Ideas for studying the lesson on "Spirit"for February 11, 2024



AS of February 1st, Google Chrome & Yahoo will be marking emails sent from unauthenticated domains as spam. We have been sending out marketing emails through “” & we have setup a valid domain address for sending all future emails from “”

Please verify our new correct email address so that our emails now do not go into your spam or junk folders. Once you do this, your email provider should always allow our emails each week. Thank you!

In the mean time, please be patient with us. If you do not receive our emails, you can ALWAYS go straight to our website by typing in into your browser
(ex. Chrome, Brave, Firefox, Explorer, Safari or any others).

We are working hard to transition to a better email service. Once we test the right solution, we will update announcements here and try to send out an email blast with our updated email address.

Thank you!


Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Spirit”