Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Man" for March 5, 2017

Dear Friends, This Lesson includes ideas on the concept of "forever" and also on the theme of "pre-existence, co-existence, and forever existence." 

Main themes in the Lesson on "Man"


Here is research on the main stories and healings in the Lesson:th-2

Section I: Man as image and likeness (reflection)

"The book of Genesis has an importance to which no other document of history bears the slightest claim. It is not only the oldest book that is trustworthy history but the only one that opens to spiritual sense a clear concise view of God's government and spiritual creation . . ."  (Mary Baker Eddy Library Accession #10360B).

Gen. 1.26 and 27 image and likeness

"Reflection" by Ivimy Gwalter, Dec. 7, 1940, CSS

Original image chart


Section 2:

Chart on pre-existence 

"I Was There" by Violet Hay, May 14 1955, CSS

Notes and ideas on Melchisedec

Hebrews 7 - A Priest Like Melchizedek


Section 3: Handling the belief of heredity 

Research. John 9. 1-7 Healing of the Man Born Blind

Map of Jerusalem



Section 4: Born Again (born from above) - Life is eternal, pre-existent

Research. John 3 1 to 15 Nicodemus and the New Birth



Section 5: Raising of widow's son at Nain -- Life is independent of matter

Luke 7.11-15.Raising of widows son

Map of palestine



Section VI:  Never born and never dying - Life is co-existent with God



Healing of the man let down through the roof:


Questions to ask about "reflection."

Questions for discussion about 'image'




7 1/2 minute You tube video:  "Jesus heals the man born blind";_ylt=AwrB8pXU1bFYPDoAGnI2nIlQ?p=Jesus%20Heals%20Man%20Blind%20From%20Birth&fr=yhs-Lkry-SF01&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Ai%2Cm%3Apivot&hsimp=yhs-SF01&hspart=Lkry#id=1&vid=4ce84b8ad68eeb4c5ee41d4e9a1da078&action=view


Acorn Principia Bible Unit on Joshua


Hope these ideas are helpful!




Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Christ Jesus" for February 26, 2017

Dear Friends, Click here for a sheet on the possible main ideas for the sections in the lesson:

Main Ideas of Lesson

Notice the word "all" and  the words relating to it:  together, whosoever, every one, every nation, every child, man and woman, etc. etc. It speaks again to the inclusiveness  and universality of God's message through Christ Jesus to humanity.


Responsive Reading Research:  Ephesians 1

Eph 1. 2 to 12 adoption of sons


I Tim. 2  "There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus."

"The Mediator," Willis F. Gross, CSS, August 19, 1916


Map of Palestine

Notice the places on the map in this week's Lesson:

John the Baptist's prison location and where he was beheaded:  Machaerus (to the east of the Dead Sea)

Woman at the well: near Sychar in Samaria

Healing of the Centurion's servant: in Capernaum (on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee)


Article from Biblos Foundation on "John the Baptist" (as a member of Biblos Foundation, you have access to many Bible articles. Click here for more inforation:



Here is some research on the Bible stories and passages in this week's Lesson:


Research. John 4. Woman at the well

"Wells of Water," Albert M. Le Messurier, CSJ, October 1916



Research. Matt 8. Centurion's servant


Research: I John 3 what manner of love

Herman Hering article on I John 3


Children's Ideas:

Teaching children the healing of the centurion's servant:


Click on the title below to see a craft project that goes along with the raising of Jairus' Daughter:


Flashcards on the Bible for Preschool: Not all options here fit with Christian Science theology:


Flashcards for grades K to 8:Not all options here fit with Christian Science theology:

Hope these ideas are helpful!



Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Mind" for February 19, 2017

Dear Friends, This lesson is filled with words like wisdom, knowledge, understanding, the way, teach, etc. Many are synonymous with each other.

Mrs. Eddy tells us that Christian Science 

". . . is not a search after wisdom, it is wisdom:"

". . . it is God’s right hand grasping the universe, — all time, space, immortality, thought, extension, cause, and effect; constituting and governing all identity, individuality, law, and power." Mis. 364:12-17


Word Study on "Mind"

MIND attributes chart

Word-Study-in-Greek-and-Hebrew-for-the-Lesson-on- "Mind"

Research: Proverbs 3. 5 6 Trust in the Lord


Here is some research for the stories in this week's Lesson.

BN-FW401_redsea_M_20141204152204    a2f7a835441010aceb8df321ac59e427

Research: Ex. 14: Moses Crossing the Red Sea

Moses' prayer crossing the Red Sea according to Josephus the historian. 

