Please use and enjoy these ideas on this Lesson:
“One Cause” Albert F. Gilmore, June 11, 1927
Definition of “CAUSE”
Section I:
Research: Gen 1. In the beginning
Names for God in the Bible
Research: Prayer of David
Moses’ Prayer from Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, chapter 16, page 63:(before the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea)
“Thou art not ignorant, O Lord, that it is beyond human strength and human contrivance to avoid the difficulties we are now under; but it must be thy work altogether to procure deliverance to this army, which has left Egypt at thy appointment. We despair of any other assistance or contrivance, and have recourse only to that hope we have in thee; and if there be any method that can promise us an escape by thy providence, we look up to thee for it. And let it come quickly, and manifest thy power to us; and do thou raise up this people unto good courage and hope of deliverance, who are deeply sunk into a disconsolate state of mind. We are in a helpless place, but still it is a place that thou possessest; still the sea if thine, the mountains also that enclose us are thine; so that these mountains will open themselves if thou commandest them, and the sea also, if thou commandest it, will become dry land. Nay, we might escape by a flight through the air, if thou shouldst determine we should have that way of salvation.”
Section II: