Free Conference Call Link


Dear Friends,

Thank you for your continued support of CS Bible Insights! As the New Year is rolling steadily into 2024 I have so much to be grateful for because its people like you who continue to allow me to work and continue to share what I love.

I know many of you have enjoyed free access to my talks each week, but we’re now emailing you to ask for your support by joining as a member for just $5/week. In this way, we continue to be able to support my work, afford our digital platforms, as well as give back to my daughter (who helps me with technical support, marketing and online content even though she works full time and has two sons). I am so grateful for her help. 

We will allow free access to you for the rest of this month (February) but starting March 1st, we ask for those of you who want to continue to access the recorded talks, please consider becoming a member and join us.

Again, I appreciate all your support and feedback through the years and am grateful for being able to do what I love and share my knowledge. We have exciting courses coming up for 2024 so please stay tuned!

As always, any questions you might have please feel free to reach out to us -

With all my love and gratitude,
