Ideas for studying the lesson on "Mortals and Immortals" for May 14, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Mortals and Immortals”


Topics for each section:

Section 1: spiritual origin, sons of God, children of God

Section 2: Put on new man; governed by the kingdom of God

Section 3: Tares and wheat

Section 4: Rules for living; turn our ways, be not conformed, be stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord

Section 5: Handling belief of death; widow’s son at Nain

Section 6: made by the spirit of God


Responsive Reading:

Research Romans 8:16, 17, The Spirit itself…”

Research: John 4:23 “God is Spirit”

Research: I John 3:2-2 Now are we the sons…


Section 3:

Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Adam and Fallen Man" for May 7, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Adam and Fallen Man”

Seven days of creation in colors



Research: Gen. 1: man as image and having dominion

“The ability to cope” Anetta G. Schneider, March 1979, CSJ



Research: Luke 13: Jesus heals woman with infirmity



Worksheet: Mark the perfect man — blank

Worksheet answers: mark the perfect man


Thank you all so much for your love and support!



Ideas for studying the lesson on “Everlasting Punishment” for April 30, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Everlasting Punishment”

Word Studies:


Everlasting and mercy

‘Everlasting Punishment. All are welcome” Blythe Evans, January 2020, CSJ

“Everlasting Punishment” Helen K. Brock, August 23, 1919, CSS

“Everlasting Punishment” Annie M. Knott, November 25, 1916, CSS



Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Probation After Death" for April 23, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Probation After Death”



Ideas for studying the lesson "Doctrine of Atonement" for April 16, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

Handouts for “Doctrine of Atonement”


Word study on Doctrine, atonement, reconcilation



Middle wall of partition: drawing and explanation


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Are sin, sickness and death real?" for April 9, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?”



“What is man? Thou madest him to have dominion . . . “

“Dominion” Etta M. Gilbreath, Etta M. Gilbreath, 1916, CSJ


Research: Luke 15: lost sheep



Research: John 21: Restoration of Peter



Resurrection pictures. tomb. Jesus rising

New Testament timeline

Appearances of Jesus after resurrection


Thank you so much for being a part of csbibleinsights!

With love,



Ideas for studying the lesson on "Unreality" for April 2. 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Unreality”



Research: Ps 84:1 sun and shield

Ideas to study on the lesson "Matter" for March 19, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Matter”


IDEAS on Studying the Bible more deeply

Chart on studying the Bible

Web Sources for deeper study of the Bible

There are three short videos by me on the link at the top of this website called ‘about’. Learn how to look words up in Greek/Hebrew, use Bible commentaries, organizing your Bible study, and using this blog.


Miscellaneous Ideas on “matter”

Reasoning that there is no matter

“What divine allness implies” Peter Henniker Heaton, July 1960,

“A Century of CS healing”, Testimony of PHH



Notes on Matthew 16: ye can discern the face of the sky


Activities on the kings of Israel and Judah

Kings of Israel and Judah

Chart of Kings of Israel and Judah


I hope these ideas have been helpful to you! If you have any questions that I can help you with it don’t hesitate to ask.

With love,


Ideas to study on the lesson on "SUBSTANCE' for March 12, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Substance”


Possible main theme for this week’s lesson is “beauty” shown in the “beauty of the Lord”, the “beauty of holiness” etc.


Ideas to study for the lesson on "Man"

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Man”

“Mind is the Mover”, Lacy Bell Richter, July 1974, CSJ

Blank worksheet on “What is Man?”

Golden Text: Gen. 1:26, 27

Research: first commandment second commandment



Chart on notes for Genesis 2:



Research: face to face

Image: what does it mean in physics


Section 4:

“An Unusual prescription” Editorial, October 4, 1900, CSS

“True Diagnosis” Charles Henry Philips, December 1912,

Research: Matthew 8: healing of Peter’s mother in law



TESTIMONY: one altogether lovely

“Church expresses the symmetry of Science and Christianity,” Susan
Dane, April 9, 1984, CSS


I know some of these documents did not come through for some of you. I have just gone through and changed them all to a PDF. If you find any that still don’t work, please let me know.

