Ideas for studying the lesson on "Reality" for March 30, 2025

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 If you have friends who you think might like to  be members of, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Reality”

Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Matter" for March 23, 2025

Dear Friends,

 If you have friends who you think might like to  be members of, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Matter”

VALLEY OF ELAH: David fought Goliath

Research on “story of David” I Sam. 17

Evidence for giants

Read about the Tel Dan Stele on the computer


Section 3:

Mount Tabor in Valley of Jezreel where possibly the Transfiguration took place

Research: Tabitha raised from the dead

Map of Tabitha


I hope this research has helped you in your study!

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Substance" for March 16, 2025

Dear Friends,

 If you have friends who you think might like to  be members of, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Substance”


“Overthrow the supposition” September 16, 2019, Judy Rieder Crotchett, CSS

Kingdom of Heaven word study


Research: Luke 10: Satan falls from heaven

“Treading on Serpents” Edith Allen Watts, January 21, 1922, CSS


Thank you for joining me to study this week’s lesson!

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "MAN" for March 9, 2025

Dear Friends,

 If you have friends who you think might like to  be members of, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Man”


Section I:

Research: Genesis I: 27, 31

There is a talk by me in the MY ACCOUNT section called “Take Your Stand as Image”. It might be helpful!


Section I:


Section 5:

Research: Healing of the
Syro-Phoenician woman’s daughter


With loads of love,


Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Christ Jesus"

Dear Friends,

 If you have friends who you think might like to  be members, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Christ Jesus ”


Section II:

Research: John 2: Marriage at Cana


Section 3:

Research: Luke 24: Walk to Emmaus


Section 6:


Hope this is all helpful!



Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Mind"

Dear Friends,

 If you have friends who you think might like to  be members, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Mind”


Attributes and Qualities for Mind

“Mind us the Mover” Lacy Bell Richter, July 1974, CSJ


Section II:


Section 3:

Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Soul"

Dear Friends,

 If you have friends who you think might like to  be members, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Soul”


Research: Luke 17:ten lepers healed

Map of NT

Research: Ps 24: ascend into the hill of the Lord?

Obedience and Healing, W. Stuart Booth, January 19, 1918, CSS

(I can’t get this one to link up, but you might in JSH)_________

Section 4:

Article on James

Research on Luke 10: Shema


Section 5:

Ideas to help the study of the lesson on "Spirit" for Feb. 9, 2025

Dear Friends,

 If you have friends who you think might like to  be members, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Spirit”


Responsive Reading Research:

Research: Matt. 13:33-35, Parable of woman with leaven


Section 5:

Testimony: Lois B. Estey, December 1955, CSJ (on death bed)


I hope these ideas have helped you while studying this week’s lesson on “SPIRIT”.

Much love,


Ideas to study the lesson on "Love" for February 2, 2025

Dear Friends,

 If you have friends who you think might like to  be members, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Love”


Attributes and Qualities for Love


Section I:

Research Micah 6 - “what doth the Lord requireth of thee?”


Section 2:

Research: Luke 19: Zaccheus

“The Joy of Salvation” Ruth M. Baring-Gould, September 1952, CSJ


I hope these ideas in the blog help you in your study!

With love,


Ideas to study about the lesson on "Truth" for January 26, 2025

Dear Friends,

 If you have friends who you think might like to  be members, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Truth”


Attributes and Qualities of “Truth”

PDF Sample of ‘treatment’ using Truth and definition of God


Research: Deut. 32:3, 4 God is a rock…


Section II:


Section 3:

Research: Acts 5: Peter put into prison then preaching in the Temple


Thank you all for studying this lesson on Truth using these ideas.

Have a wonderful week!


Ideas to study the lesson on "Life" for January 19, 2025

Dear Friends,

 If you have friends who you think might like to  be members, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Life”


Sample of a treatment using the synonyms of LIFE along with the definition of GOD

Attributes and qualities on LIFE


Section 3:

Ideas to study the lesson on "Sacrament" for January 12, 2-25

Dear Friends,

Welcome everyone! I am so grateful you are using this blog to give you ideas for studying this Lesson.

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Sacrament”

Last Supper Chart “Mark 14 and Luke 22”

Hope these ideas are helpful!

with love,


Ideas to study for the lesson on "God" for January 5, 2025

Dear Friends,

Welcome everyone! I am so grateful you are using this blog to give you ideas for studying this Lesson.

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “God”

Responsive Reading: Neh. 8 (reading the law at the water gate)

Section 3:

Research: Acts 17

Information about Mars’ Hill

Quote from MBE Library


“How are we to work this problem of being in Metaphysics? Her answer: “Just as the Scriptures declare, namely that in ‘Him (God) we live, move and have our being.’ Then the question, “What does that mean?” Her answer: “It means that all our hopes, faith, love, yea all our tendencies should be God-ward, Spirit-ward, and away from the human and material to the spiritual and Divine.”


Section 4:

Research: Acts 9: Peter raises Tabitha


Loads of love,



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Ideas for studying the lesson on "Christian Science" for Dec. 29, 2024

Dear Friends,

Welcome everyone! I am so grateful you are using this blog to give you ideas for studying this Lesson.

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Christian Science”

Here are some ideas to help in your study of the Christmas Story:

Golden Text : James 1:17 good gift

Responsive Reading:

Research: Isa. 9


Last Chance for our 15% discount on our two most popular offerings!

