Lesson: "God the Only Cause and Creator" for June 10, 2018

Dear Friends,

The seven days of Creation from Genesis I is the major theme of the lesson on “God the only Cause and Creator.  Each one of the sections has one of the seven days as its main point. It has been said that the "Seven Days of Creation is the banner over the whole Bible."

I will not be doing a blog on this because it is a huge subject, and for me, can’t be put in a blog-like space. However, I will try to share some ideas about each one of the days on the conference calls. If you would like to join me for one of those, please feel free to do so. The phone number to sign up is below.

What is the importance of the days of creation to our leader? She absolutely fills her writings with references to origin, creation, development, unfoldment, identity, individuality, maturity, image, likeness, cause, effect, etc. All are stemming from the spiritual sense of creation. It is the underlying foundation of her theology, as it was of Jesus’ theology. 

The handout I will use for the conference calls is attached. It is just the verses from the lesson with more space in between so that notes can be taken around the verses.

If I were starting over my study on Genesis I, I would begin by looking up as many words as possible in Hebrew.  Commentaries are not very helpful in finding the spiritual sense of the seven days. Mrs. Eddy’s Exegesis, which is in the lesson sermon, and in her chapter entitled “Genesis” is the most inspired help.

Another way to find the spiritual sense of this very critical biblical book is to let the Bible teach you what things means. Search the scriptures for phrases and words in Genesis I-- like 'dry land, or grass or fowl, or rest'.  The Bible is a tapestry of golden threads woven together all throughout, and it will expand concepts and ideas in beautiful ways.

a.    Look for all places in Mrs. Eddy’s writings that  refer to Gen. 1 or 7 days 

b.    Look for definitions in the glossary that are in Gen. I 

I hope to have each of you on a conference call this coming week to learn more about Genesis I. 

With love,




Chart of 7 days

Seven days verses for takings notes

Some ways to think about seven days



Creation Booklet

Gratitude Garden


If you would like to be on a conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The times are Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am; Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 11:30, and Thursdays at 1:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at sue@houstonpianocompany.com  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.