"Let the dry land appear", May Rimes Hutson,  July 1945 , CSJ

"Go Forward," by Lela May Aultman, Juine 5, 1948, CSS



Samuel anoints Saul king: Screen Shot 2017-02-11 at 7.49.05 AM

Research- I Sam 9. 3- 6, 10, 18- 20 Saul meets the prophet Samuel

map of Saul and Kish



Research Mark 1. 14 to 17  Fishers of men

"FISHERS OF MEN",  John Tutt, July 1956, CSJ

Why is a fish a symbol of early Christians


Idea for studying the concept of "Mind." Sometimes it is helpful to take a portion of S&H and spread it out in Concord and Word, and then go through that section looking up every word, explaining what something is, what it does, what it frees us from, writing treatments using the ideas, and also seeing all the biblical connections. It is just a way to see a concept we are familiar with in a whole new light. Here is the question in S&H 469, "What is Mind?"

I'm sharing this with you as an example. You might make a blank copy of something, and fill in the blanks yourself with your own insights. This is my beginning study on this question, "What is Mind?" Hope it is helpful as we all learn how to study more deeply!

What is Mind SH study



Moses Crossing the Red Sea for Acorn Newsletter at Principia

Screen Shot 2015-08-27 at 1.59.36 PM  Moses crossing the Red Sea for preschool


The website has a lot of ideas for teaching the disciples to children. Here are a few links, but there are more:


If you are a member of Biblos Foundation (my sister, Kristy Christian's foundation), you have FREE access to a Disciple Study Booklet that is really good. Just log into the website, and go to Study Packets. You can run it off or use it on your computer.  There are timelines, charts, resources, etc. The cover looks like this:

Screen Shot 2017-02-11 at 7.32.52 AM

Here is one thing in the study packet:  disciple flashcards 


For older students on disciples:

DISCIPLE Worksheet

12 Disciples name them



I hope these ideas are helpful to you! 

With lots of love,






Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Soul" for February 12, 2017

If you live in the St. Louis area, join Evan MacDonald at Clarkson Valley Church on Saturday, Feb. 11, at 1:30 in the Sunday School, for a talk on how to talk to non-Scientists using the Bible. This talk is sponsored by the Joint Institutional Committee of St. Louis. Evan is a Bible teacher for the Principia Upper School.  __________

Also, join us for a Principia-sponsored Bible Talk:

given by Marilyn Wallace, CS, on "A Fresh Look at the Ten Commandments"

Thursday, February 16, 2017, at 7:30 p.m., in the Principia Middle School Center

All are welcome to attend.


Dear Friends,

This week's Lesson has a lot about substance in it, along with abundance, and infinite supply. To help a bit with those key words, click on the Word Study and attributes below.

Word Study for the Lesson on "Soul"

Soul definitions from 1828 Dictionary and Hebrew/Greek

Attributes and qualities of SOUL


Here is some research for the stories in this week's Lesson.


Research: I Kings 17. Elijah fed by the Ravens

(Just as the widow at Sarapeth was the lowest in society, the raven was considered the most unworthy of the fowls. But God used both of these to save Elijah in his time of great need.)

Ravens in the Bible

SH 511:28

The fowls, which fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven, correspond to aspirations soaring beyond and above corporeality to the understanding of the incorporeal and divine Principle, Love.



I Kings 17.8-16 Elijah. and widow at Zarepath

Elijah Timeline

Map for Elijah and Elisha's travels

If you want to print this map, search Elijah map. Find this one. Drag it to your desktop and print from there. It will be larger.


Peter's mother-in-law was healed Matthew 8:14-15

Research. Matt-8.-14-16-Peters-mother-in-law-fever

(This healing took place in Peter's home in Capernaum.)




Research: Matt. 17:24 Jesus and the tribute money

Articles related to the "Tax Money in Fishes Mouth"

"Taxes" by Helen M. Eastman, Dec. 18, 1943, CSS

"Demonstrating Unshrinkable Supply" by Alan A. Aylwin, Sept. 26, 1970, CSS



Creation Booklet

Books of Bible

Beatitude Concentration Game

Bell Ringer

Concrete objects or symbols

Dorothy's sample lesson

Hope these ideas are helpful!




Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Spirit" for February 5, 2017

If you live in the St. Louis area, join us for a Principia-sponsored Bible Talk:

Marilyn Wallace, CS, on "A Fresh Look at the Ten Commandments"

Thursday, February 16, 2017, at 7:30 pm, in the Principia Middle School Center

All are welcome to attend.


If you know of anyone (Sunday School teachers, friends, family) who might enjoy receiving this blog once a week, please enter their email in the box on the top right side of this page.  All are welcome!


Dear Friends,

Here is some word study on the subject of "Spirit."

SPIRIT attributes chart

Notes and research on "Spirit" in Greek


Research. Luke 4. Jesus and Nazareth


If you type into your URL line the words "Jesus of Nazareth in the synagogue" you can view on youtube a scene from the movie "Jesus of Nazareth" showing this event. Click on video just under the URL line. It begins with Jesus returning to Nazareth after the wilderness experience.


To expand your understanding of the history of Elijah and Elisha, click on the links below:

History of Divided Kingdom           Chart of Bible Elijah Elisha in red

Go to Google, type in the URL line -- timeline of Elijah and Elisha. Click on the word 'image' at the top of the page. These two images below will come up. You can print from your computer. If they aren't large enough, enlarge them on your computer by dragging the corners out. Then take a screenshot of the big pictures. And print those out for working with students.

