Ideas for studying the lesson on "God" for January 3, 2021

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)


3) Menorah .jpg

The word “ONE” is used over forty times in this lesson, and “Principle” is used about 15 times.

List of Attributes and Qualities of PRINCIPLE


The lesson has in it many verses from these chapters in the book of Isaiah: Isa 54, Isa 60, Isa 40, Isa 41, Isa 47, Isa 45


“Isaiah of Jerusalem” Thomas L. Leishman, June 1969, CSJ

“Deuteron-Isaiah: Prophet of Universalism, Thomas L. Leishman, May 1970, CSJ

“Trito-Isaiah and Malachi” Thomas L. Leishman, December 1970, CSJ



Research: Isaiah 60: Arise, shine


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6) twin pools of Bethesda .png

Research: John 5: Man at Pool of Bethesda



Chart of synonyms for SS

Make a train of synonyms

Chart on each synonym: qualities of each, and what it frees us from

Creative games (Colleen Moore) for synonyms

Poster of books of Bible

Draw a picture of your favorite Bible story in this frame

Write as many ‘bible people as you know” (then talk about them)


Dear friends,

I have received a donation from so many of you and I thank you all. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of you, how grateful I am for your receptivity and joy in learning more of the Bible, and how incredibly inspired I feel as I work on learning more about the Bible myself and how to share it with all of you. My daily prayer is that you are inspired and have hearts that burn within you with the desire to understand. That you will study yourselves and grow and share your understanding with the world.

With great love for each and everyone of you!