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Ideas to study for the lesson on "Is the Universe, including man, evolved by atomic force?" for Dec. 22, 2024

Dear Friends,

Welcome everyone! I am so grateful you are using this blog to give you ideas for studying this Lesson.

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Is the Universe, including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?”


From the creators of “The Chosen”. (The Nativity) (35 minutes) 

Based on the true story from Luke’s


Section 3:

Research: birth of John the Baptist with Zacharias

Article on Herod the Great


Section 4:


Happy Holidays! In the spirit of the season, we are offering 15% off our most popular offerings: “How to Study the Bible” and “Why the Bible? Why the KJV?”

Use “HOLIDAY15” as coupon at checkout!


Ideas to study for "God the Preserver of Man" for December 15, 2024

Dear Friends,

Welcome everyone! I am so grateful you are using this blog to give you ideas for studying this Lesson.

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “God, the Preserver of Man”

Main ideas in each section: For each Lesson I always make a list like this to help me keep track of important themes in the Lesson:



PRESERVE: Word Study

Ps 121:7 The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.

PRESERVE: Keep; guard; give heed;

Have charge of; Wait for; Watch; Protect; Be a watchman; Be on one’s guard; beware

Hedge about with a fence or with thorns


WAIT: Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait I say on the Lord Ps 27:14

to look eagerly for; to linger; endure; be strong; tied fast


Section II:

Tw Links to the discovery of the earliest Bible verse: Info on Priestly Blessing

The Lord bless thee and keep thee; The Lord make his face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee;
The Lord lift of his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

Numbers 6:24-26


Have a wonderful week as we get ready for Christmas!!

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on “Is the Universe including man including man evolved by atomic force?” December 22, 2024

Ideas for studying the lesson on "God the only cause and creator" for December 8, 2024

Dear Friends,

Welcome everyone! I am so grateful you are using this blog to give you ideas for studying this Lesson.

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “God, the Only Cause & Creator”

Please use and enjoy these ideas on this Lesson:

“One Cause” Albert F. Gilmore, June 11, 1927

Definition of “CAUSE”


Section I:

Research: Gen 1. In the beginning

Names for God in the Bible

Research: Prayer of David

Moses’ Prayer from Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, chapter 16, page 63:(before the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea)

“Thou art not ignorant, O Lord, that it is beyond human strength and human contrivance to avoid the difficulties we are now under; but it must be thy work altogether to procure deliverance to this army, which has left Egypt at thy appointment. We despair of any other assistance or contrivance, and have recourse only to that hope we have in thee; and if there be any method that can promise us an escape by thy providence, we look up to thee for it. And let it come quickly, and manifest thy power to us; and do thou raise up this people unto good courage and hope of deliverance, who are deeply sunk into a disconsolate state of mind. We are in a helpless place, but still it is a place that thou possessest; still the sea if thine, the mountains also that enclose us are thine; so that these mountains will open themselves if thou commandest them, and the sea also, if thou commandest it, will become dry land. Nay, we might escape by a flight through the air, if thou shouldst determine we should have that way of salvation.”


Section II:

“Our Exodus” Editorial, Robert Ellis Key, July 30, 1955, CSS

Map of the Exodus

Research: Exodus 14, crossing the Red Sea


Preview of the movie - The Ten Commandments with Charlestn Heston

VIDEO CLIP Preview from the Movie:



Research: John 10: Jesus in the Temple


Section 5:

O come, let us sing unto the Lord: Ps 95:1

Notes on the “Voice of the Lord”

“We can Sing!” Edward L. Conwell, January , 1961, CSS


I hope the notes above have been helpful to you in your study!

Much love,


ideas for studying the lesson on "Ancient and Modern Necromancy. . ." for

Dear Friends,

Welcome everyone! I am so grateful you are using this blog to give you ideas for studying this Lesson.

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Ancient Modern Necromancy, alias Mesmerism & Hypnotism Denounced”


Word study for title of this lesson:

Research for Eccl 12: poor wise man

Heb. 4:12 word of God is quick…


Section 3:

Research: Revelation 10: ‘little book’


Section 6:

Research Rev. 12: War in Heaven

Research: II Cor 10: weapons of our warfare…


These are quotations about “Science and Health” that I have gathered through the years.

Hope you enjoy!!


Statements about S&H

Last chance to Register for our course!

Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Soul and Body" November 24, 2024

Dear Friends,

Welcome everyone! I am so grateful you are using this blog to give you ideas for studying this Lesson.

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Soul and Body”

Dear friends,

Here are some ideas to help you study the Lesson this week:

Attributes and qualities of Soul

Research: Ps 19: Law of the Lord

“The Law of the Lord is perfect” Catherine Spotts, May 24, 2024 CSS


Section 3:

Ideas to study "Mortals and Immortals" for the lesson on November 17, 2024

Dear Friends,

Welcome everyone! I am so grateful you are using this blog to give you ideas for studying this Lesson.

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Mortals and Immortals”

Word Study: Mortals and Immortals

Definition of “yield”

Yield: Hebrew

give, bestow, grant, permit, ascribe, employ, devote, consecrate, dedicate, pay wages, 

Dictionaries: allow; to concede; to admit to be true; To give; To permit; to grant; surrender;  To give up the contest; to submit; To comply with; To give way; not to oppose; To give place, as inferior in rank or excellence.


Section II:

Full length movie of “Daniel”

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