Screen Shot 2017-01-27 at 8.00.17 AM      Screen Shot 2017-01-27 at 8.00.34 AM


elijah-and-elish   imagesResearch II Kings 2. 6 to 12 Elijah ascends

ELIJAH AND ELISHA by William Leander Post, August 19, 1911, CSS

A DOUBLE PORTION OF THY SPIRIT by Ada C. Best, Aoril 1911, CSJ__

God's Seers, by Jeanie Andrews, Feb. 4, 1911, CSS


Research. II Kings 2. 19 to 22 Elisha and Cruse of salt


Go to the Lesson on "Truth" on this blog and listen to Marshall McCurties' Chapel for the Upper School.  It is at 31:36 minutes on line at the bottom. He has some wonderful insights on an Elisha story that relates a bit to the story of the cruse of salt.


Research. Matt 15. 21 to 28. Syro-Pho woman



Research Acts 1 and 2 Pentecost

(an Eastern Orthodox Icon of the Christian Pentecost)




Folder book for Elijah.


Misc Ideas for preschool age


Ideas for young children


Hope these ideas are helpful!



Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Love" for January 29, 2017

A new "Museum of the Bible" is being built in Washington D.C.  Click here to see more about it!


Dear Friends,

One theme that seems to run through this lesson is how Love rules out fear. Fear is mentioned many times in the lesson, in almost every section. 

"Fear is the belief in the existence of something apart from good. Love casts it out because Love understands the infinite oneness of Being without an unlikeness." Laura Sargent


Possible main ideas of each section: (Please know these are just what is coming to me. You might see completely different ideas.)

God is Love:

Section I: Infinite, omnipresent Love

Section II: Divine Love meets every need!

Section III: Universal brotherhood: "Love thy neighbor as thyself"

Section IV: Raising of Jairus' daughter (Fear not!) Handle fear first in every treatment!

Section V: Jesus walking on the water. Peter follows him but sinks when he becomes afraid and looks away from the Christ.

Section VI: "be not afraid," Divine Love is the shepherd!


Attributes of LOVE:

WHAT IS LOVE attributes chart  (These qualities and attributes are not all of them. But they are a start in applying our understanding of what Love is and does.)


GOD IS LOVE!  I John 4:16   (agape in Greek)

Research: agape and phileo

John: on love one another

LOVE defined from Eerdman's Bible Dictionary

"Love" by Frederick Dixon, CSJ, March 1909


Research: Luke 12, Take no thought


good-samaritanResearch: Luke 10. Good Samaritan

the-raising-of-jairus-daughter-english-schoolResearch: Luke 8. Raising Jairus' daughter



Research: Matt 14. Walking on the Sea


Every Monday morning in the Upper School a Chapel is shared by members of the community. Last week's was given my Marshall McCurties, and it was about "True Freedom." I thought you all might like to hear it. It was just excellent.

Skim through the first part and go to 17:58 minutes to hear his Chapel. The first half is something else where the students are talking about Martin Luther King.



Priority Equation explanation                   Priority Equation: blank for student


"Are we benefited by praying?" SH 6:4

Here is a chart that might help have a conversation or discussion about prayer and what it means to pray:

Qualities of thought needed.blank                   Qualities of thought needed (teacher)


This website from Bible Fun For Kids is a great way to teach the books of the Bible. It is a FREE download but you have to go to their website to receive it. Then you can print it off yourself.


This website has a pop-up book to be made on all the parables of Jesus.


The following two links are ways to teach Jesus' life and the disciples to preschool age up to about second graders.

Hope these are helpful!

with love,







Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Truth" for January 22, 2017

Dear Friends, This week's Lesson is built around the "leaven" of Truth: Science, Theology, and Medicine. (17 out of 32 markers speak to this subject). The first section establishes Truth's authority in the Scriptures with the "little book" in Revelation 10, which is Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I know you will enjoy your deeper study of this outstanding Lesson!

Mary Baker Eddy wrote one time in a letter:

"One favor I ask for you -- that you take more time than you have done to study, read, and reread Science and Health. You need it and this will do more for you than you have any idea, and is just what you do need to prepare yourself to take up anew and with brighter and clearer and more spiritual vision the teaching and preaching of the Word that is God. Too much preparation cannot be given to this."  (MBE L06961)


Qualities and attributes of Truth

Word Study for the Lesson on Truth


Below is some research on the stories and events and verses in this week's Lesson.

Research- Rev. 10. 1,2,8,10,11 little book



Research: Matt. 13, three measures of meal

THE LEAVEN OF TRUTH by Duncan Sinclair, July 1934, CSJ



Research: Mark 6, Jesus walks on the water



Research. Mark 5 issue of blood



Research on verses:

Responsive Reading verses:  Research- Is 29.17 Lebanon fruitful field

Research 29.18 see and hear words of book


Deut. 6:4,5 and Matt. 22:37, Shema notes and thoughts

What is the Shema: Deut 6:4? and the Mezuzah?



