Ideas for studying the lesson on "Sacrament" for July 14, 2024

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HANDOUTS for “Sacrament”

Key theme in Lesson and its definitions:

Key word in Lesson: CONSECRATE


To declare something holy, or make it holy by some procedure.

To commit (oneself or one's time) solemnly to some aim or task.

Consecrated; devoted; dedicated; sacred.

 to set apart, dedicate, or devote, to the service and worship of God;

To set apart and bless the elements in the eucharist.


Section I:


Section 3:

Research: Matthew 27:35

Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani — These words are quoted from the first verse of the twenty-second Psalm” (Benson Commentary).

One Bible scholar says Jesus was intending that his hearers go back to Ps 22 and ponder it. It tells exactly what he is going through. Jews knew the Psalms by the first line. They used the first line as the title of the Psalm. 
