Bible

Puzzle of 7 synonyms: paste on a folder or cardboard, cut out, put together

Discussion ideas on 9th commandment

Generic questions on any healing

Gospel authors' chart


The blog is not sponsored by Peace Haven so it is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!



Announcement from Kathy Merrill

Dear Friends,

Just a reminder that there will not be any conference calls tomorrow on Thursday, May 16. I will be traveling all weekend.

I will not do a blog for "Soul and Body", but I will be doing conference calls on that lesson next week.

Tuesday 7:00 am and 7:00 pm

Wednesday 11:30

Thursday 11:30 and 1:30

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and you will join me next week. 

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Mortals and Immortals" for May 20, 2018

Dear friends,

Conference calls are canceled this coming week for Thursday (May 17),  because I will be traveling. I will do them on Tuesday 7:00 am, 7:00 pm, and Wednesday at 11:30.  We will resume on Thursday the following week.

I am not sure about the blog for the following week on "Soul and Body." I will try to get it done, but I may not have the time over the weekend, as I will be out of town.



Misc. Ideas for deeper study:

My 242: Mrs Eddy's Reply

Riding the Train of mortality (John Hargreaves)

Laura Sargent CSD Reminiscences:   “Question. How do mortals grow into immortals?  Answer. As darkness grows into light. By the darkness disappearing. St John the Revelator caught the true vision of man and the universe in that there was no night, no matter no mortal mind. This state of being is the reality of all scientific consciousness, and it is here and now.

Mortals grow into immortals in the sense only that the mortal is found nothing and the immortal the only thing, fact, and mode of being.  (MB Eddy) 



Research: II Cor 4

"Time and Eternity," Robert Ellis Key, January 1, 1949, CSS

"To take the torment out of time," Beulah M. Roegge, Nov. 3, 1980, CSS



Research: Ps. 78




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Research: Luke 7: John the Baptist



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Research: John 11: Lazarus

Map of Bethany



Ideas to work on for grades 1 - 8

Picture of menorah

Computer input and output drawing

Attributes for 7 synonyms

Life of Jesus review events

The blog is not sponsored by Peace Haven so it is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


PS Do you all remember the Benzamin Family tapes sold several years ago? These tapes are now on CD and for sale again. They make wonderful gifts for children, for families, and for those wanting to listen to hymns of music in prayerful verses of the Bible.  You can order them directly from Golden Rule Productions, 505 N. Bluegrove Rd., Lancaster, TX 75146, 1-800-526-7114 or email There are two title "Fear Not," and "All is Well", for $12.00 each, plus $4 shipping. 


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Adam and Fallen Man" for May 13, 2018

Dear friends,

Would you like to be on a conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The times are Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am'; Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 11:30, and Thursdays at 1:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All four times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like.


Research: Genesis 1:26, 27, 31


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Research: Matt. 15: 21-28 Syro-Phoenician woman's daughter

"To all Mankind without exception God's promises apply . . .",  March 15, 1919, CSS

Map of Tyre and Sidon (Gentile territory)



12 sons of Jacob

Tree of 12 sons of Jacob and tribes

Answers to the tree

Jacob's family

12 Tribes of Israel

Map of Jacob's journeys

crossword for 12 sons of Jacob

Timeline of Bible

Children's map of Tyre and Sidon (for Healing


Hope these ideas are helpful!

With love,



The blog is not sponsored by Peace Haven so it is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Everlasting Punishment" for May 6, 2018


Would you like to be on a conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The times are Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am; Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm; Wednesdays at 11:30; Thursdays at 11:30; and Thursdays at 1:30; all central standard time. The Conference Calls are sponsored by Peace Haven Association.

If you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All five times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like.


Dear Friends,  Here is some research on the stories in this week's Lesson and a couple of articles that relate to the topic:

"The Law of Sinai thundered out the imperative commands . . ." by Editor, March 1895, CSJ

"Everlasting Punishment," by Annie M. Knott, Nov. 25 1916, CSS


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Research: Jonah 2nd half of story



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Research: Luke 19 Zacchaeus

Research: Ps 24  Who shall ascend . . . 



Video of Zacchaeus with song

Zacchaeus booklet for preschool

Let your light shine: candle with name on it

Song:  This little light of mine

Prayers for young children

"'Standing Porter"

Jonah song

Jonah sequencing pictures

Paper plate Jonah                 How to make the paper plate Jonah


The blog is not sponsored by Peace Haven so it is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!



Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Probation After Death" for April 29, 2018

Dear friends,

Would you like to be on a conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The times are Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 7:00 am, and Thursdays at 11:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All four times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like.


