Ideas for studying the lesson on "God" for January 2, 2022

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. Or they can go to the top of this email and click on JOIN and follow the directions.




Research: Ex. 3: I AM THAT I AM

“The Burning Bush” Samual Johnstone MacDonald, November 6, 1915

There are many, many articles on “I AM” and “the burning bush” and other references to this story about Moses. Go to JSH to find them.


Research: Acts 1 and 2: Day of Pentecost

“Divine Science and Pentecostal power” Beulah M. Roegge, August 1982, CSJ

Notes on the Pentecost



Would you like to become a member of “bible” With it you can receive the conference calls each week for as many times a week as you would like to hear them. Here is the one for the week of the lesson on “Christian Science”. It is a sample of what they are like.

To sign up for membership, go to and click on JOIN. The cost is $20 each month. There are also several talks I have done through the years on the Bible and Christian Science.

Here is the link to the “Christian Science” conference call.

Link: Christian Science


CHILDREN’S IDEAS: for teaching the synonyms

attributes and qualities

Chart of synonyms

7 synonyms on a ring

Flashcards for 7 synonyms

Ideas for preschool


I am so grateful for each of you and your interest and love of the Scriptures! Our Movement needs you!

With great love,
