Ideas for studying the Lesson on Sacrament for January 10, 2021

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)



“The Son of Light”

Final versions of the song will be officially released next year in multiple versions and languages. It is only available on YouTube today. If you have comments or questions, please send them to:

Composition by ©2020 Brian Donald Webster

Vocals by Josh Henn

Produced by Prof. David Allan Musial (p)2020 One World Artists, LLC

Published by MadeToProsper & NextGen Stars® ASCAP



Praying in Communion Services: by Mrs. Eddy  CSJ August 1889 & quoted in Mrs. Hoag's article below:

"The sacrament shall be observed ... by a short interval of solemn and silent self-examination by each member, as to his or her fitness to be called a follower of Christ, Truth; as to his real state of love toward man, and fellowship and communion with Christ; as to whether he is gaining in the understanding and demonstration of Truth and Love, coming out from the world and being separated from error; growing less selfish, more charitable and spiritual, yea, walking worthy of his high calling.”

“One should turn into his consciousness with renewed carefulness the ever- searching light of Truth. Shall it not be a specific time for purging from one's thought all that is unworthy and untrue?”


“Communion services” Ella W. Hoag, July 5, 1919, CSS

Word Study for words in the lesson: sacrament, communion, worship



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Research: Mark 14: Last Supper



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Research: John 21: Morning Meal

“John the Beloved Disciple” Rev. Fred J. Vincent, D.D., C.S. September 1898, CSJ



Life of Jesus timeline

More on Jesus' baptism

Life of Jesus Review

Life of Jesus sheets

Find lots of Sunday School teaching ideas on (see below for an example)



Dear friends,

I have received a donation from so many of you and I thank you all. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of you, how grateful I am for your receptivity and joy in learning more of the Bible, and how incredibly inspired I feel as I work on learning more about the Bible myself and how to share it with all of you. My daily prayer is that you are inspired and have hearts that burn within you with the desire to understand. That you will study yourselves and grow and share your understanding with the world.

With great love for each and everyone of you!



Ideas for studying the lesson on "God" for January 3, 2021

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)


3) Menorah .jpg

The word “ONE” is used over forty times in this lesson, and “Principle” is used about 15 times.

List of Attributes and Qualities of PRINCIPLE


The lesson has in it many verses from these chapters in the book of Isaiah: Isa 54, Isa 60, Isa 40, Isa 41, Isa 47, Isa 45


“Isaiah of Jerusalem” Thomas L. Leishman, June 1969, CSJ

“Deuteron-Isaiah: Prophet of Universalism, Thomas L. Leishman, May 1970, CSJ

“Trito-Isaiah and Malachi” Thomas L. Leishman, December 1970, CSJ



Research: Isaiah 60: Arise, shine


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Research: John 5: Man at Pool of Bethesda



Chart of synonyms for SS

Make a train of synonyms

Chart on each synonym: qualities of each, and what it frees us from

Creative games (Colleen Moore) for synonyms

Poster of books of Bible

Draw a picture of your favorite Bible story in this frame

Write as many ‘bible people as you know” (then talk about them)


Dear friends,

I have received a donation from so many of you and I thank you all. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of you, how grateful I am for your receptivity and joy in learning more of the Bible, and how incredibly inspired I feel as I work on learning more about the Bible myself and how to share it with all of you. My daily prayer is that you are inspired and have hearts that burn within you with the desire to understand. That you will study yourselves and grow and share your understanding with the world.

With great love for each and everyone of you!



Ideas for studying the lesson on "Is the Universe Including Man evolved by Atomic Force?" for Dec. 20, 2020

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)


It is most fitting that Christian Scientists memorize the nativity of Jesus.
(Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 374:17–18)

Short video: “The Christ Child”


Research: I Chron. 29:11 Thine O Lord is the greatness. . .



Research: James 1:17-18, Every good gift. . .



Process of Luke’s Research in writing the Gospel of Luke

Article about John the Baptist (from Biblos Foundation)

Website of the new excavations of Herod’s tomb (Herodium)

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“Paul” -- 4-part Live Talk Series, January 2021

This Bible course on Paul is being given by my sister, Kristy Christian. She is a wonderful speaker and Bible scholar, and if you have time, I think you would really enjoy this course.