Possible themes of the sections in Probation After Death

Themes:  walk used 25 times   and     Light  used 24 times

Walk and related words: Pathway; footsteps; walk before me; walk with God; “the way”; walk honestly; walk in newness of life; way is straight and narrow  (Jesus’ followers were called  the followers of the Way before they were called ‘Christians’.)

LIGHT: Light in the Lord; children of light; light of the world; light of life; light of thy countenance; light of the living; enlighten the understanding; “light shall we see light; illumination; shine as the sun; white as the light; lights burning; armor of light; shining light


Section I:  Walk worthy in Jesus Christ

Section II:  Enoch ‘walked with God’ or ascended

Section III: as the tree falls, so it must lie

Section IV: Transfiguration of Jesus

Section V: Be vigilant and watchful and always ready for the Lord (Christ’s coming)

Section VI:  Ascension of Jesus

Section VII: Now is the accepted time! Now is the day of salvation!


RESP0NSIVE READING: from the King James Bible translation


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SECTION 5: Luke 12. Be watchful and ready!


Research: Ascension

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Research: Acts 1 -- the ascension

"As far as to Bethany," George Shaw Cook, March 27, 1937, CSS



Make matching games

Christian qualities to work on with children

Acorn newsletter on 'teaching obedience'

You tube short video on "Man born blind"

Fishing Game with Bible stories


Hope these ideas are helpful!

With love,



The blog is not sponsored by Peace Haven so it is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Doctrine of Atonement" for April 22, 2018

Dear friends,

Would you like to be on a conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The times are Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 7:00 am, and Thursdays at 11:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All four times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like.






A Mezuzah on a doorpost in Israel. It contains the Shema on it.

A Mezuzah on a doorpost in Israel. It contains the Shema on it.

A man wearing a phylactery containing the verses from Deut. 6: 4,5,

A man wearing a phylactery containing the verses from

Deut. 6: 4,5,



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Research: John 9  Man born blind

Map of Jerusalem



Research: John 10 I and my Father are one.



The Prodigal Son:

Sources for Bible stories and characters (Songs and cartoons)

Timeline for the Bible

Beatitudes File Folder Game

Beatitudes concentration game


Hope these ideas are helpful!

With love,



The blog is not sponsored by Peace Haven so it is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!




Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Sin, Disease and Death" for April 15, 2018

Dear friends,

Would you like to be on a conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The times are Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 7:00 am, and Thursdays at 11:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All four times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like.


"All inharmony of mortal mind or body is illusion . . ." SH 473:1

Blank worksheet on the idea of 'illusion'

Answers to worksheet on 'illusion'


"Snake on a garden wall" by Evelyn Grover Heiss, April 1981, CSJ

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Research: Healing of the leper

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Blank worksheet: Raising the Dead                      

Answers to worksheet: Raising the Dead

Research: Acts 20  Eutychus

Testimony: "Death did not end my life" Howard Johnson, July 2, 2001, CSS



Paul and Eutychus on 'Biblefunforkids'

Paul heals a man at Lystra

Paul is shipwrecked on way to Rome

Ideas for preschool age

Characters in the OT and NT (Bible timeline)


Hope these ideas are helpful!



The blog is not sponsored by Peace Haven so it is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!



Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Unreality" for April 8, 2018

Dear friends,

This week's lesson includes the word GOOD at least 21 times.  In the Bible (In Hebrew and Greek) it can mean --useful, joyful, pleasant, excellent, distinguished, upright, fruitful, benevolent, kind, admirable, etc.

In the Webster's 1828 Dictionary it can mean: valid, legally firm, sound, completely perfect, virtuous, moral, pious, undamaged, uncorrupted, etc. There is a long list of meanings in both.

There are several uses of the word "idols" and "images" etc. in the lesson. (meaning a false god, a heathen god, an image or likeness representing the form of an object that is either real or imaginary)


Section I:

Research: Romans 12. Be not conformed. . .


Section II:

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Section III:

Notes on the book of Hosea

Research: The Tares and the Wheat


Section 4:


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Ideas for studying the lesson on "Reality" for April 1, 2018

Dear friends,

Would you like to be on a conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The times are Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 7:00 am, and Thursdays at 11:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All four times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like.


Here is some research on the various stories in this week's lesson:


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Research: Mark 16: these signs. . . and ascension

Appearances of Jesus



The website below has FREE BIBLE IMAGES. You can find Bible characters or themes. You can click on them to enlarge them and then make them into a screenshot to print out.


Days of the Passion Week for elementary age children

Color page on resurrection                Empty tomb

Jesus in Gethsemane from

Life of Jesus pictures to color from

Jesus and resurrection for preschool


Hope all these ideas are helpful!

With love,

Kathy Merrill

The blog is not sponsored by Peace Haven so it is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!