Dear Friends,
Welcome everyone! I am so grateful you are using this blog to give you ideas for studying this Lesson.
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HANDOUTS for “Adam and Fallen Man”
I want to share an original patriotic song written by Brian Webster and sung by Josh Henn. Type this in your URL line. Please enjoy:
One of the free talks on this blog is “Take Your Stand as Image”. It is under ‘my account.
“Fractured knee healed” Wilfrid Ndonga Mbangalala. July 29. 2024. CSS
“The First Chapter of Genesis” Josephine Demas, February 26, 1949, CSS
“The Only man God Knows” February 20, 1954, CSS
“Good is natural” Judi Bell, July 22, 2024, CSS
Ps 37. Golden Text
Mark the perfect man and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace.
Section I:
Research: Gen. 1:
Section 2:
Chart of research: Gen. 2 deep sleep of Adam
Section 3:
Research: Luke 13: Jesus heals woman with infirmity
I hope you have received some great ideas for your study of this week’s lesson.
Have a happy week!
With love,