View this email in your browser

Encouraging Bible study through the lens of Christian Science

January 9, January 16, January 23, January 30 @9-11am

Topic: The “Colossal” Character of Paul

Is church flourishing today? In the first century of the Roman empire, the early Christian church thrived despite pagan influences and significant opposition. There is a pattern in the book of Acts that reveals the reason for the Christian church’s rapid growth. Can this pattern be applied to our church in the 21st century?

Join us for an 8-hour, 4-part series on the book of Acts, beginning with chapter 9. We will study the biblical record of Paul and how he fulfilled his mission in furthering the Christian church in the first century of the Roman world. Some questions that we will explore:

  • How does Paul’s transformation from persecutor of Christians to advocate of Christianity prepare him for his God-appointed mission?

  • Why does Mary Baker Eddy Eddy use the descriptive word “colossal” for the character of Paul (Miscellaneous Writings 1883-1896, p. 360:7)?

  • How might we describe Paul’s nature under maximum pressure?

  • What is the theme of Paul’s preaching, to Jews and gentiles, throughout the Roman Empire?

  • How does the book of Acts define what church is and what church is not?

  • Why does church grow so rapidly in the first century of the Roman empire?


Included in the series

PowerPoint slides will be screen shared via Zoom during each presentation.

Downloadable handouts: an outline of Acts with study questions (chapters 9 – 28), maps of Paul’s journeys, a timeline of Paul’s life and letters, and a bibliography.

 Dates and Times

Saturday, January 9, 2021 – 9:00-11:00 a.m. CT

Saturday, January 16, 2021 – 9:00-11:00 a.m. CT

Saturday, January 23, 2021 – 9:00-11:00 a.m. CT

Saturday, January 30, 2021 – 9:00-11:00 a.m. CT


$80 (members of Biblos Foundation will receive 10% off – to receive this discount, members must be logged in)
*NOTE: Please purchase the number of tickets for the number of people calling in. 


Sessions will be offered via Zoom and Vast Conference calling. The day prior to each talk, access information (unique to each talk) will be emailed to all registered participants. 

To register for these sessions (one ticket per attendee), see “TICKETS” below.

We hope you will join us for this in-depth look at Paul’s contribution to the growth of the Christian church in the first century and see how we can apply the same pattern for the progress of our church today.

Kristy L. Christian
Biblos Foundation

Buy Ticket

Ideas for studying the lesson on "God the Preserver of Man" for December 13, 2020

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)


Word Study: words like save, salvation, savior, deliver, preserve, sustain, maintain

“Unassailable Being” Mary Barnes, January 1949, CSJ

“Safety in His Service” Paul Stark Seeley, August 11, 1945, CSS

One of my favorite poems:

“Never alone” Kerry M. Knobelsdorff,k January 12, 1987, CSS

“Safety (Ninety-first Psalm) poem, Violet Hay, January 1941, CSJ


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Research: Acts 9: Paul escapes over the wall in a basket

Testimony from Makengo Ma Pululu in Rwanda (Look up his name on JSH online for several articles and testimonies on protection)

“It is difficult to tell of the experience” Lieut. C.H. Lightoller, October 1912, CSJ



Paul in a basket page 1 Paul in a basket page 2

Paul’s links


Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

With love,



Ideas for studying the lesson on "God the only cause and creator" for December 6, 2020

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)


Word Study on “Good”

Notes on “THE WORD”



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Research: Luke 4: Jesus heals Peter’s mother in law

Booklet on the site of “Capernaum” (outstanding!)

“True Diagnosis” Charles Henry Philips, December 1912, CSJ



Children’s video on Joshua — cartoon for 3 minutes

Joshua activities

Song Joshua fought the battle of Jericho

Activity for divided kingdom

Sources for Movies for adults and children on the Bible


Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Soul and Body" for November 22, 2020

Dear friends,

Just to let you know, I WILL be doing the conference calls for the week of November 16-22 (Soul and Body).


If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)


Attributes and Qualities of SOUL



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Research: Revelation 21: New Jerusalem



OT and NT timeline

Matching Game

Fishing Game

Gates of Righteousness

Bell Ringer

Ideas for young children


Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

With love,


Ideas for studying the Bible Lesson on "Mortals and Immortals" for November 15, 2020

Dear friends,

Just to let you know, I WILL be doing the conference calls for the week of November 9-15 (Mortals and Immortals) and the week of November 16-22 (Soul and Body).