I had to get a new computer, and everything has shifted a bit and I am learning how to use it.

Thanks for your patience.


Ideas to study the lesson on "Christ Jesus" for February 26, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Jesus Christ”


Book written by Kathy Merrill and Kristy Christian:

Go to and to books

Find Jesus and His Times



Research: Matt. 3: Baptism of Jesus



Research: Jesus raises Jairus’ daughter

“Death did not end my life” Howard Johnson, July 2, 2001, CSS



short cartoon video of Jesus raising Jairus’ daughter

Beatitude flashcards page 1 page 2

Link to the Chosen
This is so Powerful - The Chose
Here is a link you can refer people to watch The Chosen

Ideas are for children at home or SS: includes: Craft for Raising Jairus’ daughter


Thank you so much for your prayers, support and gratitude!

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "MIND" for February 19, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

Handouts for “MIND”



Article on “Solomon’s character”



Prov. 3:5, 6 Trust in the Lord



Research Luke 8: Jesus heals insane man at Gadara

Map: showing Gadara

“My Name is Legion: for we are many” J.M. Tutt, M.D. June 1910, CSJ

“Love that heals” Jeanie Andrews, February 1911, CSJ



Article on “Cornelius”

Research: Acts 10: Cornelius is converted

Map with Caesarea Maritima



PACKET from Trueway on Birth of Issaac

I just discovered this plan for teaching Bible to young children called Thruway. It has many worksheets, maps, etc. Not all of it is applicable, but a lot of it is just terrific.

These are FREE, downloadable, and printable. I hope they are helpful!


With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "SOUL" for February, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Soul”


Attributes and qualities of SOUL


Research: Ps 19: law of the Lord



Research: Gen. 27, Jacob steals the blessing



Notes and Chart: Genesis 32, Jacob wrestles with angel


Research: Genesis 33: Esau comes to Jacob

“Seeing Our Brother Right” Louise Knight Wheatley, April 1913, CSJ

“Face to Face” biblically means the relationship of ‘original’ to ‘image.’

Perfect God, perfect man.

Original = God, “I AM”

Image = man, “I am

 Articles to read on this subject: (Both articles are very inspiring.  

“Face to Face” by Gladys A. M. O’Connor, CSJ, October 1931

“Face to face with God,” Mary Bretz Reed, CSJ, March 1987



Jacob’s trading cards


Thank you all so much for being a member of csbibleinsights, and for sharing what you are learning with your families and churches!

with so much love, Kathy


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Spirit" for February 5, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Spirit”


How to read the Bible through!

“Substance” Henry Van Arsdale, July 1912, CSJ

Attributes and qualities on SPIRIT



Spirituality—what it is and isn't

Judy Wolff, C.S.B.



Research: Mark 5: woman with issue of blood

“Christian Healing: Not a Mystery, but a Marvel”, Anetta G. Schneider, March 8, 1975, CSS


SECTION 6: Excerpt from “Pecking Open our shells”

Section from “Pecking Open our Shells”(Jack Geis – a Christian Scientist)

Few people today realize how much Albert Einstein studied S&H with Key to the Scriptures, supported its conclusions and admired its author, Mary Baker Eddy. Dr. Einstein was known to visit Christian Science churches and Reading Rooms in the New York and New Jersey areas.

His high regard for Science & Health was reflected in the following two statements.

'Science and Health is beyond this generation's understanding. It is the pure science. And, to think that a woman knew this over eighty years ago!'"

'If everyone realized what is in that book (meaning Science and Health), you would not have enough room anywhere to accommodate the people who would be clamoring for it.'" (Reminiscences of Elizabeth Earl Jones, from The Healer: The Healing Work of Mary Baker Eddy, p.189. )

Einstein glimpsed the absolute infinity of divine Mind and man’s relationship to this Mind outside the shell of materiality.