Notes and thoughts on 'knowing the Truth"



The link below has Bible fun facts for preschool-age. Not all of them are appropriate for Christian Scientists, so check them out before giving them all to students.  But several might be helpful:


Walking on water:

jesus-walks-on-water      Jesus walks on water     water and waves

See below for a sample of Jesus walking on water for children:

Take one sheet of blue construction paper for the base. Cut two strips of waves the horizontal length of the paper. Do not glue them on, but glue them only on the right and left sides-ends, so the middle is loose.

Have the pieces to make the boat already cut out for the children.

Make a template for a man who wears a robe, to be Jesus. Cut it out for the child and let him color it. Have the child glue a straw on the back of the Jesus figure.  Put the straw figure between the waves and let him walk on the water until he gets to the boat: 

Screen Shot 2017-01-13 at 11.00.30 AMScreen Shot 2017-01-13 at 11.00.42 AMScreen Shot 2017-01-13 at 11.00.50 AM


Talk about Science and Health: the Key to the Scriptures



Under the idea of Jesus' teachings:

Two greatest commandments:

"Love God supremely! "Love your neighbor as yourself!"



Hope these ideas are helpful to you!  If you know of anyone who might enjoy being on the blog, just put their email up in the right hand corner or send it to me, and I will add them to the list that receives it every Sunday.

with love,


Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Life" for January 15, 2017

Dear friends, Life qualities list

Metaphor fountain of life


Sometimes it is helpful to take the qualities and attributes of the definition of God and write out a treatment to amplify and work and embody them. Here is my attempt for the synonym on "Life."  Know that yours could look very different, and this is just to help prime the pump of inspiration. This could be done for each synonym.

Treatment using the synonym of LIFE


Here is some research on the stories and events in this week's lesson:

Research: Dan. 6 Daniel and lion's den


Map of Babylonian Empire

Timeline: overall Bible and where Daniel fits in


These thoughts and motives are just coming from my own study. You may see different qualities and ideas. These are just examples:

What are the thoughts behind each character in the Daniel story


Daniel picture given to MBE


"Some Thoughts about Resentment" Louise Knight Wheatley, CSJ


Research: John 3.1-8.Nicodemus Born Again2.WORD.11-16-14



Research: Acts-20. 7-12-Eutychus



This week someone asked me to give them an assignment, so they could begin to look up Bible stories in the Lesson. If you are interested, you are welcome to do the same. Here is the assignment:  Assignment



New Bible Story each week

attributes_and negative qualities for 7 syn

synonym chart to work with individually or on a larger chart


Click below for Den and lions to be run off and glued together.


SONG: DARE TO BE A DANIEL:     Poem and song Daniel LYRICS


Preschool Unit from Acorn for Daniel


Hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Sacrament" for January 8, 2017

Dear friends, In an editorial by Ella Hoag, a student of Mrs. Eddy, she quotes Mrs. Eddy telling  "why we kneel and pray" during the Communion Service.

"Communion,"  by Ella Hoag, July 1, 1922, CSS  (see link below)

"The sacrament shall be observed ... by a short interval of solemn and silent self-examination by each member, as to his or her fitness to be called a follower of Christ, Truth; as to his real state of love toward man, and fellowship and communion with Christ; as to whether he is gaining in the understanding and demonstration of Truth and Love, coming out from the world and being separated from error; growing less selfish, more charitable and spiritual, yea, walking worthy of his high calling.”

“One should turn into his consciousness with renewed carefulness the ever searching light of Truth. Shall it not be a specific time for purging from one's thought all that is unworthy and untrue?”


I’m seeing the Lesson through some major self-examination questions:

How am I worshipping God?

Am I preparing the way for the Christ to enter my consciousness and my life? What work do I need to do to prepare my thought?

Am I preparing my thought for the Last Supper - spiritual communion with God? Am I being baptized daily?

 Am I prepared for the resurrection thought? Would I be prepared to bear witness to the resurrection? Or would I be like Peter? Or John? Or Thomas?

 Would I be one of the seven at the morning meal?

Am I fishing on the right side of the boat?

Am I one of the elders who are called to pray for the sick in the church? Or am I one of the sick who needs to call on an elder? 


Research on events and stories in the Lesson:

Passion Week Chronology


Research on: Luke 3 - John the Baptist

Relation of "baptism" and making a pickle


Research on: Mark 14: 13 to 26 passover


Research on: Mark 16: 6, 9, 14 resurrection

resurrection view image (click here for a resurrection view coming up out of the tomb)

thScreen Shot 2017-01-03 at 12.38.35 PM

Ron DiCiannis mural image  Click here for a modern mural painting of the resurrection! Just stunning!

