Ideas for studying the lesson on "Life" for July 21, 2024

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HANDOUTS for “Life”

Attributes and qualities for LIFE


Research: John 17:1,3 This is life eternal

Research and notes on John 8:12 I am the light of the world



“Dominion not Domination: Editorial” Albert F. Gilmore, June 30, 1928, CSS



Research: Dan. 10: O man greatly beloved


SECTION 4: Jesus healing, teaching, and preaching

S&H 109:4-16. incontrovertibly

adjective:  Not capable of being denied, challenged, or disputed; closed to questioning.undeniableirrefutableincontestableincontestiblepositivedemonstrableincontravertableunchallengeableunanswerablemore..

Types:empiricala prioriinductivedeductiveanalyticsyntheticmore...



Research and notes: Micah 6. . . what doth the Lord require of thee?


Indisputable; too clear or certain to admit of dispute.

impossible to doubt because of being obviously true: