Ideas for studying the lesson on "Reality" for March 29, 2020

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)


Possible theme for the lesson: CHOOSE GOOD AS THE REALITY!



Research: John 1:1-3

“Reading and Hearing the Word” Myrtle R. Biggins, February 8, 1930, CSS



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Research: Luke 10: Mary and Martha

Research: Matt 6:31: take no thought’

“Martha Work and Mary Work” John K. Daniels, Octrober 24, 1977, CSS

“Martha and Mary” by Marie H. Lackey, November 17, 1923, CSS



“Butter and Honey shall he eat” Mary Lee Gough Nay, April 1945, CSJ

5 minute video: Joshua becomes a leader

Preschool song for Joshua

Basic Story of Joshua

Videos of Joshua and Jericho

8 minute movie on Joshua and Jericho (This is a little older version, but the pictures are excellent)

Ideas on the battle of Jericho

More ideas on Jericho: mini-book

Rahab helps Joshua

Pictures of Rahab helping Joshua’s men

Joshua: the new leader from

Joshua fought the battle of Jericho


The blog is done on my own. It is not part of my work for Peace Haven Association.

Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. Or I have joined Pay pal, if that is easier.

I am so very grateful for all of you in the field who are deepening their study of the Scriptures. This will directly relate to your understanding of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and to your healing work!

With great love,



Ideas for studying the lesson on "Matter" for March 22, 2020

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)

(See at the bottom of this post, information about Kristy Christian’s talk on the correlation of the Bible and Christian Science. The call in numbers are there. Kristy is my sister, and she is the president of Biblos Foundation.)



“Practising the Allness of God” Samuel Greenwood, January 1916, CSJ

Research: Ex 20:1-3: the First Commandment



Notes on Romans 8: they that are after the flesh. . .



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Research: Mark 5: Raising of Jairus’ daughter

Article on Capernaum

“The Comfort of Christian Science” Mary C. Francis, September 1911, CSJ (on raising the dead)



Research: John 8: light of the world and know the truth

“The truth is already true” Kerry M. Knobelsdorff, April 9, 1984, CSS



Samuel and Eli

Daniel and the lion’s den

S&H key and lock

Treasure Chest: good and bad thoughts

Ten Commandments train

Shadrach and fiery furnace


The blog is done on my own. It is not part of my work for Peace Haven Association.

Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. Or I have joined Pay pal, if that is easier.

I am so very grateful for all of you in the field who are deepening their study of the Scriptures. This will directly relate to your understanding of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and to your healing work!

With great love,


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Ideas for studying the lesson on "Substance" for March 15, 2020

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)


Word Study on SUBSTANCE:



Notes and thoughts: Eccl. 3: I know that . . .

Research: Romans 12:2



Research: Hebrews 11: Faith is the substance. . .



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Research: II Sam. 13: Rape of Tamar

Article on TAMAR

This testimony goes along with the statement in S&H on page 563. ““The ten horns of the [great red] dragon typify the belief that matter has power of its own, and that by means of an evil mind in matter, the Ten Commandments can be broken”.

“Priceless cello recovered” Robin Kadz, July 11, 2011, CSS



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Research: Acts 16: Paul and damsel with divination



Research: I Chron. 29: David’s prayer


CHILDREN’S IDEAS: All the ideas are in blog posts below. If you want to view previous children’s ideas, just scroll down, down, down, to see other postings.

Fruit of the spirit baskets

Bell Ringer

Dorothy’s sample lesson

Gratitude Garden

New Bible Story each week

Standing Porter at the door


The blog is done on my own. It is not part of my work for Peace Haven Association.

Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. Or I have joined Pay pal, if that is easier.

I am so very grateful for all of you in the field who are deepening their study of the Scriptures. This will directly relate to your understanding of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and to your healing work!

With great love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Man" for March 8, 2020

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)


In the Lesson this week are many words relating to create, make, fashion, etc. But the word that is used the most is “FORM”. It is used at least 26 times. There could be more. Plus the words formation, deformity, inform, etc.

Word Study for FORM


Responsive Reading:

Research: Ps 37: Mark the perfect man. . .



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This section is about the ‘definition’ of MAN. One way to study it is to expand the lines of the definition in S&H page 475 and to amplify each idea and concept. Here is a worksheet to do that with:

Click here for the worksheet



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Research: Mark 16: Resurrection and Ascension

Worksheet on the “Appearances of Jesus after the resurrection”



Books to purchase for young children to read on Bible stories

4 great ideas to teach the books of the Bible

Sample lesson to teach an 8 year-old in Sunday School

Sample puzzle: can make one for any story with a colored folder

The three charts and lists below come from the “Ideas for teaching the bible to children” from Biblos Foundation: Click here for the website

Chart of healings by Jesus

List of healings by Apostles

List of healings by Mrs. Eddy


The blog is done on my own. It is not part of my work for Peace Haven Association.

Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. Or I have joined Pay pal, if that is easier.

I am so very grateful for all of you in the field who are deepening their study of the Scriptures. This will directly relate to your understanding of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and to your healing work!

With great love,


Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Christ Jesus" for March 3, 2020

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)

Here is a chart to start reading the Bible through, if you are interested.

Click here for the chronological bible Chart


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Notes on Is. 9: 6 unto us is born this day. . .



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Research: Matt. 15: Feeding the 4000

Map of Galilee



Research: Matthew 23: Jesus: scribes vs. humility

Structure of Jewish Sects



Calling of the disciples

Names of disciples

Activities for elementary age on disciples

Disciples cards

Posters for disciples

Crafts for feeding the 5000

Make the basket with loaves and fishes

Magnet Fishing

Chart of the 7 synonyms


The blog is done on my own. It is not part of my work for Peace Haven Association.

Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. Or I have joined Pay pal, if that is easier.

I am so very grateful for all of you in the field who are deepening their study of the Scriptures. This will directly relate to your understanding of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and to your healing work!

With great love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Mind" for February 23, 2020

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)


Misc. Ideas:

Attributes and Qualities of Mind

Word Study for “Wisdom” and “Understanding”



Research: James 1:17, 18: father of lights



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Research: Luke 17: Healing of the ten lepers

Information on “The Samaritans”

“Obedience and Healing” W. Stuart Booth, January 19, 1918, CSS



THIS MOVIE you can purchase or watch on Netflix or Amazon Prime. It’s well-researched and is excellent. It tells the whole story of Joseph with song and wonderful visuals. Click here to find it on Amazon Prime.

short video (2 minute)  with song about house on rock or sand (primary age)

The story of Joseph

Joseph and coat of many colors activity

Links from Biblefunforkids Joseph

Video on Joseph and His Coat (There are many videos on this page)

Biblefunforkids on Joseph interpreting dreams

Biblefunforkids on Joseph and coat of many colors

Zacchaeus Video:

Zacchaeus song and video


The blog is done on my own. It is not part of my work for Peace Haven Association.

Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. Or I have joined Pay pal, if that is easier.

I am so very grateful for all of you in the field who are deepening their study of the Scriptures. This will directly relate to your understanding of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and to your healing work!

With great love,





Ideas for studying the lesson on "Soul" for February 16, 2020

Dear friends,

If you know of anyone who would like to be on this blog or the conference calls, please have them contact me at or 618-980-2207. We will send them the information. (Please do not give out the phone numbers.)


Here is an overall view of the Old Testament in 8 minutes. It is really very good!

Click here to see it


Ideas to study on Soul:

Words to study in relationship to the lesson: bride, bridegroom, wedding feast, marriage, wedding garment

“The ‘wedding garment’ of divine Love (1899-1901)” Yvonne Cache Fettweis and Robert Townsend Warneck, August 1996, CSJ

Soul defined in 1828 dictionary and in Hebrew:

Soul Attributes and Qualities



Research: Deut 6: the Shema



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Research Acts 9: Raising of Dorcas



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Picture of the bride going into a wedding

Related words to study: bride, bridegroom, wedding, betroth, the chapter in S&H on “Marriage”; bride adorneth herself with her jewels, bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments

“Christian Science healing is “the Spirit and the bride,” — the “Word and the wedding of this Word to all human thought and action, — that says: Come, and I will give thee rest, peace, health holiness.”

My 153:27-30



Family Tree of Abraham

Blank Family Tree of Abraham

Flashcards of People in Abraham Story: put in order along a family tree

pg 1 pg 2 pg 3

Abraham lessons

Questions about Abraham

Tent to make for Abraham story (Directions) (click on buttons to cut out tent and people)

3 main patriarch pictures

12 sons of Jacob

Books of the Bible

Click here to download the books of Bible

__________ __________

The blog is done on my own. It is not part of my work for Peace Haven Association.

Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. Or I have joined Pay pal, if that is easier.

I am so very grateful for all of you in the field who are deepening their study of the Scriptures. This will directly relate to your understanding of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and to your healing work!

With great love,




Ideas for studying the lesson on "Spirit" for February 9, 2020

Dear Friends,

Each week I do five conference calls to study the lesson more deeply. They are offered five different times, but the content is pretty much the same. The conference calls are supported by Peace Haven Nursing Association as a gift to the wider Christian Science Community. The purpose is to encourage deeper study of the Scriptures.

If you are interested in joining me on a FREE phone conference call during this week to go more deeply into the lesson on “Spirit?” just call me at 618 980 2207 or email me at I will send you the times they are offered and the phone numbers to call in on. On the Monday of each week, you will receive handouts that I will use during the conference call.


Word Study on “Spirit”

Attributes and Qualities of “Spirit”



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Research: Luke 4: Jesus reads the prophecy of Messiah in Nazareth

Jesus read these verses in Nazareth: short video clip

Jesus attending church (And he went to the synagogue, as his custom was,on the Sabbath day.    Interpreter’s Bible: Luke 4:16)



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Research: Luke 13: Woman bowed over



Research: Mark 2:22: new wine into old bottles (I’m using Luke 5 research)



Ideas for 3 Hebrews craft

Short video on Shadrach, Meshach and Abednago

Ideas for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednago

Ideas for 3 boys in fiery furnace

Another idea for 3 Hebrew boys

Matching Game

Shadrach, Meshach. . . 

Website links for Shadrach story


The blog is done on my own. It is not part of my work for Peace Haven Association.

Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. Or I have joined Pay pal, if that is easier.

I am so very grateful for all of you in the field who are deepening their study of the Scriptures. This will directly relate to your understanding of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and to your healing work!

With great love,



Ideas for studying the lesson on "Love" for February 2, 2020

Dear Friends,

Each week I do five conference calls to study the lesson more deeply. They are offered five different times, but the content is pretty much the same. The conference calls are supported by Peace Haven Nursing Association as a gift to the wider Christian Science Community. The purpose is to encourage deeper study of the Scriptures.

If you are interested in joining me on a FREE phone conference call during this week to go more deeply into the lesson on “Love?” just call me at 618 980 2207 or email me at I will send you the times they are offered and the phone numbers to call in on. On the Monday of each week, you will receive handouts that I will use during the conference call.


Miscellaneous Ideas for study:

Attributes and Qualities of LOVE

Notes from a lecture by Earl Simms

Link to a very powerful shared reflection lecture by Dee Lewis on “Healing - because there is no fear in the allness of Love

Lecture on “Loving to Live” by Grace Bemis Curtis



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Research Mark 1: Healing of the leper

“Ward off contagion” Leila Bailey McLane, August 3, 1968, CSS

“The Divine Will” Joseph G. Alden, June 24, 1916, CSS



This section is in Revelation 12: the Apocalyptic Woman and the Dragon

This is a very important, extensive study, and I will not try to give you my research on it. It is something that needs to be studied individually. However, there are many articles in the periodicals on the subject of Christian Science and Mary Baker Eddy, and also from the Mary Baker Eddy Library. Here are some of them for your deeper study. (I will share a few ideas from the verses from Revelation on the conference call).

“The Revelator of Christian Science” Allene E. Thornburgh

“Prophecy and Fulfillment” W. Stuart Booth

Click here for a sheet with many more articles on Mrs. Eddy and prophecy in the CS periodicals

At the Mary Baker Eddy Library in Boston, one can purchased the thirty-eight pages of “Mary Baker Eddy and Bible Prophecy” Two Studies: January 26, 1938 and March 8, 1938. Here is the introduction page from that study and the source where you can find it:

Source for 38 pages



“Teach me to love” Louise Knight Wheatley, October 1908, CSJ

Ideas for small children

Telling a new Bible story each week

Matching Game

Website links to songs and cartoons for young children about Bible characters

Gates of righteousness

Fishing Game

Bell Ringer

12 Sons of Jacob chart or poster These are different from the 12 tribes. Joseph is not a tribe, his two sons Ephraim and Manasseh were given the territory. Joseph got a double portion. And the tribe of Levi was in charge of tabernacle worship, so they didn’t get any territory either.

Poster of 12 sons and 12 tribes

Posters for each of 12 sons

Jacob’s family tree


The blog is done on my own. It is not part of my work for Peace Haven Association.

Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. Or I have joined Pay pal, if that is easier.

It would be greatly appreciated!

With love,


ideas for studying the Lesson on "Truth" for January 26, 2020

Dear Friends,

Each week I do five conference calls to study the lesson more deeply. They are offered five different times, but the content is pretty much the same. The conference calls are supported by Peace Haven Nursing Association as a gift to the wider Christian Science Community. The purpose is to encourage deeper study of the Scriptures.

If you are interested in joining me on a FREE phone conference call during this week to go more deeply into the lesson on “Truth?” just call me at 618 980 2207 or email me at I will send you the times they are offered and the phone numbers to call in on. On the Monday of each week, you will receive handouts that I will use during the conference call.


Attributes and Qualities of Truth

Word Study and definitions of Truth


Take 17 minutes and watch this video on “Solomon’s Temple.” It has the Garden of Eden with the flaming sword. I’m not sure about the relation between the tabernacle and the Garden of Eden. I need to do more work on that. But the visual description of the literal tabernacle/Temple is wonderful!! Just know that everything about the tabernacle is symbolic and needs to be prayerfully studied.

Click here



Notes on Hebrews 4:12: for the Word of God is quick

“The Healing Word of God — quick, powerful, sharp” William E. Moody, June 1998, CSJ

“The Two-Edged Sword” George H. Read, December 17, 1927, CSS



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Research: Eph. 6: armor of God



armor of God (for the student) Blank armor of God (with answers)

Building a model of the Temple

Bell ringer

Concrete object or symbols

The Judges of Israel from ‘Biblefunforkids”

The Judges

Video of Solomon’s Temple 17 minutes


The blog is done on my own. It is not part of my work for Peace Haven Association.

Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. Or I have joined Pay pal, if that is easier.

I am so very grateful for all of you in the field who are deepening their study of the Scriptures. This will directly relate to your understanding of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and to your healing work!

With great love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Life" for January 19, 202

Dear friends,

Each week I do five conference calls to study the lesson more deeply. They are offered five different times, but the content is pretty much the same. The conference calls are supported by Peace Haven Nursing Association as a gift to the wider Christian Science Community. The purpose is to encourage deeper study of the Scriptures.

If you are interested in joining me on a FREE phone conference call during this week to go more deeply into the lesson on “Life?” just call me at 618 980 2207 or email me at I will send you the times they are offered and the phone numbers to call in on. On the Monday of each week, you will receive handouts that I will use during the conference call.


If you are interested in listening to a talk on Christian Science and Its Correlation with the Bible on January 18, Saturday, at 9:00 am CST by Kristy Christian (my sister). Just click on this page for more information!!


Attributes and Qualities about LIFE

Timeline of the Whole Bible


For me, the sentence below is the theme of this week’s lesson:

Every section in the Lesson has something to do with Moses or the Mosaic Law. Then the Christ Law of divine Love is developed in some way. Jesus is the fulfilling of the law of Moses.



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The blog is done on my own. It is not part of my work for Peace Haven Association. If you would like to send in a check to support this work, please send it to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011 or you can use paypal.

It is greatly appreciated!

With love,



Ideas for studying the lesson on "Sacrament" for January 12, 2020


Praying in Communion Services: by Mrs. Eddy  CSJ August 1889 & quoted in Mrs. Hoag's article below:

"The sacrament shall be observed ... by a short interval of solemn and silent self-examination by each member, as to his or her fitness to be called a follower of Christ, Truth; as to his real state of love toward man, and fellowship and communion with Christ; as to whether he is gaining in the understanding and demonstration of Truth and Love, coming out from the world and being separated from error; growing less selfish, more charitable and spiritual, yea, walking worthy of his high calling.”

“One should turn into his consciousness with renewed carefulness the ever- searching light of Truth. Shall it not be a specific time for purging from one's thought all that is unworthy and untrue?”


“Communion services” Ella W. Hoag, July 5, 1919, CSS

Word Study for words in the lesson: sacrament, communion, worship


SECTION 2: Research: Romans 12



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Research: John 21: Morning Meal

A statement f rom Martha Bogue, a student of Mrs. Eddy, about the Morning Meal

“Cast Our Net on the Right Side” Israel Pickens, August 24, 1963, CSS

“Stay on the right side” Kathryn Paulson Grounds, March 1978, CSJ



Jesus is baptized

Life of Jesus timeline

More on Jesus' baptism

Life of Jesus Review

Life of Jesus sheets

Find lots of Sunday School teaching ideas on (see below for an example)



Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. Or I have joined Pay pal, if that is easier.

Many of you have expressed appreciation this holiday season, and I am so grateful for your love and generosity! It helps me to maintain this work!

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "God" for January 5, 2019

Dear Friends,

Each week I do five conference calls to study the lesson more deeply. They are offered five different times, but the content is pretty much the same. The conference calls are supported by Peace Haven Nursing Association as a gift to the wider Christian Science Community. The purpose is to encourage deeper study of the Scriptures.

If you are interested in joining me on a FREE phone conference call during this week to go more deeply into the lesson on “Christian Science?” just call me at 618 980 2207 or email me at I will send you the times they are offered and the phone numbers to call in on. On the Monday of each week, you will receive handouts that I will use during the conference call.


Because of the holiday, I will be doing conference calls and home sessions only two times during the New Year’s Week.

Tuesday December 31 at 7:00 am CST

Thursday January 2 at 10:00 am CST



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Research: Matt. 15: Jesus heals the Syro-Phoenician woman’s daughter

Map of Tyre and Sidon

“Courage and Good Humor” by William P. McKenzie, May 11, 1918 CSS

“Readiness for Blessings” Irving Tomlinson, January 1938, CSJ



Kings Abijam, Asa and Jehoshaphat

King Asa of Judah

History of the Divided Kingdom

7 synonym rings

Ideas for teaching the seven synonyms

picture of the menorah

Chart of synonyms for SS

Make a train of synonyms

Chart on each synonym: qualities of each, and what it frees us from

Creative games (Colleen Moore) for synonyms


The blog is done on my own. It is not part of my work for Peace Haven Association.

Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. Or I have joined Pay pal, if that is easier.

Many of you have expressed appreciation this holiday season, and I am so grateful for your love and generosity! It helps me to maintain this work!

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Christian Science" for December 29, 2019

Dear friends,

Each week I do five conference calls to study the lesson more deeply. They are offered five different times, but the content is pretty much the same. The conference calls are supported by Peace Haven Nursing Association as a gift to the wider Christian Science Community. The purpose is to encourage deeper study of the Scriptures.

If you are interested in joining me on a FREE phone conference call during this week to go more deeply into the lesson on “Christian Science?” just call me at 618 980 2207 or email me at I will send you the times they are offered and the phone numbers to call in on. On the Monday of each week, you will receive handouts that I will use during the conference call.


The word WISDOM is used about 20 times in this lesson. Mrs. Eddy says, “

Mis. 364:12-17

[Christian Science] is not a search after wisdom, it is wisdom: it is God’s
right hand grasping the universe, — all time, space,
immortality, thought, extension, cause, and effect; con-
stituting and governing all identity, individuality, law,
and power.

WORD STUDY: Science & Christian

WORD STUDY: wisdom and joy

“Science and Christianity” Robert Ellis Key, October 1954, CSJ



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Research: Acts 3: Peter and John heal the lame man



Fish and loaf matching activity

Jesus and the basket of loaves and fish

Magnet Fishing

Song for preschool: Peter and John heal the lame man

Events of Peter’s life

Jesus walks on the water directions Jesus walks on the water pic


The blog is done on my own. It is not part of my work for Peace Haven Association.

Many people have sent in money by check or paypal this Christmas so they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. I am so very grateful for this expression of support.

It is greatly appreciated!

With love,


Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?" for Dec. 22, 2019

Dear friends,

Each week I do five conference calls to study the lesson more deeply. They are offered five different times, but the content is pretty much the same. The conference calls are supported by Peace Haven Nursing Association as a gift to the wider Christian Science Community. The purpose is to encourage deeper study of the Scriptures.

If you are interested in joining me on a FREE phone conference call during this week to go more deeply into the lesson on “Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?” just call me at 618 980 2207 or email me at I will send you the times they are offered and the phone numbers to call in on. On the Monday of each week, you will receive handouts that I will use during the conference call.


Sometimes loneliness creeps into the Christmas season when we cannot be with our friends and family. Here is a wonderful podcast on the subject of “Healing Loneliness”:

Podcast link: Healing Loneliness

Articles on Christmas:

“Christmas — Its Eternal Significance” L. Ivimy Gwalter, December 1947, CSJ

“The Dear Christ enters in” Thomas O. Poyser, December 13, 1958, CSS


Responsive Reading:

“The Key of David” George Moffett, November 2009, CSJ

Research: Isa. 40: Prepare ye the way



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Research: Luke 2: Shepherds



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Research: John 6: Jesus Walks on the water

“Overcoming Storms” Grace Sheldon Anderson, September 24, 1955, CSS



Nativity standups

9 minute cartoon for nativity

Gold, frankincense, myrrh pictures

Gorgeous choral song

Ideas for working with young children on the Christmas Story

Timeline for birth of Jesus


Many of you have expressed appreciation through notes, emails, and in a monetary way this holiday season, and I am so grateful for your love and generosity! It helps me to maintain this work! Thank you so much!

All of you are greatly treasured!

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "God the Preserver of Man, Dec. 15, 2019

Dear friends,

Each week I do five conference calls to study the lesson more deeply. They are offered five different times, but the content is pretty much the same. The conference calls are supported by Peace Haven Nursing Association as a gift to the wider Christian Science Community. The purpose is to encourage deeper study of the Scriptures.

If you are interested in joining me on a FREE phone conference call during this week to go more deeply into the lesson on “God the Preserver of Man, just call me at 618 980 2207 or email me at I will send you the times they are offered and the phone numbers to call in on. On the Monday of each week, you will receive handouts that I will use during the conference call. __________

Word Study on the themes of “Trouble” and “Preserve” used in this lesson


Responsive Reading:

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Research: Ezekiel 18: sour grapes



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Research: Mark 9: Jesus heals the epileptic boy

“By Prayer and Fasting” Ruth W. Heywood, July 10, 1943, CSS



Biblefunforkids: I am the good shepherd

Cards to show events in Jesus’ life

Ideas for small children

Telling a new Bible story each week

Prayers for little children

Cut out into flashcards and put names and dates in right order (you can take just a few at a time)

Flashcards can be used to learn people in the OT: Put the name on one card and the description on another card. Match them. Keep practicing and eventually the child will know the characters in the Bible.

OT flashcards for David

OT flashcards for Jacob

OT flashcards for Moses

OT flashcards for Abraham


Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. Or I have joined Pay pal, if that is easier.

Many of you have expressed appreciation this holiday season, and I am so grateful for your love and generosity! It helps me to maintain this work!

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "God the Only Cause and Creator for December 8, 2019

Dear friends,

Each week I do five conference calls to study the lesson more deeply. They are offered five different times, but the content is pretty much the same. The conference calls are supported by Peace Haven Nursing Association as a gift to the wider Christian Science Community. The purpose is to encourage deeper study of the Scriptures.

If you are interested in joining me on a FREE phone conference call during this week to go more deeply into the lesson on “God the Only Cause and Creator”, just call me at 618 980 2207 or email me at I will send you the times they are offered and the phone numbers to call in on. On the Monday of each week, you will receive handouts that I will use during the conference call.


Research: Genesis 1: 1, 31

Research: Romans 11: “for of him and through him. . .”


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Research Matt. 15: What defileth a man



Research: John 1: 1, 3



Creation Booklet

Gratitude Garden

Ideas for small children

Telling a new Bible story each week

Matching Game

Website links to songs and cartoons for young children about Bible characters

Elijah: God vs Baal

Elijah and Elisha lapbook

Fishing Game

Bell Ringer

A teacher friend of mine is creating games for her Sunday school students. I thought these might be helpful to some of you:

Directions for games Lesson Plan for a young child page 1 page 2

Beatitude Game (make cards with beatitudes on them)

No and Yes game No and Yes cards

Matching cards for “God and child” qualities


The blog is done on my own. It is not part of my work for Peace Haven Association.

Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. Or I have joined Pay pal, if that is easier.

Many of you have expressed appreciation this holiday season, and I am so grateful for your love and generosity! It helps me to maintain this work!

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Ancient and Modern. . ." for December 1, 2019


Dear friends,

Each week I do five conference calls to study the lesson more deeply. They are offered five different times, but the content is pretty much the same. The conference calls are supported by Peace Haven Nursing Association as a gift to the wider Christian Science Community. The purpose is to encourage deeper study of the Scriptures.

If you are interested in joining me on a FREE phone conference call during this week to go more deeply into the lesson on “Ancient and Modern Necromancy, alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced”, just call me at 618 980 2207 or email me at I will send you the times they are offered and the phone numbers to call in on. On the Monday of each week, you will receive handouts that I will use during the conference call.


Word Study for this lesson

“Mind, not mesmerism, controls man,” Robert Ellis Key, November 5, 1955

“Handling Animal Magnetism in Healing” E. Vera Gorringe Plimmer, October 1969, CSJ


Responsive Reading verse:

Research: Ps 31:15 My Times are in thy hand



“The Veil of Materiality” Willis F. Gross, October 1894, CSJ



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Research: Acts 8: Philip the Evangelist and Simon Magnus

Article on Philip

“Philip The Evangelist,” Sue H. Mims, August 21, 1909, CSS



Research: II Cor. 10: Weapons of our warfare

“Castling Down Imaginations” Jan Kassahn Keeler, February 1999, CSJ



Temptation Chart to use to talk about the temptations of Jesus

Tri-fold backgrounds for Bible stories

12 sons of Jacob unit

Books on Bible stories to purchase for Christmas stockings

Timeline of the Bible

NT flashcards

Make a fruit of the spirit basket


2019 Fall Appeal

Thank you for participating in the Bible Study of the lesson sermon each week, the program has grown and we are sharing with an average of 650-700 people each week – that includes onsite and conference call-in participants. Peace Haven is so grateful to be able to share this wonderful resource with the community. If you didn’t already know our care facility is currently conducting its 2019 Fall Appeal that benefits Peace Haven’s Operating Fund. Our Fall Appeal goal is to raise $75,000 by December 31, 2019 and all gifts are being matched by a generous donor. 

Your loving support for all of our programs not only benefits our Christian Science facility, but also helps finance the programs for the community such as this Bible study activity, inspirational articles, metaphysical talks, and more. If you want to make a contribution, please go to Peace Haven’s website ( for online giving. Everyone at Peace Haven thanks you for your loving support!



Ideas for studying the lesson on "Mortals and Immortals" for November 17, 2019

Dear friends,

I will be doing all conference calls and meetings in my home for this lesson on “Mortals and Immortals”.

Next week’s lesson on “Soul and Body” I will NOT be doing, because I’m out of town giving a talk.

Then the next week’s lesson on “Ancient and Modern Necromancy. . .” on December 1, 2019, I WILL be doing them— and from then on. (Although I will NOT hold sessions on Thanksgiving Day.)


Laura Sargent CSD Reminiscences:   “Question. How do mortals grow into immortals?  Answer. As darkness grows into light. By the darkness disappearing. St John the Revelator caught the true vision of man and the universe in that there was no night, no matter , no mortal mind. This state of being is the reality of all scientific consciousness, and it is here and now.

Mortals grow into immortals in the sense only that the mortal is found nothing and the immortal the only thing, fact, and mode of being.  (MB Eddy) 


Dear friends,

“Walk in the Light “is the main idea in this lesson, at least for me.

The words “walk” and “light” are used many, many times.

Walk means to progress, proceed, move forward. It also includes the manner that we live, our conduct and conversation.

To walk in the light is to bring our lives into alignment with the Word of God, to love the Truth, to grow in holiness and faith.




Research for Responsive Reading:

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Research: Mark 5: Jairus’ Daughter

Article on CAPERNAUM

“Dead did not end my life” Howard Johnson, July 2, 2001, CSS

“The Comfort of Christian Science” Mary Francis, September 1911, CSJ



Preparation for teaching children

Library of 66 books of Bible: ask questions, circles answers

Ideas for praying about athletics

Ideas for young children

Beginning timeline OT and NT

Worksheet on the Ten Commandments

Blank worksheet: Ten Commandments (what do they mean?)

Answers to worksheet: Ten Commandments


The blog is done on my own. It is not part of my work for Peace Haven Association.

Many people have asked how they can express gratitude for the blog and for the calls in a monetary way. If you would like to, you may send a check to Kathy Merrill, 707 Turtle Cove, Ballwin, MO 63011. Or I have joined Pay pal, if that is easier.

It would be greatly appreciated!

With love,


Ideas for studying the Bible Lesson on "Probation After Death" for October 27, 2019


2019 Annual Meeting 

You are invited to join us for Peace Haven’s 2019 Annual Meeting on Saturday, November 9th from 3:00 – 4:30 pm (Central time). Our keynote speaker this year is Wendy L. Manker, C.S. speaking on the topic of “Nursing Our World”. There are several ways to join our meeting – at First Church of Christ, Scientist, Town and Country, MO, at the same time there will be live streaming in Wanamaker Hall on the Principia College campus in Elsah, IL, and lastly there is call-in availability. Please see Peace Haven’s website ( or my blog for more details and the conference call numbers. We are looking forward to sharing with you Peace Haven’s annual reports, updates, and inspirational talk “Nursing Our World”



trial; examination; any proceeding designed to ascertain truth; moral trial

a trial period during which an offender has time to redeem himself or herself

a trial period during which your character and abilities are tested to see whether you are suitable for work or for membership



Research: Romans 12: Be not conformed



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Research: Acts 1: Luke describes what Jesus began to do and teach and the ascension

“As far as to Bethany” George Shaw Cook, March 27, 1937, CSS



Elijah and Elisha lapbook

Life of Joseph series of activities

Chart of Jesus’ healings: make a large one and highlight the healings you have talked about each week (This is from Biblos Foundation)

Chart for a conversation about prayer: page 1 blank page 2 with answers

Flashcards can be used to learn people in the OT: Put the name on one card and the description on another card. Match them. Keep practicing and eventually the child will know the characters in the Bible.

OT flashcards for David

OT flashcards for Jacob

OT flashcards for Moses

OT flashcards for Abraham


2019 Fall Appeal

Thank you for participating in the Bible Study of the lesson sermon each week, the program has grown and we are sharing with an average of 650 people each week – that includes onsite and conference call-in participants. Peace Haven is so grateful to be able to share this wonderful resource with the community. If you didn’t already know our care facility is currently conducting its 2019 Fall Appeal that benefits Peace Haven’s Operating Fund. Our Fall Appeal goal is to raise $75,000 by December 31, 2019 and all gifts are being matched by a generous donor. 

Your loving support for all of our programs not only benefits our Christian Science facility, but also helps finance the programs for the community such as this Bible study activity, inspirational articles, metaphysical talks, and more. If you want to make a contribution, please let me know or go to Peace Haven’s website ( for online giving. Everyone at Peace Haven thanks you for your loving support!