Description of the mural: "The Resurrection Mural" is the largest contemporary depiction of the resurrection of Jesus Christ in modern history


Notes on Mary Magdalene


Research John 21: 1. 3 to 6. 9. 12 Morning Meal




Older children:

Appearances of Jesus after the resurrection


Chart Pharisees.Sadducees  (generation of vipers)

Younger children:  (this link takes you to a set of puzzles with questions and answers about Jesus) (this link is a large timeline of the life of Jesus) (These are task cards about the resurrection. Always look these over first and use only what is in consonance with Christian Science theology. Or use them as examples, and make your own.)

Hope these sources and ideas are helpful to you!





Ideas to study the Lesson on "God," for January 1, 2017

Dear friends, Possible Themes for the sections of the Lesson:

Responsive Reading: Fear not! for I am with thee!

Section I:  I Am that I Am, indestructible substance of God

Section II: God is infinite

Section III: God is unchangeable and immutable

Section IV:  "With God, nothing is impossible"  the WORKS

Section V:  God is All-in-all!


Here are some  research ideas for this week's Lesson.

Research: I AM, Ex. 3

Research: Deut. 6: 4,5 (the shema)

Research for James 1. 17 


"Priestly Blessing" found in Jerusalem: read the articles below by clicking on the links:

Links Priestly blessing Num 6_24-26


Notice the position of Samaria on the map:

map of palestine (click here for a printable map)

Screen Shot 2016-12-24 at 6.09.24 AM

Research: Luke 17 ten lepers



OLDER Children:

SHEMA for students       SHEMA with answers

Ideas to work with to learn the seven synonyms:

These ideas can be adapted to any age child and used at home or in Sunday School. I’m giving you a list of attributes of all seven synonyms, but know that you can add to them eternally. They can be used for little booklets, charts to list them for class, on rings or on beaded necklaces to take home,  on a train for a bulletin board with places to put the attributes on in the train cars, etc. etc.



Here are two sheets with qualities and attributes of the synonyms. Just know there are infinitely more of them. Working with small children, you can begin with just the names of the synonyms, (even making flash cards of the names for God) and then add one or two qualities as they are able, and then build on them up through high school.

page 1 list of synonyms and attributes

page 2 synonyms and attributes

Sometimes it is helpful to think about the synonyms and what they free us from. Here is a chart that might support that idea. This chart can be duplicated for each child and played like a game. Draw a card (compassion, intelligence, substance, flexibility, etc.) and place the card under the correct synonym. Or it can be made into a large wall chart and discussed that way. Or it can be made individually with one synonym on each chart. (This chart comes from in the Teaching Section.)

7 syn chart

7 syn chart pdf  (click here for a chart to print)



Synonym flash card words

Hope these ideas are helpful!

With love,



Ideas for the Lesson on "Christian Science," on December 25, 2016


“It is most fitting that Christian Scientists memorize the nativity of Jesus.” (Mis. 374:17).

Articles for further study on the "Christ" from the CS periodicals.


Dear Friends,

Here is research for some of the main stories in this week's Lesson:

 Matt 2. 1.2.10 Star of Bethlehem

Three Wise Men gifts & star

(Some of these ideas came from a talk I heard years ago. I cannot footnote them, but I think they are worth pondering.)

References from Mary Baker Eddy’s writings on "the star"


Luke 1.26 Annunciation-Gabriel


Research Matt 1 Joseph & virgin birth


Research on Matt 3 Baptism Jesus


Research Luke 5. 12.13 leper


Research: John 14. 16.17.26 Comforter

"The Second Coming" Albert F. Gilmore, Nov. 1939, CSJ



For older children: the Comforter worksheet

Comforter Worksheet

From Acorn Online for Christmas: for children ages two to six

The Nativity

From website:

Birth of Jesus tab book

Jesus birth timeline


Have a wonderful Christmas season!

With love,


Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Is the Universe, including man,. . ." December 18, 2016

Dear Friends, One of the major threads running through this week's Lesson is the idea of "power." Here is a sheet showing 26 times where the word power or strength or dominion is used.

Use of the word "power" on the lesson


Here is some research for some of the stories in this week's lesson:

Research: I Kings 18. 42 to 45 Elijah drought





Research: Matt. 9 Healing of Sick of the Palsy


Research: Mark 4 Jesus Stills the Storm

Citations about Sea



From Acorn Online for Christmas: for children ages two to six

The Nativity

From website:

Birth of Jesus tab book

Jesus birth timeline


Hope these are useful!







Ideas for studying the Lesson on "God the Preserver of Man" for December 11, 2016

Dear Friends, This is an exceptionally beautiful Lesson. Discovering themes or main ideas for each section can sometimes be helpful. Here are the ones I am seeing. However, know that yours could look very different.