If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)



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Research Acts 9: Peter raises Dorcas



Jesus calms the storm Jesus calms the storm (the ship)

Jesus walks on water p. 1 Jesus walks on water p. 2

New Testament timeline

Picture of Sea of Galilee area


Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Adam and Fallen Man" for November 8, 2020

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)


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Research: Acts 20: Paul raises Eutychus from the dead

“Death Did not End my Life” Howard Johnson, July 2, 2001, CSS



Creation Booklet

Gratitude Garden

Ideas for small children

Telling a new Bible story each week

Matching Game

Website links to songs and cartoons for young children about Bible characters

Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

With love,



Articles that expand concepts in the Seven Days of Creation: (from JSH online)

You will have to look these up yourself, I can’t provide the links.

Roundtable on: First Day of Creation

“Restoration,” by Duncan Sinclair, April 1924, csj

“One Creation, Spiritual and Complete,” Maurice W. Hastie, Jan. 1956, CSJ

“Genesis Roundtable—Second Day of Creation”

“Firmament, the basis of Judgment,” Carolyn B. Swan, May 1984, CSJ

“Let the Dry Land Appear” May Rimes Hutson, July 1945, CSJ

“Commandment to Heal,” Victoria Jay, August 1, 2012, CSJ

“Scriptural Symbolism,” Helen Young, December 1910, CSJ

 “What the virgin birth says about the nature of power” Barbara Cook Spencer

“No Borrowed Bones” Barbara Cook Spencer, October 2007, CSJ

Ideas for studying the lesson on "Everlasting Punishment' for Nov. 1, 2020

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)


Word Study for “Mercy” and “sin”

“Diagnosis in Christian Science Practice” Kate Swope, September 1903, CSJ



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Ideas for studying the lesson on "Probation After Death" for October 25, 2020

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)

Here is a tutorial that I did to help you study the Scriptures using the computer. It’s about 35 minutes and can be watched as many times as you want. If you need any help navigating anything, please give me a call at 618 980 2207.

Click Here.


Word Study for WALK

Main Ideas for each section



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Research: Acts 6 & 7: Stoning of Stephen

Short video on this story



Trading Cards for the story of Jacob and 12 tribes

Lapbook for Jacob and 12 sons and wives

Moses crossing the Red Sea

Preschool Ideas

Cut out and make a puzzle out of the story

Timeline of Bible


Short video of the Dome of the Rock today and its history


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Doctrine of Atonement" for October 18, 2020

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)





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David and Goliath song for preschool

short video on David and Goliath

Jesus walks on water

Questions for older students on the “Magdalene”

Books to purchase for young children to read on Bible stories

4 great ideas to teach the books of the Bible

Sample lesson to teach an 8 year-old in Sunday School

Sample puzzle: can make one for any story with a colored folder

The three charts and lists below come from the “Ideas for teaching the bible to children” from Biblos Foundation: Click here for the website

Chart of healings by Jesus

List of healings by Apostles

List of healings by Mrs. Eddy


Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real?" for October 11, 2020

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)


Josh Henn SOLO: “Be not afraid” for I have redeemed you! (Isa 33:1,2)


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Ideas for studying the lesson on "Unreality" for October 4, 2020

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)

JOSH HENN SOLO: “Light of the World”


“Reality versus Unreality” Samuel Greenwood, June 6, 1914, CSS

“Restoration and Renaming of Israel” Samuel Greenwood, September 1918, CSJ

Video: “Solomon’s Temple Explained”

Article on: “Temple of Jerusalem” Written by The Editors of the Encyclopedia Britannica



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Research: Nehemiah 2 and 6

Map during time of Nehemiah

Talk on Nehemiah given by Kathy Merrill for Peace Haven called “We are doing a great work and cannot come down!”



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Research: Jesus heals man at Pool of Bethesda



Links of the life of Jesus

Posters of jesus’ life events

Textbook for teaching Nehemiah’s Story

short story of Nehemiah

Jesus walks on the water craft


Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

With love,


Ideas for studying the Lessson on "Reality" for September 27, 2020

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)


Golden Text: Research 21: new heaven and new earth



Article for Isa. 66:1 “Your Questions and Answers” November 2009, CSJ



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Research: Luke 13: Jesus and pharisees on the Sabbath Day

Article on “the Synagogue”



Diagram of Tabernacle

Shadrach craft

Shadrach short video for preschool

Shadrach color page

Ideas for teaching the story on Shadrach…


Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Matter" September 20, 2020

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)


“What Divine Allness Implies” Peter J. Henniker-Heaton, July 1960, CSJ

Testimony of Peter J. Henniker-Heaton, from “A Century of Christian Science Healing



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Research: Matthew 14: Jesus walks on water

“Learning to Wait” Louise Knight Wheatley, Augut 1916, CSJ


SECTION 4,5,6:

Diagrams for the Court of Error and the Court of Spirit



Author of Psalms

Model of Moses in bulrushes

Baby in a basket with paper plates

Color Moses and bulrushes

Primary level timelines

Life of Moses sheets


Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Substance" for September 13, 2020

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)


Word study on “Substance” and “Faith”

“Substance” Heney Van Arsdale, July 1912, CSJ



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Research: Luke 8: Jesus heals woman with issue of blood

SOLO: “The Garment” sung by Josh Henn



Book of Daniel Movie (very good!!)

Timeline for the Bible

Links to teach the divided kingdom

Divided Kingdom posters

Links to teach Saul, David, Solomon

Links for King Ahab

Bible Timeline


Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Man" for September 7, 2020

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)


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One golden thread running through this week’s lesson is “the kingdom of heaven”. Here are some notes and an article about that subject:


“Heaven at Hand” Sarah K. Plumb, March 18, 1972, CSS

Another golden thread is the word “HOLINESS”: click here for definitions of HOLINESS



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Research Matthew 9: Jesus heals the sick of the palsy



Game to play for sick of the palsy

Cut and paste: sick of the palsy: people sample page

puzzle of sick of the palsy

Short video clip of the sick of the palsy


Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Christ Jesus" for August 30, 2020

Dear friends,

This is an invitation to the Conference Calls on the Bible Lesson conducted by Kathy Merrill and sponsored by Peace Haven Nursing Facility in St. Lous. (This blog is not sponsored by Peace Haven).

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)


LIGHT is one of the major themes of this week’s Lesson on Christ Jesus. Here are some of the biblical definitions on LIGHT:

LIGHT Definitions

“The Morning Star” Clara S. Streeter, January 1918, CSJ

“Morning Star” John E. Cheal, December 21, 1974, CSS



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Research: Luke 24: The Walk to Emmaus



Disciple chart (from Biblos Foundation) page 1 page 2

Blank sheet of 52 Pant Mat
Answers to 52 Pant Mat (Learning the names of the disciples)

Gospel Chart with answers

Blank Gospel Chart

New Testament timeline


Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Mind" for August 23, 2020

Dear friends,

This blog is put out under my own doing. It is not a Peace Haven sponsored blog. The Conference calls are sponsored by Peace Haven.

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)

You are invited to Clarkson Valley Church (St. Louis MO) Sunday and Wednesday services online.

Sundays: 10:00 CST Wednesdays: 7:30 pm CST

312 626 6799 access code = 537 456 410#



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Research: II Kings 5: Elisha heals Naaman

Suggested Articles from the Christian Science Periodicals on Elisha: You will have to look these up yourselves.

“Naaman and Gehazi,” CSJ, April 1916,  Clara Bell Lessig

“Proof of Healing,” CSS, May 20, 1922,  Charles V. Winn

“The Healing of Naaman,”  CSS,  Nov. 5,1921,  Elsie M. Shaw

“The Lessons of Naaman, the Syrian,” CSS, March 18, 1922, Florence E.B. Donaldson

“The Story of Naaman,”  CSS, Nov. 5, 1904,  E.C. Moses



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Research: Matthew 17: Transfiguration

“The Transfiguration” a sermon preached in Chickering Hall, April 1892, CSJ



Notes on Hebrews 4:12: The Word of God

Recorded Talk by Kathy Merrill: “Thou Art Whole” (the first half is all about THE WORD)



Timeline of the Children of Israel

History of the Kings in Divided Kingdom

“Elisha” from “Getting Acquainted with your Bible'“ by Bernice Shotwell

Ideas to teach the divided kingdom

Lessons for Elisha

Lapbook for stories about Elisha Print outs for lapbook


Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

With love,
