Ideas for studying the lesson on "Doctrine of Atonement" for October 17, 2021

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“Doctrine of Atonement” Handouts


Possible main ideas of each section:

Golden Text and Section I: idea of purity; pure in heart

Section 2: Woman taken in Adultery; Jesus is the light of the world (healing of sin)

Section 3: Teaching and doctrine of Jesus Christ

Section 4: We must deny ourselves, take up the cross and follow him (what does all this mean?)

Section 5: Pentecost: power of the Spirit; 3,000 souls were converted to Christianity in one day

Section 6: No division, no confusion, no prejudice in a church built on divine Love


There are three tenets in this lesson; #4, #5, #6 We might use this as an opportunity to deeply study our tenets. Are they biblical? These are the foundation of the doctrine of our church!

This is a study sheet to do work on the tenets if you would like to: look up the words; write a bible verse next to any biblical reference; look up in periodicals; etc.

Tenets of the Mother Church



Screen Shot 2018-10-12 at 6.04.51 AM.png

Research: Acts 1 & 2: Pentecost

Map of Jerusalem

Article about ‘the Pentecost’



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Thank you all for your support and joy as this new endeavor unfolds. I’m so grateful for each one of you, for your receptivity and love of the Scriptures and your desire to grow spiritually. Our Movement depends on it!
