Ideas to study with "God the preserver of man" for December 10, 2023

Dear Friends,

This lesson is very short on stories. So I just have one healing to amplify and a couple of articles.

Because of the theme of rejoicing, you can go to the top of this home page and click under citations and hear me read several verses on rejoicing and joy!

It is important to have members sign up to be a part of this work to keep it going. If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

HANDOUTS for “God, the Preserver of Man”

Testimony to share: Man who was welding, caught inside a ship during WWII


NEW! We launched a brand new product - “How to Study the Bible More Deeply” (from a Christian Science perspective) Online Workshop for $29 click here for more info


My daughter Katy and I are working on an online course about teaching the Bible to children. It will be several weeks before it is complete, but I hope you will take a look at it when it is.

Hopefully, there will be ideas for you as a Bible student, and for teaching your children, your grandchildren, and as a Sunday School teacher.

We also have another online workshop coming - “Why the Bible? Why the KJV?” (check your emails for when it’s ready to launch!)

With so much love to each one of you,
