Dear Friends,
If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member.
If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.
HANDOUTS for “Substance”
Possible main theme for this week’s lesson is “beauty” shown in the “beauty of the Lord”, the “beauty of holiness” etc.
Responsive Reading
Notes on Eccl. 3: I know that . . .
“Testimony: there is no power apart from God” Rom 13:1
Research: Hebrews 11: Now faith
Research and notes on Eccl 9: poor wise man
“Why am I here?” Howard H. Irwin, December 19, 1959, CSS
“Truth Ever Present” J. Allen Barris, January 8, 1916, CSS
“The healing word of God —-quick, powerful, sharp” William E.. Moody, June 1998, CSJ
Notes and research Acts 3: Peter and John heal lame man
“The Gate Beautiful” Clara Schrader Streeter, April 1927, CSJ
Burning Bush activities
Paul and the lame man activities
I hope these research ideas have been helpful to you.
With loads of love,