Ideas for studying the lesson on "Doctrine of Atonement" for Oct. 21, 2017

Dear friends,

We have figured out a way for people who live internationally to get onto conference calls for free. Almost all countries except Canada can do this. If you know of anyone who lives or works overseas and would like to get onto the calls, please have them email me. I can give them the instructions on how to do that. If someone lives in Canada, they have to be on their own phone plan. With love, Kathy (


This week’s lesson is built around the concept of teaching. Taught and teach are used over and over. It also mentions several times “And the people were astonished at his doctrine [teaching].”

Possible main ideas of the sections:

Section I: Peter teaches and lectures at the Pentecost

Section II: Jesus teaches the Sermon on the Mount

Section III: Jesus teaches in the synagogue and teaches by healing

Section IV: Jesus teaches - after overthrowing the moneychangers

Section 5: the Jews marvel at Jesus’ knowledge and teaching

Section 6: We are to speak teachings with sound doctrine


Word Study for “Doctrine” and “Atonement”



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(Kathy’s notes, not research or footnoted)

John 7:14-18 How does Jesus know letters having never learned?



Beatitudes flashcards page 1 Beatitude flashcards page 2 (from Biblos Foundation)

BEE game for matching the Beatitudes

BEE accordians for Beatitudes

Calling the disciples

Names of disciples

Activities for elementary age on disciples

Disciples cards

Posters for disciples

This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!
