Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Christian Science" for June 25, 2017

Dear friends, After June 25, I won't be doing a blog again for several weeks because of my travel to Europe for the Reformation Tour with Biblos Foundation. My daughter is working with me to set up a blog that I can own and maintain. That should be set up very soon. When it is, I'll let you know. It will look very similar to this one.


WORD is used over 21 times in this week's Lesson.

PRINCIPLE is used over 13 times.

"Principle and Practice" CSS, September 1917, Mary Baker Eddy (written in 1910)

Word Study for CS


Possible main ideas for this week's Lesson:

Section I:  Law of God, the Word--Principle of CS

Section II:  Prophecy -- still small voice of Truth

Section III:  The Comforter-- Divine Science

Section IV: Certainty of the words of Truth--Science and Health

Section V:  Doers of the Word (healers)--Deeds (healing the sick)

Section VI: Keep the LAW and teach to your children--for generations yet unborn


Research on Elijah and the Still Small Voice

Jezebel and Elijah


Notes from Kathy on the Comforter

The second coming by Gilmore 1939


Prov 22:21 certainty of the words of truth


I'll be back in August. The blog will continue then.

With love,
