Ideas for study of "Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real?" for October 10, 2021

Dear friends,

Notice the new heading at the top right side of this page. I will be putting talks I have done in the past here for free. Just click to listen to them

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207.

“Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real?” HANDOUTS


Golden Text: Eccl. 3:14, 15



Notes on “new song”: Ps 33:3




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Research: Gen. 50: Joseph forgives his brothers

Glossary definitions of twelve tribes of Israel

“From anger and hurt to forgiveness” Program 032: (Podcast)
Alice Howell, Barbara, Beth Whitewater, Jill Gooding (Listen especially to Jill Gooding’s about the man in the concentration camp)



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The way to get access to the conference call for as many times a week as you’d like, and any time day or night, is to join our monthly or yearly subscription service of $20 a month or $200 a year. You can sign up for those by going to the website at and clicking on JOIN at the top.

 The conference calls from this past week (Unreality) and three calls before are available for your use. 

Also, a talk on “Grace” is up for you to listen to. 

 Under FREE TALKS on the website, I’ve also put an article I wrote long ago called “Working for Our Father’s Business’. It is about 12 minutes. I have rerecorded it and updated it because I know many people are struggling with employment right now. Also under that tab is “Pecking Open our Shells” and “Defending our Children”.

To become a member with all the things it includes:

Go to the tabs at the top of the webpage at

Click on JOIN. Type in your email and password. Pay with your credit card. You cannot pay with a check. Go back to My Account and Three choices should come up. 

Member Home

Recorded Conference Calls

Grace Talk

Click on the one you want to listen to or look at.


Thank you all for your support and joy as this new endeavor unfolds. I’m so grateful for each one of you.
