Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Unreality" for April 8, 2018

Dear friends,

This week's lesson includes the word GOOD at least 21 times.  In the Bible (In Hebrew and Greek) it can mean --useful, joyful, pleasant, excellent, distinguished, upright, fruitful, benevolent, kind, admirable, etc.

In the Webster's 1828 Dictionary it can mean: valid, legally firm, sound, completely perfect, virtuous, moral, pious, undamaged, uncorrupted, etc. There is a long list of meanings in both.

There are several uses of the word "idols" and "images" etc. in the lesson. (meaning a false god, a heathen god, an image or likeness representing the form of an object that is either real or imaginary)


Section I:

Research: Romans 12. Be not conformed. . .


Section II:

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Section III:

Notes on the book of Hosea

Research: The Tares and the Wheat


Section 4:


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