Ideas for studying the lesson on "Unreality" for April 7, 2019

Dear Friends, Do you know of a friend who might enjoy being on the conference calls? If you do, have them call Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at 281-808-3731 or email to sign up. She will send them an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need their emailtheir phone number, and their name. All five times (Tuesday 7:00 am, Tuesday 7:00 pm, Wednesday 11:30, Thursday 11:30, Thursday 1:30) are available, open, and FREE. On the Monday of the week, they will receive handouts in their email  that I’ll use during the lesson sessions.


Notice and look the words “CALL'‘ and “so-called”. Both are used many times in the Lesson.



Research: Genesis I Image and likeness

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Ideas for studying the lesson on "Reality" for March 31, 2019

Dear Friends, Do you know of a friend who might enjoy being on the conference calls? If you do, have them call Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at 281-808-3731 or email to sign up. She will send them an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need their emailtheir phone number, and their name. All five times (Tuesday 7:00 am, Tuesday 7:00 pm, Wednesday 11:30, Thursday 11:30, Thursday 1:30) are available, open, and FREE. On the Monday of the week, they will receive handouts in their email  that I’ll use during the lesson sessions.


“From the Editors” No darkness at all”, August 27, 2012, CSS

Word Study on “OWR” = Hebrew for light

Notes on what light is



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Research: Matt. 13: Tares and Wheat



Research: Mark 8: Healing of blind man at Bethsaida



Research: Luke 7: Raising of widow’s son at Nain

Short video clip of raising of widow’s son



Misc. ideas for preschool

Bibles for Beginners


3 templates for Jonah: Jonah praying Stomach of whale Whale

Jonah and the Whale

Directions for Jonah: Xerox the whale on grey or brown paper.

  Cut a stomach out in orange paper: fold in half so it is not visible, and then when opened, it is visible with Jonah inside it. Trace over Jonah praying and cut out to color. Glue these pieces together.


 Ideas for young children

Song: Wise man built his house upon the rock


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Matter" for March 24, 2019

Ideas for studying the lesson on "Man" for March 10, 2019

Dear Friends, Do you know of a friend who might enjoy being on the conference calls? If you do, have them call Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at 281-808-3731 or email to sign up. She will send them an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need their emailtheir phone number, and their name. All five times (Tuesday 7:00 am, Tuesday 7:00 pm, Wednesday 11:30, Thursday 11:30, Thursday 1:30) are available, open, and FREE. On the Monday of the week, they will receive handouts in their email  that I’ll use during the lesson sessions.

Unpublished poem by E. Ward Thomas, Jr., CS. “REFLECTION”

7 synonyms for “man” from the 1828 Webster’s Dictionary

Questions to ask oneself about reflection


Section I:

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Research: II Sam. 11 and 12: David and Bathsheba

David’s timeline

Short video clip on the Tel Dan Stele (proof of King David’s existence)

article on Bathsheba

“Actually, it’s not all about me,” Colleen Douglas, September 17, 2012

There is a wonderful, excellent short video on David capturing the Jebusite City, but I can’t seem to make the link work. If you want to watch it, go to ‘David conquers Jebusite City in your URL line, and click on videos; then go to the video that says

“King David Conquers Jebusites”. There are several videos. This one is really good.


Here is a video on the City of David


Section 4:

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Ideas for studying the lesson on "Christ Jesus" for March 3, 201

Dear Friends, Do you know of a friend who might enjoy being on the conference calls? If you do, have them call Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at 281-808-3731 or email to sign up. She will send them an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need their emailtheir phone number, and their name. All five times (Tuesday 7:00 am, Tuesday 7:00 pm, Wednesday 11:30, Thursday 11:30, Thursday 1:30) are available, open, and FREE. On the Monday of the week, they will receive handouts in their email  that I’ll use during the lesson sessions.

There are three podcasts about Christ Jesus by Elaine Follis, shared with the public on the Mother Church’s “Global Sunday School”. They are about 20 minutes each and are very informative.

Podcast #1

Podcast #2

Poscast #3

Podcast #4

Podcast #5


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Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Mind" for February 24, 2019

Dear Friends, Do you know of a friend who might enjoy being on the conference calls? If you do, have them call Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at 281-808-3731 or email to sign up. She will send them an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need their emailtheir phone number, and their name. All five times (Tuesday 7:00 am, Tuesday 7:00 pm, Wednesday 11:30, Thursday 11:30, Thursday 1:30) are available, open, and FREE. On the Monday of the week, they will receive handouts in their email  that I’ll use during the lesson sessions.

One theme in this week’s lesson is the ‘handling of fear.’ The word is used many times. There are many articles on this idea on JSH online. Here is one of them:

“Fear Not” Dora M. Knapp, June 1901, CSJ

Mind Attributes and Qualities

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Notes in a chart on Moses crossing the Red Sea

The articles below are to be looked up by you if you are interested.

CS articles on crossing the Red Sea


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Research: Luke 8: Raising of Jairus’ daughter

Click here to listen to Josh Henn sing a solo about “Jairus’ Daughter”.

If you want to purchase the CD it comes from, go to

Video clip of raising of Jairus’ daughter



Research: James 5: Is any afflicted? . . .

“Moral Medicine” Julia S. Kinney, May 1922, CSJ



Research: Romans 12: Be not conformed. . .



bed of jairus daugher Jairus, daughter, house Jesus mother father jairus sick/well girl

parts for Jairus story

moses and Red Sea Moses water

moses on mt sinai

Moses crossing the Red Sea

Moses and the Red Sea

Moses Red Sea Banner to purchase

This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas on how to study the lesson on "Soul"

Dear Friends, Do you know of a friend who might enjoy being on the conference calls? If you do, have them call Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at 281-808-3731 or email to sign up. She will send them an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need their emailtheir phone number, and their name. All five times (Tuesday 7:00 am, Tuesday 7:00 pm, Wednesday 11:30, Thursday 11:30, Thursday 1:30) are available, open, and FREE. On the Monday of the week, they will receive handouts in their email  that I’ll use during the lesson sessions.

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Research: Mark 8: Healing of blind man at Bethsaida



Synonym Chart attributes for chart


Moses and ten commandments (idea from Sara Borja)

Moses and ten commandments Make a model of mt. Sinai

Make your own commandments

Disciple file folder games

Apostle cut outs

Books of the Bible

Click here to download the books of Bible


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas on how to study the lesson on "Spirit" for February 10, 2019

Dear Friends, Do you know of a friend who might enjoy being on the conference calls? If you do, have them call Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at 281-808-3731 or email to sign up. She will send them an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need their emailtheir phone number, and their name. All five times (Tuesday 7:00 am, Tuesday 7:00 pm, Wednesday 11:30, Thursday 11:30, Thursday 1:30) are available, open, and FREE. On the Monday of the week, they will receive handouts in their email  that I’ll use during the lesson sessions.


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RESPONSIVE READING: “The spirit of the Lord God is upon me;” Is 61:1

Jesus read these verses in Nazareth: short video clip


II Cor 3:17 “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”

Josh Henn sings the solo: ‘Where the Spirit of the Lord Is” (click on this link to listen)

If you would like to purchase Josh’s new CD of wonderful solos, click here.

If you would like to sing along each day this week, here are the words:

click here for the words to the solo

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Spirit Attributes and Qualities list



Here is a testimony that relates to the citation Psalms 139:14 “I will praise three; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” Several of her comments relate to this week’s Lesson.

Click on this link to read the testimony:



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Research: Acts 10: Cornelius - first Gentile convert

Article about Cornelius

Map of Palestine

Places in the early Christian Church: Caesarea Maritima, Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, Asia Minor, Cyprus, Damascus, Greece



Research: II Cor 3:17, 28 beholding in a glass



Song about Peter and lame man

Cornelius from biblefunforkids

Peter’s vision and Cornelius

Unclean food

Poster about Roman Centurion

Updated pictures of Cornelius story

Cartoon of Peter healing the lame man

Outline of Peter’s life events


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!




If you live in the St Louis area, my sister Kristy Christian will be giving a two-day Bible workshop sponsored by Peace Haven Association and Biblos Foundation. It will be March 1-2, 2019 at Peace Haven on 12630 Rott Road. The cost is $195.00.

"God Giveth Us the Victory"  (I Cor: 15:57)

“. . . thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (I Cor. 15:57), Paul writes to the church in Corinth. He also comments that “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal” (II Cor. 10:4). Are we not prompted to ponder the nature of a war that does not require material weapons, nor does it demand that we wrestle against flesh and blood (see Eph. 6:12)? Join us March 1 and 2, 2019, for a deeper study of this “divine method of warfare” (Science and Health 568:6), as outlined in the Bible and Mary Baker Eddy’s writings.

Our discussion will cover several narratives in both the Old and New Testaments which develop our theme and reveal how, with God, we can expect complete victory over any challenge that might confront us.

A few of the questions that we will explore:

  • What is our spiritual means of defense?

  • What is the significance of the “whole armour of God,” described in Ephesians?

  • Over what do we become victorious?

To register, Click on this link:


I heard this talk at A/U in the Fall, and it is outstanding!

With love,


Ideas to study the lesson on "Love" for February 3, 2019

Dear Friends, Do you know of a friend who might enjoy being on the conference calls? If you do, have them call Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at 281-808-3731 or email to sign up. She will send them an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need their emailtheir phone number, and their name. All five times (Tuesday 7:00 am, Tuesday 7:00 pm, Wednesday 11:30, Thursday 11:30, Thursday 1:30) are available, open, and FREE. On the Monday of the week, they will receive handouts in their email  that I’ll use during the lesson sessions.


This week’s lesson on “Love” has “angels” in every section. I have counted the use of the word 19 times so far. Here is a link to ponder this concept:

link for angels

CS Article on “Love” by Frederick Dixon, March 1909, CSJ


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Research: Acts 12: Peter freed from prison

“Freedom” Carol C. Gaetjen, June 2000, CSJ



Blank family tree for Abraham Answers to family tree

Flashcards for Abraham’s family page 1 page 2 page 3

Paragraph about Hagar

Paragraph about Ismael

12 Sons of Jacob chart or poster These are different from the 12 tribes. Joseph is not a tribe, his two sons Ephraim and Manasseh were given the territory. Joseph got a double portion. And the tribe of Levi was in charge of tabernacle worship, so they didn’t get any territory either.

Poster of 12 sons and 12 tribes

Posters for each of 12 sons

Jacob’s family tree


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!




If you live in the St Louis area, my sister Kristy Christian will be giving a two-day Bible workshop sponsored by Peace Haven Association and Biblos Foundation. It will be March 1-2, 2019 at Peace Haven on 12630 Rott Road. The cost is $195.00.

"God Giveth Us the Victory"  (I Cor: 15:57)

“. . . thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (I Cor. 15:57), Paul writes to the church in Corinth. He also comments that “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal” (II Cor. 10:4). Are we not prompted to ponder the nature of a war that does not require material weapons, nor does it demand that we wrestle against flesh and blood (see Eph. 6:12)? Join us March 1 and 2, 2019, for a deeper study of this “divine method of warfare” (Science and Health 568:6), as outlined in the Bible and Mary Baker Eddy’s writings.

Our discussion will cover several narratives in both the Old and New Testaments which develop our theme and reveal how, with God, we can expect complete victory over any challenge that might confront us.

A few of the questions that we will explore:

  • What is our spiritual means of defense?

  • What is the significance of the “whole armour of God,” described in Ephesians?

  • Over what do we become victorious?

To register, Click on this link:


I heard this talk at A/U in the Fall, and it is outstanding!

With love,


Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Truth" for January 27, 2019

Dear Friends,

Would you like to be on a free conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? Or do you know of a friend who might enjoy it? The conference calls are sponsored by Peace Haven Association in St. Louis. The times are Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am; Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 11:30, and Thursdays at 1:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All five times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like. On the Monday of the week, you will receive handouts in your email  that I use during the lesson sessions.


Ideas to expand your study on TRUTH:

Word Study on ‘TRUTH’

Qualities and attributes of Truth



Research: Deut. 32:3, 4



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Cut and put in correct order: Flashcards Timeline of Bible

Flashcards of NT people

Disciples information pg 1 pg 2 pg 3

Ideas for teaching about the disciples

Matching Game

New Bible Story each week

Standing Porter


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Copy of Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Life" for January 20, 2019

Dear Friends,

Would you like to be on a free conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? Or do you know of a friend who might enjoy it? The conference calls are sponsored by Peace Haven Association in St. Louis. The times are Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am; Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 11:30, and Thursdays at 1:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All five times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like. On the Monday of the week, you will receive handouts in your email  that I use during the lesson sessions.


Studying the concept of Life:

Acknowledging the qualities and attributes of LIFE



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Research: Acts 20: Raising of Eutychus

Map of Paul’s second journey

Testimony of swimming pool accident

“Death did not end my life,” Howard Johnson, July 2, 2001, CSS

“The Comfort of Christian Science,” Mary C. Francis, September 1911, CSJ (raising the dead in early Christianity)


CHILDREN’S IDEAS: In the next several weeks, the lessons will be on the synonyms of God. Here are several ideas to work with children on them. The teacher or parent could take two or three ideas each week and work on learning them, the qualities and attributes, etc.

Chart to use with synonyms

Making flash cards of synonyms

Flashcards of 7 synonyms for each child

Ideas for teaching the synonyms Menorah to use while teaching

Chart with qualities and attributes

List of attributes

7 synonyms on a ring

book of synonyms


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Sacrament" for January 13, 2019

Dear Friends,

The main theme of this week’s lesson is “Prayer.” The Lesson teaches us what prayer is, how to pray, what prayer does for us, and several biblical examples of ‘prayer’. It’s a very powerful lesson!! You might want to reread the chapter on “Prayer” in “Science & Health” to deepen your understanding of this subject.

Here is a beautiful daily prayer from the CS Sentinel.

“My Prayer in Christian Science”, June 27, 1903, CSS


Responsive Reading:

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Ideas for studying the lesson on "God" for January 6, 2019

This week’s lesson is structured around the definition of GOD on page 587:5 of Science & Health.

GOD. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; . . .

Responsive Reading; The great I AM

Section 1: all-knowing

Section 2: all-seeing

Section 3: all-acting

Section 4: all-wise

Section 5: all-loving

Section 6: eternal


There are numerous articles in the periodicals on the three main sections in the Lesson: God, the Great I Am, Receive Ye thy Sight, and the New Heaven and New Earth. I just picked a few outstanding ones.


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Research: Rev. 21: New Heaven and New Earth

“The City of God,” Albert F. Gilmore, December 11, 1926, CSS



Burning Bush

Activities for Moses and burning bush

Moses’ Life in cards

Life of Moses: Map it! Map it!

Moses’ early life and qualities he might have expressed

Moses’ later life and spiritual qualities he had gained

Color and cut out Moses figure and glue the flames of the bush nearby. Draw a mountain of rocks around them on construction paper:

Moses’ character

burning bush activity

Simple reading activity on burning bush

Word puzzle on burning bush for 3-4th grades

6 minute video of Charlton Heston’s Burning bush in “The Ten Commandments” movie (I’m sorry it is grainy and not too clear. I just rewatched the whole movie and loved it. But here is a tiny portion of it that goes along with the lesson.)


I hope these ideas are helpful to you!

Thank you so much to those of you who have generously given to this Bible study during the Christmas season!! I am enormously grateful to each and everyone of you.

With great love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "God the Preserver of Man," Dec. 16, 2018

An Invitation for you this Christmas season!

My sister, Kristy Christian, is going to give a talk on “Christ and Christmas” on December 23, which will be available on a conference call. This 3-hour talk is sponsored by Biblos Foundation and Peace Haven Association. Here is a flyer about it with the call-in information. If you live in St. Louis, you could also attend it.



