Ideas to study for the Lesson on "Sacrament" for July 9, 2023

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HANDOUTS for “Substance”


Main theme: “we shall all be changed”. The word change is used over 15 times. In Greek it can mean transformed, exchange one thing for another, make different.

“changed into the same image”

“be ye transformed”

“be renewed, put on the new man”


“Sacrament” William H.M. Adams, January 11, 1936 CSS

Responsive Reading:

Research: II Cor 3:18



Research: Romans 12:1, 2 be not conformed…



Research: Matthew 16: deny himself

self’ to get rid of



Research: Ephesians 4: one Lord, one faith, one baptism



Chart for research: Matt 26

Passion Week chronology

Research: Matt. 28: Resurrection:

Resurrection Appearances



Research: John 21: Morning Meal

“Casting the net on the right side” Israel Pickens, August 4, 1963, CSS

“On the Right Side” Ella Hay, October 1, 1938, CSS




Praying in Communion Services:

"The sacrament shall be observed ... by a short interval of solemn and silent self-examination by each member, as to his or her fitness to be called a follower of Christ, Truth; as to his real state of love toward man, and fellowship and communion with Christ; as to whether he is gaining in the understanding and demonstration of Truth and Love, coming out from the world and being separated from error; growing less selfish, more charitable and spiritual, yea, walking worthy of his high calling.” (Mary Baker Eddy, The Christian Science Journal, volume 7, 1889-90, page 259).

“One should turn into his consciousness with renewed carefulness the ever- searching light of Truth. Shall it not be a specific time for purging from one's thought all that is unworthy and untrue?”

(Ella W. Hoag, Communion Services, July 5, 1919 Christian Science Sentinel)


Testimony of healing by MBE and the complete transformation of the man.

Ques. How can I succeed in doing this so that my demonstration in healing shall be wonderful and immediate?

Ans. By being like Jesus, by asking yourself am I honest, am I just, am I merciful, am I pure soul


Stay tuned for more info soon

HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE: a short, online workshop on ideas & resources to help you start to your own study of the Bible (through lens of Christian Science)

“WHY THE BIBLE? WHY the KJV:” an online mini-workshop on finding answers to the questions: Why is it vital to understand the context of the Bible? Is it really relevant to our modern way of life? Why it is important and why, above all versions, the King James Version is considered the best interpretation?

CHILDREN’S IDEAS: Stay tuned! We are working on a new online ecourse for teaching children the Bible (and for Sunday School teachers).

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With love,
