Ideas for studying the lesson on "Immortals and Immortals" May 19, 2024

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HANDOUTS for “Mortals & Immortals”


This lesson is filled with the concept of LIGHT!

Miscellaneous ideas on Light:

From the Editors: “No Darkness at All” August 27, 2012, CSS

Hebrew and Greek on LIGHT

Section 2:

Research: Gen. Jacob wrestles with angel

“Face to Face” biblically means the relationship of ‘original’ to ‘image.’

Perfect God, perfect man. 

Original = God, “I AM”

Image = man, “I am

Articles to read on this subject: (Both articles are very inspiring. I’ve just given you a bit from each).

“Face to Face” by Gladys A. M. O’Connor, CSJ, October 1931

“It is recorded in the Gospel of Matthew that after Jesus had gone up into a high mountain—an exalted state of spiritual thinking—he was transfigured before three of his disciples whom he had taken with him. They, too, then saw the spiritual identity as a son of God, whose face shone as the sun with his exalted understanding of Life and Love, and whose purity was as a white raiment about him.

This spotless purity, into which no shadow of animality had ever entered, enabled Jesus to come into radiant communion with his Father. He was so conscious of divine Love's omnipotence, perfection, and nearness that he, as it were, saw God "face to face," and reflected in his countenance the matchless holiness, purity, and love which dwell forever in the divine Mind, and which had always been his as a son of God.”

“Face to face with God,” Mary Bretz Reed, CSJ, March 1987

"I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved." 1 What a wonderful experience Jacob must have had to so glimpse what God is in His perfection, goodness, and omnipresence that he could see something of the unreality of the error he was struggling with—"a mortal sense," Mrs. Eddy explains, "of life, substance, and intelligence as existent in matter with its false pleasures and pains . . . ." 2 He was so spiritually uplifted that he called the place "Peniel" or "Face of God."


Section 3:

Research: John 3: Nicodemus


Section 4:

Thoughts on the story of “Jairus’ daughter”

Research on Isa 60:1 Arise, shine

“Arise, Shine; for thy light is come.” Eugenia P. Godfrey, January 22, 1910


Notes on the concept of light:

what it is:

a. understanding, knowledge, wisdom

b. agent which produces vision

c. understanding: the root means ‘what you stand for in obedience’

d. form of energy that travels freely through space

a. invisible

b. micro-wave

c. infrared

d. ultra-violet

e. prism: visible spectrum, 7 colors, completeness

f. reflected

g. travels 186,000 miles per sec

h. definition: open view, a visible state, a state of being seen

i. Christ, Truth

what it does:

a. dissolves darkness

b. allows us to see

c. causes growth, fuel, warms

d. shows us the way

e. totally illuminates the darkness

f. impartial, clarifies, inexhaustible, guides

g. takes away fear

h. heals XI: 13 CS in operation


1. absence of light

2. an un-illuminated area

3. absence of moral or spiritual values

4. obscurity, ignorance, dimness, impaired vision, obscurity or mist

one tiny candle lit in a cave that’s been pitch black for a million years will enlighten the darkness.

Turning on the light:

a. is really prayer

b. focusing on the allness of God

c. God’s infinity, essence, presence

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