Ideas for studying the lesson on "Spirit" for August 6, 2023

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If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Spirit”


Section I:

Research: Genesis 1 Man as image

Research: John 4:24



RESEARCH: Luke 4: Jesus heals man with unclean spirit

“As One Having Authority” Richard Davis, Editorial, May 19, 1951, CSS

“Moral Medicine” Julia S. Kinney, May 1922, CSJ



Research: Luke 19: Zacchaeus

Poem: Zacchaeus



Research: Luke 8: Raising of Jairus’ daughter



Zacchaeus Video:

Zacchaeus song and video

Preschool ideas

Puzzle for preschool stories

Children’s videos;



There are many more!


Stay tuned for more info soon

HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE: a short, online workshop on ideas & resources to help you start to your own study of the Bible (through lens of Christian Science)

“WHY THE BIBLE? WHY the KJV:” an online mini-workshop on finding answers to the questions: Why is it vital to understand the context of the Bible? Is it really relevant to our modern way of life? Why it is important and why, above all versions, the King James Version is considered the best interpretation?

CHILDREN’S IDEAS: Stay tuned! We are working on a new online ecourse for teaching children the Bible (and for Sunday School teachers).

Thank you so much for your support and interest.

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "LOVE" for July 30, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Love”


Ideas on LOVE:

“To love means to identify the object of your love with its divine source.” Ralph Wagers

What is it to love? It is always to see the man of God’s creation and nothing else, and to separate from our thought of man any belief of fear or disease; this is Love. MBE to a student

Quote from Lecture “Living to Love” by Grace Bemis Curtis

“With only a little love, we live meager, meaningless lives. With the wrong concept of love, we live dissolute, even criminal lives.With normal human affection, we live good lives.With unselfish love for our fellow men, we live great lives.With true spiritual love, we live glorified lives. When our life expresses divine Love, we live eternally. Divine Love and eternal Life are one.” (If you want a copy of this lecture, just email me and ask.)


AGAPE AND PHILEO: Notes from a study on them



Research: Luke 10: Good Samaritan

12 Minute: Short video hiking the road to Jericho and Jerusalem



Proving ground for spiritual growth

Ideas from hands on:

12 sons of Jacob

Solomon builds the

bible map hands on

dollar store items to make Bible hands on:

armor of God:


Stay tuned for more info soon

HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE: a short, online workshop on ideas & resources to help you start to your own study of the Bible (through lens of Christian Science)

“WHY THE BIBLE? WHY the KJV:” an online mini-workshop on finding answers to the questions: Why is it vital to understand the context of the Bible? Is it really relevant to our modern way of life? Why it is important and why, above all versions, the King James Version is considered the best interpretation?

CHILDREN’S IDEAS: Stay tuned! We are working on a new online ecourse for teaching children the Bible (and for Sunday School teachers).

Thank you so much for your support and interest.

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Truth" for July 23, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Truth”

Section I:

Ideas to study for the lesson on "Life" for July 15, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all the benefits of membership, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Life”


Article on Lydia

Research on Acts 16: Conversion of Lydia



Men who traveled with Paul

Story of Lydia

Old Testament overview of Bible

Stay tuned for more info soon

HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE: a short, online workshop on ideas & resources to help you start to your own study of the Bible (through lens of Christian Science)

“WHY THE BIBLE? WHY the KJV:” an online mini-workshop on finding answers to the questions: Why is it vital to understand the context of the Bible? Is it really relevant to our modern way of life? Why it is important and why, above all versions, the King James Version is considered the best interpretation?

CHILDREN’S IDEAS: Stay tuned! We are working on a new online ecourse for teaching children the Bible (and for Sunday School teachers).

Thank you so much for your support and interest.

With love,


Ideas to study for the Lesson on "Sacrament" for July 9, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Substance”


Main theme: “we shall all be changed”. The word change is used over 15 times. In Greek it can mean transformed, exchange one thing for another, make different.

“changed into the same image”

“be ye transformed”

“be renewed, put on the new man”


“Sacrament” William H.M. Adams, January 11, 1936 CSS

Responsive Reading:

Research: II Cor 3:18



Research: Romans 12:1, 2 be not conformed…



Research: Matthew 16: deny himself

self’ to get rid of



Research: Ephesians 4: one Lord, one faith, one baptism



Chart for research: Matt 26

Passion Week chronology

Research: Matt. 28: Resurrection:

Resurrection Appearances



Research: John 21: Morning Meal

“Casting the net on the right side” Israel Pickens, August 4, 1963, CSS

“On the Right Side” Ella Hay, October 1, 1938, CSS




Praying in Communion Services:

"The sacrament shall be observed ... by a short interval of solemn and silent self-examination by each member, as to his or her fitness to be called a follower of Christ, Truth; as to his real state of love toward man, and fellowship and communion with Christ; as to whether he is gaining in the understanding and demonstration of Truth and Love, coming out from the world and being separated from error; growing less selfish, more charitable and spiritual, yea, walking worthy of his high calling.” (Mary Baker Eddy, The Christian Science Journal, volume 7, 1889-90, page 259).

