Ideas for studying the lesson on "Soul" for August 18, 2019

Dear friends,

The Blog “www.csbibleinsights” is not sponsored by Peace Haven Nursing facility. I do the blog on my own time to share some of my ideas and research about the lesson with the field.

However, the conference calls are supported by Peace Haven as a gift to the wider Christian Science Community. Join me on a phone conference call during this week to go more deeply into the lesson on “SOUL”. if you would like to know more about the conference calls, contact me at or 618 980 2207.


“What is Soul? Florence Berg, CSS

SOUL: List of Attributes and Qualities

“The Attributes of Soul” Doris Staples Whittier, July 21, 1945, CSS

Attributes of Soul

KEY WORD IN THE LESSON: BLESS and all its derivatives


Responsive Reading: Research for some of the verses:

Research; Ps 84: sun and shield, verse 11

Research: Ps 104:2,3


Research on the ‘shema’: Deut. 6:4,5

Research: Deut. 28:2-6



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Research: Ex 17: water from the rock

“Abundant Supply Ever Present” Jack Edward Hubbell, March 1966, CSJ

Map of Rephidim area in Mt. Sinai (There is always controversy about where things happened so long ago. This map shows one example)

Click here for the movie on “Searching for. the Red Sea Crossing”



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The Lord bless thee and keep you;

The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;

The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. 

(Num. 6:24,25)

The priestly blessing and a little information

More information on the “Priestly Blessing” Numbers 6:24,25

Links to learn more about this important archeological find

Research: Ps 19:7-9 (I’ve done more verses than what is in the lesson)


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Research: Mark 7: Jesus heals deaf and dumb man



Research: Romans 11:33, 36 of Him and through Him and to Him



Ideas for small children

Telling a new Bible story each week

Matching Game

Website links to songs and cartoons for young children about Bible characters

Gates of righteousness

Fishing Game

Bell Ringer

A teacher friend of mine is creating games for her Sunday school students. I thought these might be helpful to some of you:

Directions for games Lesson Plan for a young child page 1 page 2

Beatitude Game (make cards with beatitudes on them)

No and Yes game No and Yes cards

Matching cards for “God and child” qualities


Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Spirit" for August 11, 2019

Dear friends,

The Blog “www.csbibleinsights” is not sponsored by Peace Haven Nursing facility. I do the blog on my own time to share some of my ideas and research about the lesson with the field . However, the conference calls are supported by Peace Haven as a gift to the wider Christian Science Community. Join me on a phone conference call during this week to go more deeply into the lesson on “SPIRIT”. if you would like to know more about the conference calls, contact me at or 618 980 2207.


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List of attributes and qualities of “SPIRIT”

In the Responsive Readings there are 4 verses from the book of Joel. I found this short cartoon video on “JOEL” which has helped me know more about this obscure prophet. I hope it is helpful to you. It comes from “Read the Bible Project”.

Click here to view the video on Joel



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II Cor 3:17 “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”

Josh Henn sings the solo: ‘Where the Spirit of the Lord Is” (click on this link to listen)

If you would like to purchase Josh’s new CD of wonderful solos, click here.

If you would like to sing along each day this week, here are the words:

click here for the words to the solo


Research: Ps. 139: Wither shall I go?

Research: II Cor. 3: 17, 18 where the Spirit of the Lord is. . .



Worksheet for armor of God

Answers to worksheet for armor of God

Picture of Roman soldier

Bell Ringer memory

Concept of reflection for preschool

Prayers for little children

Cut out into flashcards and put names and dates in right order (you can take just a few at a time)

Teaching the seven synonyms

Picture of Menorah to use


Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Love" for August 4, 2019

Dear friends,

Join me on a phone conference call during this week to go more deeply into the lesson. if you would like to know more about the conference calls, contact me at or 618 980 2207.

Attributes and qualities of LOVE

Notes from a lecture by Earl Simms

Link to a very powerful shared reflection lecture by Dee Lewis on “Healing - because there is no fear in the allness of Love

Lecture on “Loving to Live” by Grace Bemis Curtis



Article on what “Lovingkindness” means in the Bible


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Ideas for studying the lesson on "Truth" for July 28, 2019 Dear

Dear friends,

The main theme of this week’s lesson is “THE WORD”. This is one of my favorite concepts to ponder and think about. And be sure and notice all the words that relate to this concept of real COMMUNICATION: hear, speak, voice, mouth, noise, utterance, thundereth, etc. etc. I hope you will enjoy the lesson as much as I have.

This is a list of as many of these kinds of words as I could see. There may be more of them.

Communication Words in the Lesson.

Join me on a phone conference call during this week to go more deeply into the lesson. if you would like to know more about the conference calls, contact me at or 618 980 2207.


Attributes and Qualities of Truth

What does the word ‘truth’ mean?



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Parable of the Sower and the Seed


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Ideas for studying the lesson on "Life" for July 21, 2019

Dear friends,

Do you know of a friend who might enjoy being on the conference calls? If you do, have them call Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at 281-808-3731 or email to sign up. She will send them an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need their emailtheir phone number, and their name. All five times (Tuesday 9:00 am, Tuesday 7:00 pm, Wednesday 8:00 am and 11:30 am and Thursday 10:00 am are all open, and FREE. On the Monday of the week, they will receive handouts in their email  that I’ll use during the lesson sessions.


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Miscellaneous ideas for studying the concept of “LIFE”

Attributes and Qualities of Life

Applying the definition of God to the synonym of Life



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Research: Acts 9: Dorcas



Pictures to use when talking about Dorcas

Jesus the Good Shepherd

Jesus the Good Shepherd file folder game

Teaching the 7 synonyms

Timeline of whole Bible

four gospels chart


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas for studying the lesson on "God" for July 7, 2019

Dear friends,

Do you know of a friend who might enjoy being on the conference calls? If you do, have them call Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at 281-808-3731 or email to sign up. She will send them an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need their emailtheir phone number, and their name. All five times (Tuesday 9:00 am, Tuesday 7:00 pm, Wednesday 8:00 am and 11:30 am and Thursday 10:00 am are all open, and FREE. On the Monday of the week, they will receive handouts in their email  that I’ll use during the lesson sessions.


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Dear Friends,

I think this week’s lesson has a ‘key’ to it in the first citation in the Bible.

Research: (I Chronicles 29:11)

“Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty;”

Section 2- Greatness

Section III - Power

Section IV - Glory

Section V - Victory

Section VI - Majesty


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Ideas for studying the lesson on "Christian Science" for June 30, 2019

Dear friends,

Do you know of a friend who might enjoy being on the conference calls? If you do, have them call Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at 281-808-3731 or email to sign up. She will send them an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need their emailtheir phone number, and their name. All five times (Tuesday 9:00 am, Tuesday 7:00 pm, Wednesday 8:00 am and 11:30 am and Thursday 10:00 am are all open, and FREE. On the Monday of the week, they will receive handouts in their email  that I’ll use during the lesson sessions.


Word Study: for lesson on Christian Science

Chart on the words in S&H for Divine Science

Citations from Mrs. Eddy’s writings on the subject of RULES, LAWS, AND DIVINE DEMONSTRATION

Is Christian Science a “science”? A chart to work with to compare CS with the Science of Mathematics!



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Research: Revelation 10: ‘the little book’



Jesus walks on the water Pieces to Jesus walks on the water

Put these events in order after cutting them out

Cut out, fold in half, staple together: then play games with these NT flashcards (Be sure and scroll down to see the Flash Cards)

Books of the Bible NT flashcards

Short video film of woman with issue of blood


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Is the Universe Including man. . .?" for June 23, 2019

Dear friends,

Do you know of a friend who might enjoy being on the conference calls? If you do, have them call Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at 281-808-3731 or email to sign up. She will send them an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need their emailtheir phone number, and their name. All five times (Tuesday 9:00 am, Tuesday 7:00 pm, Wednesday 8:00 am and 11:30 am and Thursday 10:00 am are all open, and FREE. On the Monday of the week, they will receive handouts in their email  that I’ll use during the lesson sessions.


Listen to Laurence Doyle talk about the “Scientific Statement of Being”

“Heaven and earth”. Edward Little



Research: Hebrews 11:1,3



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Research: John 4: Healing of Nobleman’s son



Perodical articles for the “New Heaven and New Earth”

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“Revelation Rather than Creation,” Irving C. Tomlinson, M.A., Sept. 1914, CSJ

“The City of God,” Albert F. Gilmore, December 11, 1926, CSS

“The Holy City,” Luman A. Field, February 13, 1909, CSS

“New Jerusalem,” William D. McCrackan, April 1919, CSJ



Crossword puzzle about David

New Story each week

David anointed by Samuel

Worksheets David anointed by Samuel

Life of David


This blog is done at my time and expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas to study the Lesson on "God the Preserver of Man" for June 16, 2019

Dear Friends,

I want to let you know that I am going out of town starting this Thursday morning.


Those of you who are signed up for conference calls can get online during these NEW times:

Tuesday 9:00 am

Tuesday 7:00 pm

Wednesday 8:00 am

Wednesday 11:30 am


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Dear friends,

This whole lesson is structured around Psalms 91 and Psalms 23. It has every single verse in these Psalms in it. I am going to be giving you blank study sheets for your own deeper study. It is a way of taking notes as you do your own research. Both of these Psalms are incredibly inspiring and important. Ones to study all our lives.

Look up the words and symbols in them. Find out what Mrs. Eddy writes about them. Look in JSH online for articles on them, etc. Study until your sense of them has lifted and you are able to use them in your experience.

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Research: Acts 5: Apostles freed from prison



Biblefunforkids: I am the good shepherd

Cards to show events in Jesus’ life

Jairus’ daughter Model what it can look like

Model of Jairus’ daughter

video of raising of Jairus’ daughter (cartoon)


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas for studying the lesson on "God the only Cause and Creator" for June 9, 2019

Dear Friends,

If you presently call into the Conference Calls, I am changing some of the times. Here will be the new times starting June 4, this coming Tuesday. All are CST :

Tuesday June 4: 9:00 am

Tuesday, June 4: 7:00 pm

Wednesday June 5: 8:00 am

Wednesday June 5: 11:30 am

Thursday June 6: 10:00 am


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“When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;” Ps 8:3



Research: John 1:1-3 and Genesis 1:31 (In the beginning was the Word)

References on the Word



Research: Job 38, 39, 42


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Research: John 3: Nicodemus

chart of Jewish Religious sects

“The logia of Jesus” henry Van Arsdale, november 1907, CSJ



NEW TESTAMENT timeline of events

Biblefunforkids on Nicodemus

Example of teaching the 8-year old level about the Bible

Question to focus on one healing

short video on “Man Born Blind”

Dorothy Halverson’s sample preschool lesson

Gratitude Garden


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas to study for the lesson on "Ancient and Modern. . ." for June 2, 20

Dear Friends,

Do you know of a friend who might enjoy being on the conference calls? If you do, have them call Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at 281-808-3731 or email to sign up. She will send them an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need their emailtheir phone number, and their name. All five times (Tuesday 7:00 am, Tuesday 7:00 pm, Wednesday 11:30, Thursday 11:30, Thursday 1:30) are available, open, and FREE. On the Monday of the week, they will receive handouts in their email  that I’ll use during the lesson sessions.

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Word Study for Title of Lesson



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Ideas for studying the lesson on "Soul and Body" for May 26, 2019




Dear Friends,

Do you know of a friend who might enjoy being on the conference calls? If you do, have them call Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at 281-808-3731 or email to sign up. She will send them an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need their emailtheir phone number, and their name. All five times (Tuesday 7:00 am, Tuesday 7:00 pm, Wednesday 11:30, Thursday 11:30, Thursday 1:30) are available, open, and FREE. On the Monday of the week, they will receive handouts in their email  that I’ll use during the lesson sessions.

Attributes and qualities of SOUL


Section 4:

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Research: Luke 9: Jesus heals epileptic boy

Testimony of healing of epilepsy

Short video of Jesus healing the epileptic (very graphic from the movie ‘Jesus of Nazareth’)



Timeline of New Testament

FLASHCARDS - New Testament (scroll down to see them)

Flashcards for elementary age

Prodigal Son crossword

Questions to ask ourselves in a relationship (for discussion)

Make a large timeline for Sunday School

Questions for Pool of Bethesda


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Adam and Fallen Man" for May 12, 2019

Dear Friends,

Do you know of a friend who might enjoy being on the conference calls? If you do, have them call Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at 281-808-3731 or email to sign up. She will send them an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need their emailtheir phone number, and their name. All five times (Tuesday 7:00 am, Tuesday 7:00 pm, Wednesday 11:30, Thursday 11:30, Thursday 1:30) are available, open, and FREE. On the Monday of the week, they will receive handouts in their email  that I’ll use during the lesson sessions.



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Ideas for studying the lesson on "Everlasting Punishment" for May 5, 2019

Dear Friends,

Do you know of a friend who might enjoy being on the conference calls? If you do, have them call Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at 281-808-3731 or email to sign up. She will send them an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need their emailtheir phone number, and their name. All five times (Tuesday 7:00 am, Tuesday 7:00 pm, Wednesday 11:30, Thursday 11:30, Thursday 1:30) are available, open, and FREE. On the Monday of the week, they will receive handouts in their email  that I’ll use during the lesson sessions.

Main Ideas: Everlasting Punishment or EVERLASTING LOVE!

Golden Text: God turns the curse to blessing

Responsive Reading: God loves us and pleads our cause: turns us from sin

1st Section: God’s love is everlasting

2nd: First and Second commandments: golden calf

3rd: Woman taken in Adultery (commandment #7)

4th: Man with palsy because of sin

5th: Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty

6th: Keep in the love of God



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Research: Matt. 9: sick of the palsy

short videos on this healing



Research: Romans 8: the law of Christ Jesus

Click here to listen to the solo “Where the Spirit of the Lord is” sung by Josh Henn

If you would like to purchase Josh’s album of solos, click here: Biblos Foundation




Greatest commandments

Commandment Train: 1 & 2 3&4. 5&6 7&8 9&10

Ten Commandments and Moses

Ten commandments flash cards

Life of Moses

Golden Calf

Golden Calf activities

Jesus heals sick of palsy: power pt slide show

Video of sick of the palsy

stick play for sick of the palsy — illustrate the story through straws and brads

Flashcards for story of sick of the palsy

Make a little flat diorama of the story of the sick of palsy example


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Doctrine of Atonement" for April 21, 2019

Dear Friends, Do you know of a friend who might enjoy being on the conference calls? If you do, have them call Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at 281-808-3731 or email to sign up. She will send them an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need their emailtheir phone number, and their name. All five times (Tuesday 7:00 am, Tuesday 7:00 pm, Wednesday 11:30, Thursday 11:30, Thursday 1:30) are available, open, and FREE. On the Monday of the week, they will receive handouts in their email  that I’ll use during the lesson sessions.

Word Study for words “doctrine” and “atonement”

One significant concept running through the lesson is the word “JOY’.

It can mean bursting forth, making a joyful sound, singing and music, rejoicing, an emotion of great happiness, the expectation of good, a glorious and triumphant state.



Research: John 10: I and my father are one



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Research: Matt 27: Crucifixion



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the Garden of Gethsemane

sequence of the Garden of Gethsemane

make a timeline chart for elementary age on the passion week page 2 page 3

Garden tomb and Jesus resurrecting page 2


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!