Dear friends,

The theme of this week’s lesson is “WINGS”. Look for phrases like — shadow of his wings, bear them on his wings, wings like a dove, healing in his wings, etc. A beautiful lesson!!

Responsive Reading:

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Section I

Research: Deut. 32:10,11 eagle

Information on eagles

Research: Ex. 19:4 bear you up on eagle’s wings

Picture of baby eaglet on mother’s back

Picture of eagle above the clouds

Stop and take a minute to listen to the solo “Bear you up on Eagle’s wings” with a choir and slide show! Very inspiring!



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Research: Acts 27: Paul’s Shipwreck

Timeline for Paul

Information on Paul’s Roman citizenship

Map of last journey to Rome



Ideas on Paul’s shipwreck

Pictures of Paul’s shipwreck

Paul’s letters

Activity for Paul’s letters Activity for Paul’s letters

Raising Jairus’ daughter activity

Jairus’ daughter pieces


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas for studying the lesson on "God the only cause and creator" for Dec. 9, 2018

Dear friends,

Here is some research on the various passages in this week’s lesson:

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Research: Acts 5: Peter preaching in Jerusalem’s Temple



Movie to purchase of “Abraham”

Cartoon video 25 minutes about Abraham (Very good!)

Family Tree of Abraham

Blank Family Tree of Abraham

Flashcards of People in Abraham Story: put in order along a family tree

pg 1 pg 2 pg 3

Abraham lessons

Questions about Abraham

Tent to make for Abraham story (Directions) (click on buttons to cut out tent and people)

3 main patriarch pictures

12 sons of Jacob


This blog is done at my expense. If you would like to make a contribution to it, please send a check to Kathy Merrill: 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. It would be greatly appreciated!

I hope these ideas are helpful!


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Ancient and Modern. . ." for Dec. 2, 2018

Dear friends,

Related words of the root word HID AND HIDE are throughout the lesson. (24x) Hid means to be kept secret, concealed, that it might not be known, covered; to hide oneself carefully; “ hidden from the world and known to God”. SECRET also is a word that is throughout this lesson. It can mean covering, shelter, hiding place, the secret place of the most high, protection. And the word PRESERVE OR PRESERVED is also a theme.

Sometimes it is very helpful to me to write down the main ideas of each section. Here is my sheet of ideas, but please know that yours could be very different.

Main Ideas of each section

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Research: Ex 2: Moses in the Ark


Section 4:

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Ideas to study on "Soul and Body," for Nov. 25, 2018

Dear Friends,

Two themes that are running through this week’s lesson are the idea of “temple”, used about 17 times. In section six, Mrs Eddy says, “The word temple also means body.” (576:14) And the words ‘reflect’ and ‘reflection’ are used 14 times. Soul is not IN body, but is reflected by man.

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Ideas to study the lesson on "Mortals and Immortals," Nov. 18, 2018

Dear Friends,

Would you like to be on a free conference call to study the Lesson with Kathy Merrill? The conference calls are sponsored by Peace Haven Association in St. Louis. The times are Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am; Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm;  Wednesdays at 11:30;  Thursdays at 11:30, and Thursdays at 1:30, all central standard time.

If  you would like to be on a conference call, contact Sue Merrill (no relation to me) at  or 281-808-3731. She will send you an email with the procedures and the call-in numbers.

To sign up, we will need your email; your phone number, and your name. All five times are available, open, and FREE, and you don't need to let us know if and when you are getting on that week. You may call in as many times as you like. On the Monday of the week, you will receive handouts in your email  that I use during the lesson sessions.


Dear friends,

Here is a word study on the words mortal and immortal.




In one of her Bibles, Mrs. Eddy wrote beside Romans 12:2,

“Romans 12 is Christian Science.” (MBE Accession #B00017.C)

Research: Romans 1:2 be not conformed


Section 1:

Notes on Romans 8:5-9

Research: Romans 8: 16, 17

Research: II Cor. 3:18 open face


Section 2:

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