Mrs. Eddy also makes this profound statement,

258:11 Man reflects infinity, and this reflection is the true idea of God.

Is this statement true for you right this moment and for all eternity? Are you reflecting infinity in your daily life? Or does there seem to be an arc to your life where you think you have reached your pinnacle or summit, and are now on the downward slide?

Mrs. Eddy also writes


        God expresses in man the infinite idea forever developing itself, broadening and rising higher and higher from a boundless basis.

Forever means without interruption; eternally. If God is expressing in you the infinite idea, forever developing itself, what does this mean for you?  Is there ever a moment when could be in decline?

Is it ever too late for us? Do you ever feel like life has passed you by? Remember Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 when they bore Isaac, and Moses did not even begin his main career until he was 80 years old. For the last 40 years of his life, he led the Children of Israel out of bondage. We put limits on ourselves when we say or think that ‘we are too old to do anything.’

Infinity has a wonderful definition and we need to affirm and acknowledge in our daily work that we do reflect infinity every day, every moment. Infinity means limitless, no bounds, inexhaustible, unending, immense, astronomical, without limit or number. We can put the word infinite and its definitions in front of anything we think might be needful in our experience.  Infinite ability and capacity, inexhaustible energy and supply, unlimited health, uninterrupted Love.

 On pages 256-258, Mrs. Eddy uses the word infinity 17 times, and it is used overall in her writings over 500 times, which gives us an inkling of how important this concept it to our spiritual growth


Thank you all so much for your love and support!


Ideas for studying the lesson on "LOVE" for January 29, 2023

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or on the conference call Bible Lesson sessions, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. I will send them the information.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to the lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Love”


“The Greatest Thing in the World” Henry Drummnd - I Cor 13

Attributes and Qualities of LOVE

Sample using attributes of Love and the definition of God



Research: Love your enemies



Research: Mark 3: Jesus heals withered hand



Research: Luke 7: Mary Magdalene washes Jesus’ feet

Article on Mary Magdalene from Biblos Foundation website



Timeline of Bible

Preschool ideas

Hands on Bible ideas


Thank you to all of you for supporting and using this website. If you would like to see something else on it, please let me know.

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Truth" for January 22, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Truth”


Misc. things to consider on TRUTH:

Attributes and Qualities

Mini-treatment with definition of God and Truth



Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Life" for January 8, 2023

Dear Friends,

I want to express my deepest gratitude for all the loving prayers & support I received these past two weeks. This Bible community we have all created and sustained over the past 8 years, has been a lifeline for me, and I am deeply grateful for each one of you. I’ve had a complete healing, and am excited to share some ideas on this week’s Lesson, “Life.”

HANDOUTS for “Life”

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.


Misc. ideas on the concept of LIFE

Life: Attributes and Qualities

Sample of a treatment using the synonyms of LIFE along with the definition of GOD



Research: Luke 10: Good Samaritan



Video about Hannah

Questions about healing

Preschool Ideas

Love God, Love your neighbor blank sheet

Love God, Love your neighbor teacher ideas


Thank you so much for your continuous love and support of this work! I am very grateful!


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Sacrament" for January 8, 2023

Happy New Year to all of you!

Thank you to everyone for your prayers and support as I have worked through a physical issue this past week. It seems that there is still a need to devote my prayers to demonstrate a full healing for the next couple days. I have completed the blog for this week’s Lesson on “Sacrament,” but I have decided to devote the rest of the week to expecting a full healing instead of working on a conference call & handouts. I appreciate everyone’s continued support and understanding.

Next week I fully expect a complete recovery and plan to post the blog for “Life” as well as a new conference call and handouts.

“Sacrament” Ella W. Hoag, July 7, 1923, CSS



Ideas to study for the lesson on "Christian Science" for December 25, 2022

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

Handouts for Christian Science