“One should turn into his consciousness with renewed carefulness the ever- searching light of Truth. Shall it not be a specific time for purging from one's thought all that is unworthy and untrue?”

(Ella W. Hoag, Communion Services, July 5, 1919 Christian Science Sentinel)


Testimony of healing by MBE and the complete transformation of the man.

Ques. How can I succeed in doing this so that my demonstration in healing shall be wonderful and immediate?

Ans. By being like Jesus, by asking yourself am I honest, am I just, am I merciful, am I pure soul


Stay tuned for more info soon

HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE: a short, online workshop on ideas & resources to help you start to your own study of the Bible (through lens of Christian Science)

“WHY THE BIBLE? WHY the KJV:” an online mini-workshop on finding answers to the questions: Why is it vital to understand the context of the Bible? Is it really relevant to our modern way of life? Why it is important and why, above all versions, the King James Version is considered the best interpretation?

CHILDREN’S IDEAS: Stay tuned! We are working on a new online ecourse for teaching children the Bible (and for Sunday School teachers).

Thank you so much for your support and interest.

Thank you so much for supporting this Lesson on

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "God" for July 2, 2023

Thoughts to ponder:

Acknowledge and affirm these Synonyms for God:

MIND: one intelligence, one consciousness

LIFE: one being, one existence, one creation

TRUTH: one reality, one pure fact

LOVE: one power, one motivation

SPIRIT: one substance

SOUL: one understanding, one identity

PRINCIPLE: one law, one cause, one source and origin


HANDOUTS for “God”


Quote from MBE on seven synonyms:

Synonyms: “Mrs. Eddy told one of her classes in 1888, referring to the synonyms upon these terms for God rests the basis of the Science, in fact, they are the science.”  Then she went on to say, “When the magnitude of the infinite began to dawn upon her she could not see how God could know Himself. She said, she would have to wait and could not go on further, then one of the terms for God would come to her and she could go on, and so she knew that every term was given through inspiration.”  (Mrs. Bogue’s memoirs)

“Seven synonyms: steps to healing” Hal Shrewsbury, April 15, 2013, CSS

Chart for 7 synonyms (expand and amplify)

PRINCIPLE: Attributes and Qualities

Order of the seven synonyms in S&H


Theme of Lesson: “With God nothing shall be impossible”

possible: if something is possible, it can be done, it can happen,

it can be within the limits of ability, capacity, realization

impossible: can’t be done, can’t occur,

Testimony of what is possible:

“has become a boy again” December 1895, CSJ, Boston Herald



Research: John 11: Raising of Lazarus

“Demonstration” L. Ivimy Gwalter, May 1924, CSJ


cartoon of widow of zarapeth


Thank you all for using these children’s activities on Elijah. I hope they were helpful!

With love,


Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Christian Science" for June 25, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Christian Science”


Sight words in Greek from New Testament

Articles on sight:

“Receive thy sight” Elsie M. Thompson, December 18, 1954, CSS

“Perception” Paul Stark Seeley, June 1926, CSJ

Healing of blindness from Hazel Andrea Stuart, October 1986, CSJ

‘Seeing Clearly” Janet Heineman Clements, October 14, 2014


Responsive Reading:

Research: II Cor 4:6 for God who commanded the light to shine.



Research: John 8: Know the Truth

“The Truth is aready true” Kerry M. Knobelsdorff, April 1984, CSS


Section II:

Research Sermon on the Mount: Matt. 5

Research: Matt. 13: 33 Parable of the Leaven


Section 3:

Research: Luke 18: Healing of blind man


Section 4:

Research: John 14: the comforter


Section 5:

“The New Commandment, John Peterson December 16, 1972, CSS


Section 6:

Notes on Timothy


Stay tuned for more info soon

HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE: a short, online workshop on ideas & resources to help you start to your own study of the Bible (through lens of Christian Science)

“WHY THE BIBLE? WHY the KJV:” an online mini-workshop on finding answers to the questions: Why is it vital to understand the context of the Bible? Is it really relevant to our modern way of life? Why it is important and why, above all versions, the King James Version is considered the best interpretation?

CHILDREN’S IDEAS: Stay tuned! We are working on a new online ecourse for teaching children the Bible (and for Sunday School teachers).

Thank you so much for your support and interest.

Thank you so much for supporting this Lesson on

With love,


Ideas for studying the Lesson on "God the preserver of man" for June 11, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

Beautiful article on Compromise and Daily Devotion from The Interpreter’s Bible (Twenty-first printing, 1978), Volume 6, pages 435-439

HANDOUTS for “God, the Preserver of Man”



Research: John 4: Healing of Nobleman’s son



Research Acts 12: Peter’s release from prison

“The angel got in” Carol C. Gaetjen June 2000, CSJ



Question for discussion with children

Timeline for Daniel

Jewish names changed


CHILDREN’S IDEAS: Stay tuned! We are working on a new online workshop for teaching children the Bible (and for Sunday School teachers).

HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE: Ideas & resources to help you start to your own study of the Bible

Thank you so much for your support and interest.


Kathy Merrill

Ideas for studying the Lesson on "God the only Cause and Creator" for June 4, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “God, the Only Cause and Creator”


“Do We Pray?” Kate Swope, September 1904, CSJ


Section 2: Light and image

Notes on Light

Research: Genesis 1



Research: Matthew 8: Jesus heals Peter’s mother in law

“True Diagnosis” Charles Henry Philips, December 1912, CSJ



Research: Luke 10: appointment of 70



Chart of Jewish sects

Research Acts: 5: Gamaliel and apostles



CHILDREN’S IDEAS: Stay tuned! We are working on a new online workshop for teaching children the Bible (and for Sunday School teachers).

HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE: Ideas & resources to help you start to your own study of the Bible

Thank you so much for your support and interest.

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Ancient and Modern Necromany, alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, denounced" for May 28, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Ancient, Modern Necromancy, alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced”


“There is no power but of God” testimony, Radio Program 183 CSS, Lois B. Estey, March 23, 1957



Research: Acts 3: Peter heals lame man at Temple

“The gate. . .called Beautiful” Arthur Tipton Stewart, April 18, 1925, CSS

Testimony: “I walked out healed” Philip Hockley, August 5, 2002, CSS



CHILDREN’S IDEAS: Stay tuned! We are working on a new online workshop for teaching children the Bible (and for Sunday School teachers).

HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE: Ideas & resources to help you start to your own study of the Bible


Thank you all for your support of these ideas in sharing the Bible with the Christian Science field.

With love,


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Soul and Body" for May 21, 2023

One theme running through this lesson is that of the Tabernacle.
Look for the Synonyms of tabernacle terms everywhere in the Bible.

“Who wrote the Psalms?”



Section 5:

Research: Mark 3: Jesus heals withered hand

Short video clip of healing of withered hand



CHILDREN’S IDEAS: Stay tuned! We are working on a new online workshop for teaching children the Bible (and for Sunday School teachers).

HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE: Ideas & resources to help you start to your own study the Bible

WHY THE BIBLE? (And WHY the King James Version?”): With so many different versions and translations of the Bible, why should we study the Bible and why is the King James version so special?

Stay tuned for more info!

Ideas for studying the lesson on "Mortals and Immortals" for May 14, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Mortals and Immortals”


Topics for each section:

Section 1: spiritual origin, sons of God, children of God

Section 2: Put on new man; governed by the kingdom of God

Section 3: Tares and wheat

Section 4: Rules for living; turn our ways, be not conformed, be stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord

Section 5: Handling belief of death; widow’s son at Nain

Section 6: made by the spirit of God


Responsive Reading:

Research Romans 8:16, 17, The Spirit itself…”

Research: John 4:23 “God is Spirit”

Research: I John 3:2-2 Now are we the sons…


Section 3:

Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Adam and Fallen Man" for May 7, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Adam and Fallen Man”

Seven days of creation in colors



Research: Gen. 1: man as image and having dominion

“The ability to cope” Anetta G. Schneider, March 1979, CSJ



Research: Luke 13: Jesus heals woman with infirmity



Worksheet: Mark the perfect man — blank

Worksheet answers: mark the perfect man


Thank you all so much for your love and support!



Ideas for studying the lesson on “Everlasting Punishment” for April 30, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Everlasting Punishment”

Word Studies:


Everlasting and mercy

‘Everlasting Punishment. All are welcome” Blythe Evans, January 2020, CSJ

“Everlasting Punishment” Helen K. Brock, August 23, 1919, CSS

“Everlasting Punishment” Annie M. Knott, November 25, 1916, CSS



Ideas for studying the Lesson on "Probation After Death" for April 23, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Probation After Death”



Ideas for studying the lesson "Doctrine of Atonement" for April 16, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

Handouts for “Doctrine of Atonement”


Word study on Doctrine, atonement, reconcilation



Middle wall of partition: drawing and explanation


Ideas for studying the lesson on "Are sin, sickness and death real?" for April 9, 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?”



“What is man? Thou madest him to have dominion . . . “

“Dominion” Etta M. Gilbreath, Etta M. Gilbreath, 1916, CSJ


Research: Luke 15: lost sheep



Research: John 21: Restoration of Peter



Resurrection pictures. tomb. Jesus rising

New Testament timeline

Appearances of Jesus after resurrection


Thank you so much for being a part of csbibleinsights!

With love,



Ideas for studying the lesson on "Unreality" for April 2. 2023

Dear Friends,

If you have friends who you think might like to be members, and receive all its benefits, please let them know what you have learned and what you value as a member. Encourage them to JOIN by clicking on the tab ‘JOIN’ at the top.

If you have a friend who might be interested, but is not sure, I can send them a free link to a lesson for a couple of weeks and they can try it out. Just let me know.

HANDOUTS for “Unreality”



Research: Ps 84:1 sun and shield