Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Mortals and Immortals" for Nov. 12, 2017

(I have been having trouble keeping the links active. If these are not active, just go to the website at and they will be. Let me know if you have problems getting the research.)

Dear friends, 

This week's Lesson is built around the parable of the "Prodigal Son" and the three degrees in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.

Below is a video clip from the movie "Jesus of Nazareth" which shows this parable in a beautiful interpretation. It is about 12 minutes long.

This scene begins with a few of the disciples, Peter especially, frustrated because Jesus has agreed to go to dinner at Matthew’s house. (Capernaum’s tax collector). Peter hates Matthew because he takes advantage of the villagers and charges them extra money for the Roman taxes. Because Matthew is such a great sinner, entering Matthew’s home would make Jesus and any other Jew unclean.
This portraying of the Prodigal Son is not the way it happens in the Scriptures, but it is a beautiful possibility of how it could have happened and shows Jesus as the grand storyteller that he was.

Video Clip of the Prodigal Son

Word Study for Mortals and Immortals

Article on I John 3 from the periodicals: MBE and Prof. Hering

My 242: Argue from the standpoint of perfection

Riding the Train of Mortality

Drawing of the train of mortality



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