Main themes: "O man, greatly beloved,"  the Fatherhood of man (the word Father is used over and over)

Section I:  "Our Father" — relationship with God

Section II:  Abram to Abraham, the Father of Nations

Section III:  Moses and the water from the rock: Divine Love meets every need

Section IV:  Caleb: handling age and deterioration

Section V: Raising of Jairus' daughter, "little children"

Section VI: "I and my Father are one"

Section VII: "O man, greatly beloved"


Here is some research on various verses and stories in the Lesson:

Research on Matt 6. 9 13 Our Father


Deut 33: 12, 27 Everlasting Arms

12 tribes of Israel   (click here to get a larger version)



Do you want to know more about the Abram-Abraham story? Read this excerpt from "Old Testament Made Easy":

The History of Abraham

God’s Covenant with Abraham

Research: Gen. 12 and 17 Abram's call from God and the covenant with God

Map of Abraham's journey (click here for larger map)

abrahams-journey copy


Research: Num 20 Moses and Water from the rock

Click here to get a larger map:  Map of the Exodus

Screen Shot 2016-12-04 at 7.06.55 AM



Activities for children on "Moses getting water from the rock"



SALT TRAYS: This is one of my most popular teaching tools since September with this age group - individual salt trays!   The children use them as "answer sheets" or "chalkboards" for a lesson or Bible story review.  For example, after we read the story of Jesus' birth from Luke and Matthew, I had a list of review questions.  Example: "Who was sent from God to tell of the baby's birth?"  The children say, "an angel."  I say, write the letter you hear at the beginning of the word "angel."  (If the question requires a number or "no or yes" answer, they write that in the salt.)  The children can't wait to hear the next question!  So far, my best salt trays are aluminum pie pans for the tall sides.  I've also used Styrofoam meat trays from the grocery store meat department.  (If they don't have black, tape colored construction paper to the bottom of the tray to achieve a color contrast for the salt.)  Tip:  As with any new teaching tool, talk about how to use it appropriately.  At first, most of the children wanted to eat the salt.  I let them try it, and then it wasn't so much a fascination after that.  (Sent in by a preschool Sunday School teacher from Richardson, Texas.)



Details of Abraham's life (from Berneice Shotwell's book)


Family tree Abraham blank         Family tree Abraham answers

Here is a little activity about the people in Abraham's story. Cut out the answers and glue them next to the names. Or make flashcards out of them and match them up.

People in the Abraham Story           People in the Abraham Story answers


Questions about Abraham


ABRAHAM TIMELINE blank          Abraham Timeline answers    Abraham Timeline of his age and events


Flashcards of people in the Abraham Story. Cut them out and put a set in a baggie for each child.  Work with them in class. Put the family tree together using flashcards.  Then ask questions and let the students hold up the correct card.

Ex. Who was Abraham's wife?

pg 1 of 3 Abraham flashcards

pg 2 of 3 Abraham flashcards

pg 3 of 3 Abraham flashcards


Make these questions into flashcards about Abraham's Story and study them for a while until the students know the answers.

Flashcards for Abraham test

See if the students can answer these questions on a 'pretend' test. If not, work with them until they can.

Test on Abraham


Hope these ideas are helpful!

With love,







Ideas for studying the Lesson on "God the only Cause and Creator" for December 4, 2016

Dear Friends, Would you like to study the Bible more deeply yourself? I am more than willing to support your deeper study. Just e-mail me or give me a call.  (618-980-2207,

Here is a sheet of some websites that I use when I go deeper into a story in the Bible:

Web Sources for deeper study


Looking for the main themes or ideas in each section of the Bible Lesson is sometimes helpful. These are mine. However, yours can look very different.

Responsive Reading:  immediacy of God's Word "he spake and it was done!" (He causes and creates)

Section 1:  God is the ONLY Cause and Creator  (only means this one and no other, nothing more)

Section 2:  Definition of the Dominion Man

Section 3: Birth (Genesis) of Jesus as fulfillment of prophecy/  spiritual origin

Section 4: "Like produces like"/  God is the fount of all being, so no deformity

Section 5: God = priority/ all needs met

Section 6:  God causeth the victory! All causation is in Mind!


Here is some research for a few of the events and verses in this week's Lesson.

Research: John 1:1 The Word


In Sunday School, have individual maps ready to point out where Nazareth and Bethlehem are. (This map is courtesy of Biblos Foundation.)

map of palestine


Research Matt 1. 18 22 23 virgin birth


Research: Luke 4.16 to 21 Jesus in Syn.


Go to Google images and type in "Jesus in the synagogue." You can print off a picture for Sunday School. 


Research for James 1. 17


Research: Matt 6. 25 to 33 take no thought



(for a discussion with students at home or in Sunday School):

Priority Equation  with answers 


Definition of Man discussion sheets for older students:

Blank definition of man chart

Definition of man answers

For young children, take one line and amplify it with them.


Many people have asked for this list again. 

Bible for Preschool Parents


Felt Story characters OT link     (These can be printed out and glued onto a booklet for the young child to develop vocabulary about the stories.)


desk-top laminating machine   (This is a wonderful tool for preserving flash cards and other things that you make for Sunday School.)


Hope these ideas are helpful!

