Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Unreality" for April 4, 2021

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (When you are sent the phone numbers, please do not give them out. People have to sign up to get the handouts. )


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“I beheld Satan. . . fall from heaven” William Milford Correll, August 20, 1966, CSS

“Treading on Serpents” Edith Allen Watts, January 21, 1922, CSS

“Wiser than serpents” John M. Tutt, March 1925, CSJ



Research: Romans 12: be not conformed. . .



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Research: John 4: four months cometh the harvest

“Lift up your vision — of reality” William E. Moody, September 23, 1985, CSS



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Betrayal of Judas:

Article on Judas Iscariot from The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica

JUDAS by William McCrackan, Editorial, May 5, 1917, CSS

What ever happened to Judas? Diana Davis Butler, April 17, 2000, CSS



Video cartoon of David and Goliath

David and Goliath activities

General facts about David

List of books on the Bible for children

If you would like a digital version of “Old Testament Made Easy” by Julie Campbell Tatum, just email me and I can send it to you. It is out of print, written by a Christian Scientist, and a wonderful resource. I can’t get it up on the blog.


Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

With love,

