Ideas for studying the lesson on "Reality" for March 31, 2024

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HANDOUTS for “Reality”


30 Bible Verses about LIGHT


1. Actual being or existence of any thing; truth; fact; 

2. Something intrinsically important, not merely matter of show.

3. that which has a full and absolute being of itself, and is not considered as a part of any thing else.


“What are we seeing?” Elizabeth Crecelius Schwart, August 2021, CSJ


Section I: from the Bible Lens

Section 3:



Section 5:

Research: John 20 Resurrection


Thanks so much for working on the spiritual sense of this Easter Lesson.

With so much love!


from a Christian Science Perspective

it's not uncommon for individuals to overlook delving into the context of the Bible, and why it is relevant in our modern livess. 

Consequently, when questioned about its importance, many find themselves at a loss to provide a comprehensive response.

Never be caught off guard again with the question:
"Why the Bible? Why study the King James Version?"


With our online course, you'll gain the tools and knowledge to confidently address these inquiries to further a productive discussion with any age. Explore the significance of what constitutes the Bible, uncovering its relevance and impact on our modern lives and deepening our spiritual understanding with its relationship to Christian Science. We will delve deeper into the debate over the King James Version and why it might be particularly still valuable in not only addressing its historical significance but also the translation discrepancies that continue to be a hot topic within the Christian and academic communities.

Join us as we explore the Bible from a modern context, asking ourselves the questions if we should we still care to educate ourselves on the Bible? and if so, why would it be significant from a Christian Science perspective?