With love,




Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Ancient and modern. . . " Nov. 27, 2016

Dear Friends, Kristy and I still have places on our Israel trip for June 4-14. The cost is $4200, but it includes airfare from St. Louis which is a really good price! We'd love to have you join us! Just email or call Kathy at 618 980 2207 or

Israel. June 2017 itinerary       Cost and signup


Ideas to help study this week's Lesson:

"Mrs. Eddy was once asked how often A.M. should be handled, and she replied, "Three times a day and all the time in between."  (Hermann Herring)

Word Study for "Ancient and Modern. . ."

How does this week’s Lesson define these terms


Isa 14 Lucifer fallen


Judges18: Dan

12 tribes map (including two areas for Dan)



More on the Twelve Tribes for adults:

The Twelve Sons of Jacob

Glossary from S&H definitions of the twelve children of Jacob


Luke 4.33-36 Unclean Spirit


Research Matt 4 1 to 11 Temptations

Temptation of Jesus Blank CHART  (for older kids

Temptation of Jesus CHART with answersanswers



For children on the twelve tribes:

CHART: the mothers of Jacobs sons

Flashcards and charts on twelve tribes (sons):


The Life of Jesus through flashcards:  print, cut out, and let the children put them in sequence


Hope these ideas are helpful!









Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Soul and Body" for November 6, 2016

Dear Friends, REMINDER:  Dorothy Halverson (Acorn Director) and I are holding a FREE Parent Preschool Workshop to share ideas on working with children ages two to six on the Bible. Anyone in the St. Louis/Elsah areas are invited to attend. Please let me know if you are wanting to come, so we have enough supplies. We are making packets filled with Bible ideas to give to you. 

On December 3rd, I will hold a workshop for Parents and Teachers who are working with children ages six to high school. The topic will be "Knowing more about Jesus' times." We will look at Palestine in Jesus' day, the Temple and the synagogue, and upcoming healing or events in the next few weeks' Lessons. All are welcome to attend! Again, just let me know. (


Here is some research for events, verses, or healing in this week's Lesson on "Soul and Body."

I Thess 5-23 soul and body and soul in Ps. 42:2 (citation 18 in the Bible, section 6 and Responsive Reading, Ps. 42:2)


Ps responsive reading


Research on Dan 1. Ashpenaz and 3 Hebrew boys

Where does Daniel fit into the whole Bible? Here is an overall view of the Bible that might help.

Chart of Bible


Babylon map pdf

Daniel Timeline PDF


Research on John 5. Pool of Bethesda

Bethesda Pools in Jerusalem



Ideas for teaching the story of Daniel and the 3 Hebrew boys with the eunuch and Nebuchadnezzar:


Ideas for teaching Daniel and the Lion's Den:


Questions for discussion on Healing at Pool of Bethesda


Matching Game

Perfect God and Perfect man

Perfect Reflection



I hope these ideas are helpful to you!


Kathy Merrill, Bible Coordinator at Principia School



Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Mortals and Immortals" for November 13, 2016

Dear friends, Word Study for Mortals and Immortals

This paragraph from "Are we a mortal? by John Hargreaves, page 48, has been helpful to me in distinguishing between the mortal and immortal idea of experience.

"Are we a mortal?"


Here is some research on the stories, events, or verses in this week's lesson:

Job 38 and Job 42

II Cor 5- 1.4.5 earthly house

Hebrews 4. 12 Word of God


Research: David and Goliath I Sam. 17

Map of Saul and David


Research: Matt 17.1-9 Transfiguration

"This quote from "We Knew Mary Baker Eddy" , Emma Shipman Reminiscences, amplified, Volume I, p. 309-310.

"She [Mrs. Eddy] called to our attention, as she had to earlier classes, the experience of the three disciples on the mount of transfiguration.  She quoted Peter's words, 'Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias' (Mark 9:5).  Our teacher said, in substance, that these three tabernacles are to be in our hearts.  One for Christ Jesus, to be built by self-consecration on the foundation of victory over sin, sickness, and death.  One for Moses, or the law, built by our strict adherence to the Ten Commandments.  The third, for Elias, was for prophetic vision, which can be built only as we are motivated by all that is high and holy."


Chart to ponder and think about on "Pre-Existence"

Chart on pre-existence

Article: "I Was There" by Violet Hay, CSS, May 14, 1955



CHILDREN'S IDEAS: for homeschooling the story of David

High School age:  "Deny himself"



Lots of ideas for several units on teaching about King David.


Picture of the Valley of Elah where David and Goliath took place


Template to make King David with paper bag:

David Killed Goliath Template

David Killed Goliath Template2


David finger puppets


David and Goliath characters

Goliath 9 ft tall      (comes from website

dot to dot david



Acorn online: Lesson Plan: David and Goliath


Youtube 24 minute cartoon version of David for elementary age kids:


Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Adam and Fallen Man," November 6, 2016 Janet Horton's Talk at Principia

Dear Friends, Here is the link for Chaplain Janet Horton's Bible Talk called "A Bible Story for Every Occasion."


Notice the word "upright" throughout this week's Lesson.

