Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Is the Universe including man evolved. . . ?" for June 24, 2018

Dear friends,

Below is research on various passages from this week's lesson. At the very bottom of the blog is information about signing up for a conference call.


Responsive Reading:

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Research: Matthew 13: The leaven


Section 2

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Research: Matthew 17 Epileptic Boy

"By Prayer and Fasting," Ruth W. Heywood, July 1, 1043 CSS

"Prayer and Fasting," Ralph E. Wagers, August 31, 1957, CSS


Section 5: Luke 21, 25-28 "hear of wars and commotions"

"How to Deal with the Nuclear Threat," Geoffrey T. Godsell, May 30, 1977, CSS



(Ideas for discussion for older kids)

Ideas for praying during athletics

Treatment for completeness

Perfect and Imperfect Model

Preparation of thought for Sunday School

Questions to ask about relationships


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!





