Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Soul and Body" for November 19, 2017

ATTENTION: The week of Thanksgiving there will be conference calling only on
Wednesday, 7:30 am (CST) and 11:30 (
CST). There will be no conference calls on Thursday!!


Dear friends:

Here is some research on various passages and stories in this week's lesson:

Ideas on "SOUL"

Attributes of "Soul"


Possible themes for sections in the Lesson:

Golden Text:  Light and Glory

Responsive Reading:  Praise

Section I:  Infinite God -- can't be 'in' something else, never contained

Section II:  Body = Temple,  identity

Section III:  spiritual strength - handling belief of age

Section IV:  Single Eye equals a body full of light

Section V: Healing of the blind

Section VI:  Freedom

Section VII:  Affirmation of Soul



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INFINITE: total and all embracing; having no limits or boundaries in time or space or extent or magnitude; too numerous to be counted; boundless; not circumscribed; that will have no end; extending indefinitely; immeasurable; inconceivably great or extensive; limitless

FINITE: having a limit; limited; bounded; opposed to infinite

Research: Acts 17  Paul in Athens

Information on Mars' Hill in Athens



Research: Romans 8:5, 9

Research: I Cor. 6:19, 20




Research Josh 14: Caleb

Two articles from periodicals on Is 40: "run and not be weary"

 "Enduring Vitality," by Olivia Putnam Whittaker, June 25, 1955, CSS

 "You Shall Run and Not Be Weary," by Claire E. Moore, August 7, 1954, CSS



Single Eye = full of light

Research Matt 6:22,23  



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