Word Study for Adam and Fallen Man


Research on various stories in this week's Lesson:

Research: Genesis I: 26, 27, 31

Notes: Study of Image

Notes and research: God gave man dominion


Research: Genesis 2


Research: Genesis 3 - Serpent and Eve


Research: Luke 13: 11 to 17 woman bowed   jesus-heals-woman-on-the-sabbath-1

Synagogue article


Research: Zacchaeus


Mark the Perfect Man__blank               Mark the Perfect Man__with answers



For older children:

Identity Poem

Analogy of the mist

Jesus as the remedy chart                        remedy for Adam blank

Click on this link. Then click on the date. When the page comes up, click on the download. There is a puzzle, a coloring page, a craft, all on Zacchaeus.


zacchaeus template

zacchaeus-come-down-coloring-page (1)


IMG_5440 IMG_5439

The line down the middle needs to be cut and is for the character of Zacchaeus to sit in the tree, and then slide down in front of Jesus. There are four Zacchaeuses. Cut one out and glue the bottom strip behind the Zacchaeus. This allows for it to slide down.


Old Testament and New Testament timeline for elementary age


Book which uses the KJV of the story: The Christmas Story


Book Review


Hope these ideas are helpful to you! If you have an idea to share, e-mail me at

With love,









Ideas for studying "Everlasting Punishment" for October 30, 2016

Dear Friends, Here is the link to Chaplain Janet Horton's Chapel Talk from Monday morning at the Upper School, if you would like to listen to it. I will put up the link to her Bible talk given on Thursday night, October 20, next week.


Possible ideas for the sections of this week's Lesson: (These are just ideas that have been coming to me. You may see completely different ideas.)

Possible Theme: everlasting love; everlasting mercy; everlasting kindness

Section I: God is Love—impartial and universal Love

Section II: Cain and Abel Story—Divine Love corrects and governs man

"Through repentance, spiritual baptism, and regeneration, mortals put off their material beliefs and false individuality." 242: 1-3

Baptizo (baptism) related to making a pickle

The gift of baptism by Elise Moore

Section III: Woman taken in adultery:  Repentance and Reformation

Section IV: Jesus washes disciples' feet: spiritual baptism

Section V: Raising of Dorcas: Regeneration (producing anew, new birth, born again)

Section VI: God's forgiveness of sin in the destruction of sin


Word Study for "Everlasting Punishment"


Research on: Gen 4: Cain and Abel


The Temple is the place where Jesus heals the woman taken in adultery. This healing probably happened in the Court of Women.

92c3f4d9-438d-4a1e-afdc-98a12efaea7eCourt of Women

Research: John 5. Woman Taken in Adultery


Research: Acts 9. Peter raises Dorcas


Research: Heb 1. 1 to 3, 9 express image



There are five different ways to teach about Peter and Dorcas on this website link. Scroll down to see all of them. Click on the blue places where it says "Click here to download" to see if any of this might be helpful to you:


Other ideas for very young children:

Concrete objects or symbols

Nothing Can Be added to a mind already full

Bell Ringer

Fishing Game

Footsteps of Truth

Stickers that tell Bible stories

I hope these ideas are helpful to you in some way. Please share the blog if you think it would be helpful to someone else.

With love,







Ideas for studying "Probation After Death" for Oct. 17 - 23, 2016

Dear friends, I want to let you know about a Tour to Israel that my sister Kristy Christian and I are organizing for June 4 -14. If you are interested in knowing more about it, please e-mail me, and I'll send you all the information. Kristy and I have led tours to Israel for many years, and we would love to include you on this tour if you would like to study more about the Bible with us.


Lesson Ideas: 

This week's Lesson includes words that are related to "walking." Notice words like walk, steps, stepping-stone, the way, pathway, etc. Remember that early Christians were not called "Christians" until Antioch, many years after the resurrection. Before this, they were called "the followers of the Way." (Acts 11:26)


Here is some research on the healing and events in the Lesson:

Research on Gen. 5.21 to 24 Enoch

Heb 1: 1 to 3, 9 express image

Matt. 16: Whom do men say that I am?

Mark 16: Resurrection and Ascension

Romans 12.2 be not conformed


Ideas for teaching the Bible to children:

Road Map for Life: diagram

Standing Porter

Story Puzzle for beginning readers (Use this idea to create all different kinds of Bible stories for beginning readers to use. You can plot the story on a map. Look for people, places, and events. Cut them out and use them for puzzles. Send home in a baggy.)


These ideas are to study some of the events in Peter's life. Next week's Lesson includes the raising of Dorcas by Peter. 

Outline of some of the events in the Life of Peter


Great visuals for Peter escaping from prison:


I hope some of these ideas are helpful to you. If you are interested in having Principia Acorn Director Dorothy Halverson and I come to your church community to share ideas about teaching the Bible to very young children, please let me know. We have some open dates in the spring. 

OR if you know of someone who would like to receive this blog, have them enter their e-mail on the front page on the right side.


Kathy Merrill